
The incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing year by year, what can be done to prevent it?


In my career as a doctor, I have come across many memorable cases, but there is one particular case that has made me deeply understand the importance of preventing coronary heart disease. The story begins on a cold winter morning when a middle-aged man is rushed to the hospital with chest pain. His face was pale, dripping with sweat, and he was in agony. After careful examination, we found that he had severe coronary heart disease, which directly threatened his life. Thankfully, timely treatment saved his life, but the experience left a lasting impression on him and his family.

The incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing year by year, what can be done to prevent it?

Coronary heart disease, a disease that sounds a little distant, is actually an invisible killer in many people's lives. With the acceleration of the pace of modern life, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, excessive stress, smoking and alcohol consumption and other factors have made the incidence of coronary heart disease increase year by year, becoming a major problem that threatens human health. But thankfully, by making lifestyle changes and cultivating good habits, we are fully capable of reducing the incidence of coronary heart disease.

Basic knowledge of coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease, sounds strange and familiar, doesn't it? In simple terms, it is a heart disease caused by narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries (those blood vessels that supply blood to the heart). When these vital blood vessels can't properly pump enough blood and oxygen to the heart, it can lead to chest pain, difficulty breathing, and even a heart attack.

But did you know that in recent years, the incidence of coronary heart disease has been increasing with lifestyle changes. More and more people are at increased risk of developing the disease due to prolonged sedentary periods, unhealthy eating habits, excessive stress, and lack of exercise.

This trend is a bit worrying, but the good news is that coronary heart disease is preventable by changing our lifestyle habits. In fact, some simple but effective lifestyle modifications, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and good mental health, can significantly reduce the risk of disease.

The incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing year by year, what can be done to prevent it?

So, why is the incidence of coronary heart disease increasing year by year? One of the main reasons is the fast pace and high stress of modern life. Many people have busy work, are often in a high-stress environment, and lack adequate physical activity all of which directly or indirectly affect heart health. In addition, unhealthy eating habits, such as excessive intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods, are also important factors in the induction of coronary heart disease.

Improvement in eating habits

In our long-term battle against coronary heart disease, dietary habits play a role that cannot be underestimated. So, how can you prevent coronary heart disease by adjusting your diet? Here are some practical suggestions, let's take a look.

The importance of a sensible diet

First, understanding the importance of a sensible diet to prevent coronary heart disease is key. A balanced diet not only helps us maintain a healthy weight, but also reduces the risk of heart disease. This means getting enough nutrients from a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, fish, and low-fat dairy products.

Types of heart-healthy foods and their benefits

Next, let's dive into some of the types of foods that are especially good for the heart. For example, deep-sea fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Whole grains such as oats and brown rice are rich in dietary fiber, which can help lower bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, consuming enough fruits and vegetables each day not only provides a rich source of vitamins and minerals, but also helps maintain heart health.

The incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing year by year, what can be done to prevent it?

Dietary advice: The art of balancing your intake

Finally, a balanced intake of fat, sugar, and salt is key to preventing coronary heart disease. Too much saturated and trans fats can increase the risk of heart disease, so it is recommended to reduce the intake of processed foods, fast food, and high-fat meats. Instead, increase your intake of unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, nuts and fish. At the same time, excessive sugar intake can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease, so sugary drinks and sweets should be reduced. Excessive salt intake can increase blood pressure, so limit processed foods and eating out, and use herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of food.

Lifestyle adjustments

In our journey against coronary heart disease, lifestyle adjustment is an indispensable task. It is often said that "a small change in lifestyle can lead to a huge improvement in heart health". That's right, it's not just a slogan, it's a truth that has been verified by countless studies and real-world cases. Next, I will share with you some practical advice on how to prevent coronary heart disease through lifestyle modifications.

First, let's talk about the importance of moderate exercise. Many people will complain that they are too busy to exercise. But staying physically active doesn't necessarily mean you need to sweat it out at the gym. A simple brisk walk, bike ride, or even daily chores are all great ways to exercise your heart. A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week is recommended. Remember, it's all about perseverance.

The incidence of coronary heart disease is increasing year by year, what can be done to prevent it?

Prolonged sedentary smoking is known as the "new type of smoking". Studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time increases the risk of coronary heart disease. So, if your job requires sitting for long periods of time, remember to get up and move every hour, even if it's for a walk around the office or for stretching.

Next is sleep. Many people overlook the effects of sleep on heart health. Neither adequate or excessive sleep is good for heart health. Adults should get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep per night. Good sleep habits can not only help you reduce your risk of heart disease, but also improve your overall quality of life.

Changing your lifestyle doesn't mean you need to go from a couch potato to a triathlete right away. Start small with small things, like choosing stairs instead of elevators, taking a walk home from work, or going for a weekend bike ride in the park with your family. These small changes add up to have a huge positive impact on your heart health.