
The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

author:Yu Ni Bo

Spring is coming, do you want to go to a concert together?

With the spread of spring in April, it is the season for the king and queen to show their singing voices, and the major concerts have begun to pick up the infinite blue of the lotus leaves, and the lotus flowers are different red.

At the beginning of the month, the "No Signal" Zhao Lei 2024 tour was grandly launched at Jinan Station, and a group of fans and friends were looking forward to it, and they were ready to go to this Jinan appointment for a long time, just for the sentence "See you in Jinan" at the end of the previous show.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

Even singer Zhao Lei was looking forward to this date, but the crowds and full seats he expected did not appear, and the audience was sparsely packed, and the scene was lonely for a while.

He couldn't help but ask his soul after the concert: "People are sitting sparsely, but the tickets are really gone, I don't know what's going on?"

As a dark horse in this year's concert, Zhao Lei's "No Signal" tour received an enthusiastic response as soon as it was officially announced, and it was difficult to find a ticket. As soon as the official ticket sales of Damai opened, they sold out quickly.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

And the fans who didn't grab the tickets immediately cried and chirped in the fan group, just like that, in groups of threes and twos, and the number was actually very considerable.

According to the statistics in the group, the fans who grabbed the tickets were the lucky ones.

Most fans can't help but ask: Where did the tickets go?

Where did the tickets go? Why don't you go to Xianyu to take a look? It turns out that the wishes of the fans have been disappointed, and the tickets are all in the pockets of scalpers.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

If you still want to go to the concert, it will be another price, as soon as the noble scalpers changed hands, Zhao Lei's concert tickets were sold at a sky-high price of 10,000 yuan.

This also caused the strange scene of "flowers blooming in the wall and fragrant outside the wall" in Zhao Lei's Jinan tour, with the audience in twos and threes, gongs and drums outside the venue, firecrackers sounding in unison, red flags waving, and crowds of people.

Later, Zhao Lei's agent also came forward to respond: Because there were too many people at the door, (fans) didn't come in at first, but they all came in later, and there was no problem with ticketing.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

But it is undeniable that the behavior of scalpers outside the venue to raise ticket prices has indeed made the majority of fans have a hard time, why can't they get in at first? Because the tickets of scalpers are worth 18,000, why did they go in later? Of course, it is a jumping sale with a price of 400 for scalpers.

This also reveals a major chaos in the entertainment industry - scalpers raise ticket prices, and it is difficult for fans to buy a ticket. Countless fans have to suffer this dumb loss in order to support their idols.

Under the helpless compromise of many fans, the scalper industry gradually expanded, and the concert tickets of 666 were fried to 3000+, and the concert became an auction, and some of the song positions were even as high as six figures.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

Some office workers can still pay for their idols, but the audience of the concert is still a considerable part of the student party, who have to save money for months in order to go to a concert, and many people even eat instant noodles and pickles for weeks in order to go to a dream appointment.

But despite this, most of them couldn't get that precious ticket in the end.

Hopelessly, they can only sigh at the sky-high scalper tickets in Xianyu, or buy a ticket to go to the concert to quench their thirst.

And fans are hard to find votes, but scalpers are making a lot of money, while rotting a large number of tickets in their pockets.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

The seats that were not filled at the concert carried the wishes of many fans, and they didn't want to do anything.

They just want to shout and sing for their idols in the crowd, just to hold their lover's hand and sing a song "When the Grapes Are Ripe" at Eason Chan's concert, just to make the quiet youth a little more magnificent in the name of watching the concert.

And the price of these wishes is beyond the weight of fans' pockets, and it is a sky-high price that exceeds the original price by two or three times, or even ten times.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

And fans' deep affection for idols should not only be clearly marked, but also be used as a hard indicator to measure the popularity of idols, if you are not willing to spend money for him, how can you have the face to say that you love him?

I don't know when, fans not only have to spend money for idols, but also be kidnapped by morality, what is the point of such a pay?

No one's money is blown by the wind, shouldn't reasonable star chasing become a motto for fans?

