
A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

author:Lao Li Health said

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"What's wrong with me? Why did I ...... all of a sudden?"

Li Juan, a 44-year-old ordinary accountant, asked anxiously and helplessly in the hospital. She was diagnosed with uremia and was told by doctors that even with dialysis, she would only be able to live for about two and a half years.

The doctor said regretfully, "If you had come to the hospital earlier, maybe you could have saved it." ”

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

Prior to this, she often ignored her body's abnormal signals, such as frequent fatigue and recurrent symptoms of kidney disease. These early signs, if taken seriously, can have a completely different outcome.

Now, let's take a closer look at uremia. Uremia, also known as the end-stage of chronic renal failure, is a series of clinical syndromes caused by a severe decline in kidney function that effectively filters and excretes waste products from the body.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

According to statistics, uremia is more common in middle-aged and elderly people, especially those with a history of chronic kidney disease, diabetes or hypertension.

Li Juan is a typical case. As an accountant, she has been in a high-pressure working environment for a long time, and her living habits are not very healthy. I often work overtime and stay up late, neglecting to take care of my body. Long-term poor lifestyle habits and neglect of disease management eventually lead to severe failure of kidney function.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

In addition to this, her knowledge of health is clearly insufficient. She lacked awareness of the early symptoms of kidney disease and missed the best time for treatment. This also reflects the common problems that many people have in health management.

They often seek medical help only when their condition is severe, ignoring the importance of early prevention and intervention.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

The doctor conducted a detailed examination and evaluation of Li Juan, and formulated a dialysis treatment plan for her. Dialysis is not a cure for uremia, but it can help patients survive longer and improve their quality of life.

At the same time, the doctor also provided advice on how to better resist the disease and help her reduce the impact of the disease as much as possible.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

During the treatment, Li Juan's husband asked the doctor, "Doctor, why did Li Juan get this disease at such a young age, and how can we avoid it in the future?"

The doctor replied, "It's not uncommon. It is mainly due to long-term daily life reasons, such as irregular work and rest times, irregular meals, ignoring early symptoms, etc.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

In the future, you need to pay more attention to lifestyle adjustments, such as regular check-ups, a balanced diet, weight control, avoiding excessive salt and sugar intake, and eating more vegetables and fruits.

In addition, if you have other kidney diseases or some chronic diseases, you must pay attention to the small changes in your body in your daily life, and consult a doctor in time if you have any questions. These measures are effective in reducing the risk of disease. ”

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

Her lover listened carefully to the doctor's explanation, remembering what needed to be corrected later. He realizes that health is not only an individual responsibility, but also requires the joint support and efforts of the family.

Li Juan's matter, although embarrassing, also provides important inspiration for the people around her. After this incident, don't wait until the disease strikes to start paying attention to your health, and your daily health management is equally important.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

Moderate exercise, a balanced diet, and regular lifestyle habits are the key to preventing many diseases, including uremia.

Health is the greatest wealth in life, and we should cherish and take care of it. Through Li Juan's experience, people began to pay more attention to their health and learned how to live better.

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis

Despite the devastating blow of fate, her story has spread in the community and has become a driving force for people to change their lifestyles and value their health.

What do you think about uremia? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 44-year-old woman has uremia and can only live for two and a half years on dialysis