
Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

author:Click, click, tick

Folk tale: There was a cry for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeked out of the window and shouted: "Let go of her."

The moonlight is hazy, the stars are dotted, and the breeze gently blows the branches of the willows, as if whispering the secrets of the world. In this quiet little village, a strange thing happened tonight.

The Zhang family compound at the east end of the village is full of lights, beaming with joy, it turned out to be Zhang Sheng, the only son of the Zhang family, marrying his wife today. The bride, Liu Niang, is gentle and virtuous, with outstanding appearance, and the two are childhood sweethearts and have deep feelings. This was supposed to be a happy wedding, however, no one expected that on this festive day, there would be a thrilling encounter.

In the wedding room, the red candles are flickering, and the light and shadow are mottled. Liu Niang was wearing a wedding dress and sat on the edge of the bed, with a hint of shyness and expectation on her face. Zhang Sheng was dragged by a group of friends to toast and failed to come back. Liu Niang waited alone in the room, feeling both sweet and a little apprehensive.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the doors and windows suddenly "banged". Liu Niang's heart tightened, and she was about to get up to check, but she heard a sharp whistling, as if a foreign object was coming from the air. She panicked and was about to shout, but she felt a wave of dizziness hit her, and the whole person fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

At that moment, there was a slight noise outside the window. It turned out that Xiao Li, a carpenter in the village, had not returned home at this time because he helped Zhang Luo's wedding during the day. When he passed by the Zhang family compound, he heard that there seemed to be a strange noise in the marriage room, and he was curious, so he quietly went to the window to peep.

Under this look, Xiao Li couldn't help but be shocked. I saw that in the flickering red candle in the room, a monster with a blue face and fangs was pressing on Liu Niang, smiling obscenely and tearing her wedding dress. Liu Niang's face was pale, her eyes were closed, and she was obviously in a coma.

Xiao Li felt a surge of anger in his heart, he knew that this monster must be the legendary lewd ghost, who came out in the dead of night to cause trouble and harm the woman of a good family. He shouted, "Let go of her!" and the carpenter's chisel in his hand was thrown at the monster.

Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

The lewd ghost didn't seem to expect someone to peep outside the window, and was staggered by Xiao Li's sudden blow, but it was not injured, but just turned its head to look out the window in annoyance. Seeing this, Xiao Li knew that he was not the opponent of this lewd ghost, but he couldn't watch Liu Niang suffer. He quickly pulled the rope from his waist and prepared to enter the house to rescue him.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng finally got rid of everyone's entanglement and returned to the wedding room drunk. He pushed the door in, just in time to see the scene of the lewd ghost pressing on Liu Niang, and suddenly woke up halfway from drinking, and exclaimed: "Where is the demon, dare to do something here!"

The lewd ghost was disturbed by Zhang Sheng's angry shout, and turned his head to look at him, with a fierce light in his eyes. Although Zhang Sheng was drunk and did not wake up, in order to protect his beloved at this time, he also mustered up the courage and rushed forward to fight the lewd ghost.

Seeing this, Xiao Li didn't care much, rushed into the room with a rope in his hand, and fought side by side with Zhang Sheng. Although neither of them was the opponent of this lewd ghost, but they worked together, and for a while, they even made it impossible for the lewd ghost to succeed.

Seeing that the two were intractable, the lewd ghost roared angrily, and the black gas on his body was swirling, revealing an even more hideous face. It stretched out its claws and grabbed at Zhang Sheng and Xiao Li. The two of them couldn't dodge, only to feel a sharp pain coming, and their bodies were suddenly bleeding.

At this critical juncture, suddenly a golden light fell from the sky and shone on the adulterous ghost. The lewd ghost let out a scream, and his figure dissipated in an instant. Zhang Sheng and Xiao Li looked up and saw an old man with a fairy wind floating in, who was the Taoist chief of the village.

The Taoist chief helped the two of them up, took out a pill from his bosom and let them take it. The pill melted in their mouths, and the two of them suddenly felt that their injuries were mostly healed. The Taoist chief explained: "This lewd ghost was incarnated after the death of a thief a hundred years ago, and it comes out every full moon night to haunt him. I came here today to take it in, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late. ”

Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

Zhang Sheng and Xiao Li thanked each other again and again, and asked the Taoist chief about Liu Niang's situation. The Taoist chief walked to the side of the bed and looked at it, and said, "Liu Niang was just confused by the ecstasy of the lewd ghost, and it is not a big deal. When I use the talisman water to ward off evil spirits for her, she will wake up. ”

After speaking, the Taoist chief took out a yellow talisman from his sleeve, chanted words in his mouth, and then lit the talisman paper and turned it into a bowl of water. He picked up Liu Niang and fed the talisman water into her mouth. After a while, Liu Niang moaned softly and slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Sheng burst into tears with excitement and held Liu Niang's hand tightly. Although Liu Niang was still a little weak, she also showed a relieved smile when she saw that Zhang Sheng was safe and sound.

Seeing that the three of them were no longer in serious trouble, the Taoist chief told them to take precautions in the future and not to let the lewd ghosts take advantage of them again. With that, he turned into a golden light and disappeared into the night sky.

Since then, Zhang Sheng and Liu Niang have cherished each other more and lived a happy life. And Xiao Li also developed a strong interest in the mystical techniques of Taoism because of this experience, and later became a famous Taoist priest. And the obscene ghost was rumored to be a good story in the village, and people knew that in times of crisis, there were Taoist masters who guarded them so that they could live and work in peace and contentment.