I can afford to buy a ticket to 666, but no one can coerce me into using a "sky-high" ticket to measure the many years I have worked hard.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

The 8,000 high-priced tickets for Eason Chan's concert, Jolin Tsai's ticket sales were auctioned by scalpers, and fans of Zhang Jie's concert had no tickets to buy, so they could only accompany them outside the venue.

Mayday concert 1855 tickets were sold at a premium of 18,800, not to mention the king Jay Chou, who started shooting at six points for his concert, with a song of 210,000.

No wonder Eason Chan wants to change careers and become a scalper, this profit is really considerable.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

The water of the concert is too deep, how can scalpers alone support this industrial chain? Scalpers are at best a backstabber, and there is no lack of capital operation behind them.

The organizers set up a stage to shout, in order to control the cost, they can only work controlling the source of tickets, how can they be cunning to sell all the tickets publicly, then remove the cost is only a few dollars?

They don't make money by selling public tickets, but rely on channel tickets to achieve a rollover of profits.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

Hundreds of thousands of people grabbed hundreds of tickets, it was no longer a matter of hand speed, and the one who could grab the tickets was definitely the chosen one.

And this is also the truth that fans are hard to get tickets, and thousands of fans have worked hard to grab tickets, and it turns out that the organizers didn't want them to grab tickets at the beginning.

They bet on scalpers and sell channel tickets to scalpers at a higher price, so as to achieve a rollover of profits.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

The noble scalpers are just tools for transferring risks in the eyes of the organizers, and they have also formed an industrial chain through continuous development and downline, and those scalpers who shouted outside the concert venue are just the lowest little people.

The tickets in their hands have reached the "sky-high price" through layers of price increases, and the "sky-high" tickets have already controlled the cost in their hands, in other words, if they don't sell this price, they will lose money.

In this way, the tickets flowed out of the hands of the organizers, and after the first round of drumming and passing flowers, they put on gold suits and became the appearance of fans who couldn't climb high.

Under such continuous price increases, fans have become the last victims, and there is no need to explain the resentment life.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

As for how profitable the concert is, take Tianwang as an example, Jay Chou's tour has reached 48 shows, attracting as much as 2.4 billion, and the money is put into the organizer's pocket after deducting the cost.

The funny thing is that the stars who stand on the stage and sing hard get dead wages, while the organizers who shout with their famous brands make a lot of money, who is to reason with this?

Under the progressive progress of capital, the concert atmosphere of the highest bidder has gradually spread throughout the entertainment industry, and the "hype behavior" of scalpers may not only smash the star's field, but also make fans dumb and unable to speak.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

Fans were cut leeks, and they had to smile and say thank you, do you really have a heart for capital?

You know how much fans look forward to meeting their idols, even if it's just from a distance on stage.

Do you know how many star-chasing girls have used almost all their connections for a ticket, and only think about singing with their youth, even if it is only one or two sentences.

Do you know how many people's youth and memories are behind those waving glow sticks? Do you know how many times they have looped a song in just a few minutes? Do you know how grand a Mayday concert is for fans?

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

Of course, the capital knows, because it is these passionate passions that make them make a lot of money, and fans are also very important to them, after all, we are their carefully selected leeks.

I don't care about the eternity of the years, I just want to freeze the moment of seconds. The moment the ribbon falls, youth is blooming, dreams are burning, and the unreachable person is standing there, and his light has also fallen on us.

Maybe that's what concerts are all about. Mayday's song "Laughing and Forgetting Song" seems to really make people forget all the sadness, crying and laughing with tears in their eyes.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

As long as this life is ordinary and happy, who says it's not great?

That's true, so even if we can't get tickets and don't go to concerts, we are still great.

As fans, we can only resist scalpers and scalpers, resolutely not to be resentful seeds and leeks, we can't afford the high ticket prices, and we can also say we love you across the screen.

The audience was sparse but the tickets were gone? The well-known singer "blew himself up" at the concert! The agent responded

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