
A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Bacteria and viruses evolve every day, and our lifestyles need to keep up. These are the words that Dr. Li said to several old friends in front of him in the corner of the teahouse.

They are getting together for the weekend of leisure.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

One of them, Gu Bei, is a 21-year-old programmer who is just starting out.

When the conversation turned to the news that an old classmate was hospitalized with liver cancer, the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Everyone discussed health issues, but Gu Bei seemed a little absent-minded.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

Gu Bei's daily work is extremely stressful, and he often needs to work all night to program and debug.

His living habits are also unsatisfactory, often using fast food and takeout to solve the three meals, and lack regular physical exercise.

Although his lifestyle seems to have nothing to do with liver cancer, it subtly affects his liver health.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

Dr. Li noticed Gu Bei's discomfort and shared some professional knowledge as a doctor.

He talked about the basic functions of the liver, such as detoxification, metabolism, etc., and emphasized the importance of the liver to human health.

The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body, with more than 500 vital functions, including protein synthesis, vitamin and mineral storage, and the breakdown of old red blood cells.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

Dr. Li then made the point that it is not only obvious factors such as alcohol consumption and drug abuse that can damage the liver,

Continuous staying up late and irregular eating habits can also lead to liver dysfunction and even liver fibrosis and liver cancer.

This view shocked Gu Bei because he had never associated his lifestyle with a serious liver disease.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

Dr. Lee went on to add that staying up late for a long time can disrupt the body's biological clock and interfere with the metabolic function of the liver, leading to fatty liver and liver fibrosis.

Irregular eating habits can increase the burden on the liver, making it unable to effectively detoxify and metabolize.

He mentioned a study that showed that staying up late for a long time and eating unhealthy habits can significantly increase the risk of liver disease.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

In addition, Dr. Li also recounted several specific patient cases, such as a middle-aged man who worked overtime for a long time and suffered from cirrhosis due to persistent bad lifestyle habits.

In this discussion, Gu Bei and other friends deeply realized the importance of healthy living.

They began to reflect on their lifestyles and discuss how to make changes.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

At the end of the article, the question is raised: why is it that even in today's highly developed technology, people's health awareness is still generally low?

In this regard, in-depth analysis shows that despite the ubiquity of medical knowledge and health information, people's lives are becoming faster and more stressful.

Many people often overlook the importance of health in order to succeed in their careers or cope with financial stress.

A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it

In addition, the prevalence of fast food culture in modern society and the temptation of online entertainment have also invisibly promoted people to form bad habits.

Therefore, to raise public health awareness, it is necessary to start with changing the socio-cultural and living environment, and at the same time provide more health education and policy support to promote healthy lifestyles.

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A 21-year-old boy suffers from liver cancer, and his parents find it difficult to accept it