
Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

author:Ophthalmologist Zhao Yang

I'm Zhao Xiaodao and I'm an ophthalmologist.

In the medical industry, unfortunate injuries are not uncommon. Many of my colleagues and colleagues have shared their concerns with me, lamenting that becoming a doctor now seems to be a "high-risk" profession. Sometimes, I also feel lost and don't know how to express myself to minimize misunderstandings and conflicts.

However, after much deliberation, I realized that the most critical elements of effective communication between doctors and patients are empathy and empathy – the effort to understand and think from the patient's point of view. If there is a misunderstanding that may arise during the communication, it is our responsibility as doctors to clarify the misunderstanding.

The following words are 10 types of words that patients hate to hear, hoping to help doctors to self-examine and self-test and better communicate with patients.

Cool talk

No one likes to listen to cool words, but the result has already been caused, and it is really annoying to blame the patient and blame everything for "self-inflicted".

Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

As a profession, doctors should also do a good job in emotional management, instead of complaining about patients, it is better to state objective facts, tell patients about the possible consequences of bad behaviors, and do more science popularization work, rather than "complaining".

Blame the class

Similar to cool words, there are also accusations. It is important to note that doctors are ultimately serving patients, and although they have professional knowledge, they are not superior to patients, and they should never condescendingly criticize or reprimand patients.

It is possible for patients to lack professional knowledge, to be unwell and not to be taken seriously, or to lack the time and money to see a doctor. Don't judge others lightly without going through others' affairs.

Accusatory language, in addition to embarrassing the patient, may also cause the patient to feel depressed or emotionally resistant, but it does not help the condition in the slightest. There is no harm in everything, so it is better not to say it.

One size fits all for home remedies

Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

The doctor's "one-size-fits-all" attitude towards home remedies can easily make patients feel disgusted.

On the one hand, the culture of traditional Chinese medicine has a long history, and I have to admit that some prescriptions can indeed play a good role. On the other hand, patients must have their own reasons and logic for trusting home remedies, and seeing a doctor is not a debate competition, so there is no need to have a disdainful attitude.

If the patient really applies some bad home remedies, then what the doctor should do is to patiently explain to the patient why this home remedy cannot be used and what the correct method should be.

High in the class

For some professional knowledge, patients may not understand, but there is a specialization in the surgical industry, and our modern society is originally where everyone performs their duties and does their best. Doctors must not "discriminate" or "despise" patients on their professional merits.

Doctors are never on top, doctors and patients are equal and need to be respected and understood.

The source class

Now that the Internet is becoming more and more developed, the elderly will not use the health code, will not use the Internet to book the news that everyone has heard a lot, in fact, registration for the elderly, may also be a difficult thing. Many young people already use their mobile phones to make appointments, and many hospitals also have a lot of self-service registration machines. These apps are indeed convenient, but for the elderly, they are "at a loss"

As a doctor, you should not only stand on your own side, but also help them more. If you really can't add a number, you can also help the patient make an appointment for another time, or find a staff member to help solve the problem, don't just "refuse" without caring about yourself.

Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

Expense class

Patients want to be treated, otherwise what are they doing in the hospital?

However, it is true that due to economic factors or other unspeakable reasons, patients will be hesitant and indecisive in the face of high or relatively high treatment costs.

At this time, if the doctor just coldly threw down such a sentence, it would inevitably cause disgust.

Doctors should understand the patient's situation with the original intention of caring for the patient, and inform the patient of the specific situation of treatment, so that the patient can carefully consider before making a decision, and if there is a welfare policy, the patient should also be informed, and even take the initiative to help the patient fight for the policy.

Chase humanity

There is often a scene in the doctor's office: a patient waiting in line "accidentally" enters the consultation room.

Some patients may think that it will be my turn anyway, and I will just wait inside, but on the one hand, this will invade the privacy of the patient being seen, and on the other hand, it will also affect the doctor's work.

It is not advisable for a patient to come into the consultation room and wait, but the patient is also concerned about missing out. At this time, the doctor should not "ruthlessly" and "fiercely" blast the patient out, but should try to understand the patient, pay attention to the wording, tell the patient that he is coming soon, ask him to wait patiently outside, and call his number immediately.

Threat class

This kind of language has a common problem, that is, it implies threats and shirks responsibility, let alone a patient, and anyone will be unhappy when they hear it.

If the patient is unwilling to follow the doctor's instructions, or does not trust the treatment or the doctor, the doctor should ask the reason for this, understand what the patient thinks, and then help the patient resolve their concerns one by one.

Disdainful class

Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

Some patients may be shy and shy during certain visits or examinations. Some doctors are impatient due to time constraints, and they will show "disdain" or "impatience" in words.

Doctors are systematically trained to treat human organs with a professional attitude, but patients are different and shyness is inevitable. At this time, it is better to take care of the patient's self-esteem as much as possible during the examination than to say that these are useless.

There is nothing wrong with it

When a patient comes to the hospital, he must be uncomfortable and worried. The result number is also hung up, the queue is also lined up, the examination is done, and the doctor says "there is nothing wrong", and the patient will feel that he has come in vain on the one hand, and on the other hand, he will doubt the doctor's ability.

So what to say: the patient will come to the hospital and the body must have symptoms. If there is indeed no problem found after the examination, the doctor should not directly determine that there is no problem, but should inquire and understand in more detail, and inform the patient that many people also have this symptom, and there is no need to worry, it will not cause some serious consequences, such as floaters, we can inform the patient that it is mainly caused by age, high myopia and other reasons, what are the precautions.

Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

Well, that's all for today's sharing. I hope that the above sharing, whether it is seen by patients or doctors, can enhance the understanding of each other, and both parties must understand each other in order to communicate more smoothly and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Have you ever heard the 10 types of things that patients hate most from doctors?

Reflections on the doctor-patient relationship

I am Zhao Xiaodao

I am an ophthalmologist