
After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

author:Starfire Life

Recently, many people feel heavy and exhausted, and dampness seems to be a "health stumbling block". The spring rain is continuous, the humid climate is even more uncomfortable, the clothes are difficult to dry, and the floor is wet and slippery. If you feel the same way, you may want to pay attention to whether you often feel tired, slow thinking, oily skin, or even indigestion, allergies, etc. These can be physical signs that are bothered by moisture.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

01 Causes and hazards of moisture

Moisture is such a nuisance, it always comes in uninvited and makes us uncomfortable. Want to know where the moisture comes from? Let me tell you.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Dampness is actually because our spleen is weak. Well, it's the spleen that digests food. If the spleen does not function, it will not be able to convert water into energy, and as a result, water and dampness remain in the body, forming dampness. Of course, the external environment can also exacerbate the moisture problem, such as humid weather and environment.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

When we are troubled by moisture, our body will be affected a lot. First of all, the digestive system may be affected, leading to problems such as poor appetite and indigestion. Not only that, but moisture can also easily lead to skin problems, such as oiliness, roughness, and skin diseases such as eczema. To make matters worse, long-term dampness can affect joint health, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and more.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Dampness may also affect our immune system, reduce the body's resistance, and easily lead to colds, flu and other diseases. In addition, dampness can also cause problems such as low mood and lack of energy, which can affect our quality of life.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Moisture is a nuisance and can cause all sorts of problems in our bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to always pay attention to the body's signals and take timely measures to eliminate moisture in the body and maintain the health of the body.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

02 Therapeutic effect of medicinal ink

Hey, have you ever heard of medicinal ink? It's a powerful thing!

Medicinal ink is not an ordinary ink, it is a unique formula that combines the theory of Chinese medicine and physical therapy. It is mainly used to dispel cold and dampness, and it can be said to be the nemesis of dampness! The special thing about medicinal ink is that it can not only be applied externally, but also penetrate into the body, truly achieving both the symptoms and the root cause.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Moreover, the medicinal ink is easy to use and flexible, can be applied to any part of the body at will, and the effect is particularly fast, will not cause any side effects to the skin, very safe and reliable. Medicinal ink is a miraculous thing that can help us expel moisture from our body and make our body healthy again!

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

The medicinal ink method is a unique treatment that combines the pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine with the physical effects of hot compresses. It uses the method of applying medicinal ink to the body, and through the effect of heat infiltration, it quickly enters the body, dredges the meridians, replenishes qi and blood, discharges moisture and toxins from the body, and solves the problem of dampness from the root.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Medicinal ink is mainly used to dispel cold and dampness, it can dredge the meridians, replenish qi and blood, and discharge toxins from the body. Physiotherapy with medicinal ink can quickly open up the meridian system of the human body and discharge moisture, cold and dampness from the body. In this way, the body's blood circulation will become smoother, and the body's various functions will gradually return to normal, making you feel relaxed and happy.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

The medicinal ink uses Chinese herbs as the main ingredient, without any chemical additives, and has no side effects on the skin and body. Moreover, the use of medicinal ink is very simple, you only need to apply the medicinal ink to the corresponding part of the body and massage it slightly, and it can exert its curative effect. There will be no pain or discomfort during the use of the ink, so you can use it with confidence.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

It is a very suitable physical therapy for removing cold and dampness, not only is it effective, but it is also easy to operate, which is very suitable for people of all ages. If you also suffer from moisture, you may wish to try the medicinal ink, I believe you will feel its magic!

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Xiao Zhang (pseudonym) has been affected by the humid climate for a long time, and his body always feels heavy and tired, and he often has a poor appetite and his skin has become rough. After a period of dampness removal treatment, Xiao Zhang's physical condition improved significantly, his mental state was refreshed, his appetite was restored, and his skin became smooth and delicate.

After the Qingming Festival, the humidity is heavy, and the medicine and ink dispel the dampness method will drive away the dampness of your body

Hopefully, the above health tips will help you stay healthy during the humid season. If you have any questions about health or your own experience sharing, you can leave a message to let me know!

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Note: The health suggestions in the article are for reference only Some of the pictures are from the network Infringement contact deletion