
Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"

author:A small world of detachment

The video of the "president's grandson" wanting to be the president to inherit the family property caused a lot of uproar, and even Hu Xijin couldn't help but stand up and comment a few words.

Lao Hu's comment can be simply summarized in 2 sentences:

1. The child said that his grandfather, father, and mother's positions in the bank were very different from the actual ones.

2. Everyone forwarded the video discussing the boy, and they were bullying the boy online.

Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"

However, Lao Hu probably didn't expect that his remarks that seemed to protect the "president's grandson" aroused the disgust of the majority of netizens.

The comment area was directly swiped by people similar to "Lao Hu, explain how your daughter inherited your family business and became a reporter in the Global Times", "Lao Hu first picks himself out and then says, where is your daughter currently employed, and whether she inherits your career".

Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"
Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"

There are two reasons why Lao Hu's speech aroused public anger.

One is that there is a huge discrepancy between what he said and the actual situation.

However, judging from the results of the bank's investigation, the boy's father is the president of a branch, and his mother is a section-level cadre, although he is not necessarily a vice president, but he is also a big official, and his grandfather is a retired employee of the bank, which can be said to be basically the same as what the boy said.

But Lao Hu can open his eyes and talk nonsense, it's strange that netizens are not angry!

The second is that Lao Hu's own family is the "second generation of matchmakers".

Lao Hu herself is a special commentator and editor-in-chief of the Global Times, of course, now retired, and her daughter is a reporter for the Global Times.

Moreover, from the information on the Internet, it can be seen that Lao Hu's daughter Hu Weijia failed the college entrance examination and entered the School of International Relations after repeating.

Although this university is not bad, it does not belong to the double first-class universities in the mainland, and the admission score is in the early 600s.

So this can't help but make people wonder, why did Weijia, who failed the college entrance examination for the first time and did not enter a double first-class university after repeating, beat those students who graduated from a double first-class university and entered the "Global Times" as a reporter not long after graduation?

If you want to say that her treatment has nothing to do with Lao Hu being the editor-in-chief of the "Global Times", it is estimated that no one believes it.

Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"

Therefore, in everyone's opinion, Lao Hu is not complaining about the boy at all, let alone protecting the boy, but as a vested interest, he doesn't want this kind of thing to make a big deal!

When he labeled netizens as a "cyberbullying" boy, he ignored that from beginning to end, everyone discussed "three generations" and "three generations of tobacco", lamenting that it was too difficult for ordinary children to get ahead, and no one had ever said that the boy was not, let alone cyberbullying.

When he said this suddenly, it gave people the feeling that there were no three hundred taels of silver here.

This is also why netizens are reluctant to carry such a black pot as "hurting the boy's psychology".

Ordinary people know that the phenomenon of "three generations" is very common, but it does not mean that everyone can accept this unfairness calmly.

Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"

And Lao Hu's reaction and stance once again prove that once people are involved in their own interests, their IQ is easy to drop and they are more likely to make mistakes than usual.

Most of Lao Hu's comments and opinions on current affairs in the past are very sharp, help everyone understand complex events, and are very inspiring, so they have been loved by everyone for many years.

But as his ass on many things became more and more crooked, everyone's favorability towards him dropped again and again.

Especially in this "Governor's Grandson" incident, Lao Hu only thought about how to protect the interests of his class, but forgot that this might push his daughter to the forefront, which was even more speechless and disgusting.

Hu Xijin spoke out for the "grandson of the president", but unexpectedly found out that his daughter was the "second generation of matchmakers"

It can be seen that it is better to keep a low profile when doing things for others.

Especially when you are a person with vested interests, this kind of awareness must always be remembered, otherwise you don't know when you get into trouble.

Man, don't take a stone and shoot yourself in the foot!