
A person's biggest internal friction is: being too anxious

author:at one's leisure
A person's biggest internal friction is: being too anxious

Writer Yu Hua once said: "Spiritual internal friction, to put it in layman's terms, is that there are too many dramas in my heart." ”

Life is full of uncertainties, we are always competing and rushing, and we are never stop busy.

In fact, life is not so difficult, and the pressure of life comes precisely from oneself.

A person who is too eager often backfires and thus consumes himself,

Learn to slow down, relax your mind, be down-to-earth and calm, and life will have depth.


Life is too anxious, it is internal friction

A person's life moves at his own pace.

Life is prosperous, and the pace is faster, things are renewed, and desires grow.

Desperate to reach your high goals, you walk briskly, but if you can't reach the end of the line.

Qu Yuan is a patriotic poet we know well, but his final fate can't help but be lamented

At that time, the state of Chu was in a critical moment, the army was repeatedly defeated, the monarch was mediocre, and the national strength was declining.

Although Qu Yuan was born into a family, he grew up in the folk since he was a child and is well versed in the sufferings of the people.

So, he immediately participated in the reform of the country, and was eager to get the state of Chu out of the quagmire.

His impatience caused him to be confused, so that the change was not approved, and he was removed from his official position.

In the midst of his loss and disappointment, he once again put forward reform proposals, eager to bring the state of Chu back from the dead.

As the situation deteriorated further, he became more and more agitated and distraught.

In the end, the country could not be saved, and he died of depression.

Wang Yangming once said:

"During the day, when you feel disturbed, you sit quietly, and when you feel lazy to read, you read a book, which is also a medicine for illness. ”

Many times, people try their best, but they can't ask for it, and their hearts are full of resentment and disappointment.

Repeatedly, day by day anxiety, mental exhaustion, lamenting the pain of life, denouncing the injustice of fate.

As everyone knows, blindly seeking speed is like pulling out seedlings to grow, which is not only difficult to achieve results, but also hurts itself.

In fact, most of people's stress comes from themselves, and the cycle of cause and effect is self-inflicted.

Too anxious, it's an internal conflict.

Spiritual emptiness, inner loss, forgetting one's true heart, and ignoring the beauty of life.

You can try, but don't rush.

You don't have to work too hard in everything, your mind is calm and peaceful, you want to open a point, you can see a point, there is always a road to a clear life in life.

A person's biggest internal friction is: being too anxious


Blindly anxious, everything is not going well

The Tao Te Ching tells us: "If the enterprise does not stand, the crosser will not work." ”

When a person wants to stand on tiptoe and stand on a higher place, he cannot stand steadily, and when he wants to stride forward, he cannot go far.

In the world, things have their own laws, and the wise man follows the rules and changes with the world

To be a person and do things, you need to make a mark one step at a time.

An excellent general like Seng Lingqin made repeated mistakes on the battlefield and was finally killed, precisely because he was eager to fight and lightly attacked the enemy.

At that time, the Qing army and the Twist army fought and moved to Henan.

The Twist Army did not choose to confront it, but stationed the military area and built a ditch.

But the Qing army led by the monk Lingqin did not rest at all, nor did they insist on waiting for help.

Unprepared, he launched a rapid attack in three directions, only to be attacked from the flank by the Twist Army, suffering heavy losses.

Previously, the imperial court had repeatedly warned the monk Lingqin not to be too anxious and busy pursuing.

But he still acted rashly, wanting to break the twist army with one blow.

Unexpectedly, the Twist Army lured the enemy deeper, returned to the horse with a shot, and annihilated the rights of the 3,000 vanguard army of Seng Lingqin.

"Disciple Rules" has a saying: "Don't be busy, busy is wrong." ”

If you want it to happen, you need to plan first.

The success of one thing is inseparable from having everything.

If you are greedy for a momentary speed, you will not be thoughtful, you will not be able to see the situation clearly, and you will not be able to distinguish the truth.

The most taboo thing is to rush to achieve success, once you are anxious and careless, you will lose your sense of proportion and cause a big disaster.

If you can be calm, unhurried, and slow to execute, everything will be in order.

Stabilize yourself and think before you act.

Everything should be thought about first, look far, listen to all directions, polish in time, and eventually be able to shine.

A person's biggest internal friction is: being too anxious


Take your time and build up

Wang Yangming once said: "Those who plant trees must cultivate their roots, and those who plant virtue must nourish their hearts." ”

If you want to plant a tree, you need to nourish your roots, and if you want to become a talent, you need to temper yourself.

Just as the mountain peak is not to be reached in one step, it is also necessary to ride the wind and waves to reach the sky at the end of the sea.

One step to the sky is a fantasy, and gradual progress is the normal state of life.

When he was young, Zeng Guofan could be said to be slow and stupid.

After ten or a hundred times of an article, I still can't memorize it.

Even the thief who broke into his house couldn't help but threaten: "With your brain, don't study." ”

Zeng Guofan knows that he is not a smart person, and understands that he does not seek shortcuts in reading and doing things, but needs to be gradual and steady.

Read a sentence before you read it, finish reading a book and take out the next one, and go to bed when you complete a daily task.

And his career path, from showing talents, lifting people, and advancing scholars, step by step, has never been opportunistic.

Over time, mature insights and far-reaching insights are produced.

This made him a brilliant and famous life.

As Zeng Guofan said: "Everything should be done with difficulty, and you can't seek fame too suddenly, and you can't seek too quick effect." ”

Calmness is a kind of attitude, and precipitation is a kind of pattern.

Three years to build a product, ten years to sharpen a sword, adult success requires energy and time.

People live for a lifetime, accumulate more and precipitate, in order to accumulate and develop.

The more you want to achieve something, the more you can't do it.

It's like drinking tea, although it can quench your thirst, you will miss its mellow fragrance.

Being a man and doing things, and taking it slowly, slow and promising, is the true meaning of life.

Find your own rhythm, walk your own way, cross your own mountain, and manage the present well, in order to live comfortably.

Bi Shumin once wrote: "Everything that is natural is slow." ”

The sun rises slowly, the flowers bloom with the season, and everything has its rhythm.

Everyone has their own flowering period, we don't need to compare ourselves with others, just go our own way and bloom our own flowers.

Enjoy the slow pace, in the absence of impetuousness, not the slowness, let the heart calm down, so that life can be comfortable and cheerful.

I hope that you and I can walk slowly in the long years, keep a normal heart, and live a more comfortable and beautiful life.