The days flew by like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, it was five years later. On this day, a group of strangers suddenly came to the village, they were richly dressed and magnificent, and they were obviously either rich or noble. The group of people went straight to the front of the Zhang family's compound, and one of the leaders stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Zhang Sheng was already the head of the family at this time, and when he heard the sound and walked out of the door, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart when he saw this group of strangers. The man smiled slightly, bowed his hand and said, "Gongzi Zhang, it's been a long time." People in the capital of Xia Nai came this time to visit a master. ”

Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment, looking at the man inexplicably. The man continued, "Five years ago, there was a Taoist chief in the village who subdued the lewd ghost and saved Madame Ling and the carpenter Xiao Li. The matter reached the capital and caused a sensation. When the current saint heard about this, he greatly admired the vast supernatural powers of the Taoist chief, and specially ordered us to come to visit and invite the Taoist chief to enter the capital to face the saint. ”

When Zhang Sheng heard this, he suddenly realized that the Dao chief had such a big name. He hurriedly invited the group of people into the courtyard to sit down, and sent someone to invite Xiao Li to come. After a while, Xiao Li hurried over and learned what happened.

Xiao Li pondered for a moment and said, "That Dao Master's whereabouts are erratic, I may not have seen him for a long time. However, he once left a sentence saying that if someone is destined to find him, he can go to the cave behind the village to find his traces. ”

The group of people was overjoyed when they heard this, and hurriedly thanked them and said goodbye. Zhang Sheng and Xiao Li sent them out of the village, and they couldn't help but feel emotional. They knew that although the Taoist had left the small village, his legend would live on forever.

The group of people followed Xiao Li's guidance and came to the cave behind the village. I saw that the entrance of the cave was shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland. They cautiously walked into the cave, only to see that the stone walls of the cave were carved with Taoist mantras and talisman patterns, which looked mysterious.

They walked down the stone steps, and after walking for an unknown amount of time, their eyes suddenly became clear. I saw a white-haired old man sitting cross-legged in a huge stone room, closing his eyes and resting his mind. They recognized at a glance that this old man was the Taoist they were looking for.

After they stepped forward to salute and explain their intentions, the Taoist chief smiled slightly and said, "Poor Dao has long expected that there will be today's events. However, there are many disputes in the court, and this is not the place I want to set foot in. Go back and tell the emperor, and say that the poor road has traveled all over the world. ”

Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

Although the group of people returned disappointed, they also brought the original words of the Taoist chief back to the capital. When the emperor heard this, he sighed and ordered a Taoist temple to be built in the capital to worship the statue of the Taoist chief to show his respect.

And that Taoist leader really disappeared from people's sight as if he was traveling all over the world. Some people say that he once talked with the immortals on the top of Mount Emei, some people say that he left immortal traces on the shore of Dongting Lake, and some people say that he has already ascended to the immortal realm and become a real immortal...... However, these are just legends, and there is no way to verify the truth.

The only thing that is certain is that in that small village, in that cave, in that legend that has been passed down through the ages, there will always be a Taoist master with immortal wind and great powers to guard the faith and hope in people's hearts. After the group returned disappointed, the small village returned to its former tranquility. However, it is known that there was a thrilling past here, and the mysterious Taoist became a legend in the village.

Day after day, year after year, the small village remains quiet and peaceful. However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. On a stormy night, the hamlet suffered another disaster.

That night, the wind was raging and the rain was pouring down. Suddenly, there was a loud bang that was deafening, as if something had fallen from the sky and smashed into the clearing in the village. The villagers were terrified and ran out of their homes to check on the situation.

I saw a huge pit appear in the clearing, and black smoke billowed from the pit, emitting a suffocating stench. The villagers panicked and didn't know what to do. At this moment, a burst of eerie laughter suddenly came from the pit, which was creepy.

"What the hell is this?" someone shouted in horror.

"Could it be that a youkai was born?" someone speculated.

Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

At this moment, a golden light fell from the sky and shone on the deep pit. In the golden light, the figure of a Taoist can be faintly seen. The villagers looked at it and found that the Taoist was the Taoist who had subdued the prostitution ghosts.

"The Taoist is back!" someone shouted in surprise.

The Taoist chief floated in, and he glanced at the black smoke in the deep pit, his brow furrowed slightly. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the words in his mouth, only to see a golden light shoot out from his fingertips, straight into the deep pit.

In the golden light, the black smoke gradually dissipated, and the strange laughter disappeared with it. In the deep pit, a hideous-looking monster figure suddenly appeared. When the monster saw the Michicho, there was a look of horror in his eyes, and he turned around and wanted to run away.

However, how could the Dao Master let him escape easily? With a single move, a huge golden net fell from the sky, trapping the youkai firmly. The youkai struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The Taoist chief walked up to the monster and said coldly: "You were originally an ordinary beast in the mountains, but because you got a trace of demon qi by chance, you tried in vain to cultivate into a demon. But thou art wicked in heart and hast destroyed living creatures, and today is thy end!"

After speaking, the Taoist chief slapped out a palm, hitting the top of the monster's head. The monster let out a scream and dissipated into a wisp of green smoke. The pit vanished as if nothing had happened.

Story: There are cries for help from the marriage room, and the carpenter peeks out of the window and shouts: "Let go of her."

Seeing this, the villagers stepped forward to thank them for saving their lives. The Taoist chief smiled and said, "Poor Dao has traveled all over the world for many years, and today's return coincides with this difficulty. It is also the will of heaven to save you. In the future, you must do your own thing, and do not allow the evil spirits to take advantage of it. ”

After saying this, the Dao Leader once again turned into a golden light and rose into the sky and disappeared into the night sky. The villagers knelt down and bowed to thank God for giving them such a patron saint.

Since then, nothing has happened to the small village. People know that in that distant night sky, there will always be a Dao Bone Immortal Wind and a Dao Master with great magical powers to protect their quiet and peaceful land. And the legend of that Taoist will live on forever, inspiring generations of people to move forward bravely and fearlessly!