
The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

author:Enjoy the green dry tone of the mountain

On an ordinary day, there are small happinesses, like a daily dinner, although it is only three dishes, it is enough to warm the whole family. Recently, a woman shared her husband's dinner every day in the circle of friends, although there are only 3 dishes, but netizens have left messages: "It's so happy to marry the right person!"

The first day was braised prawns, minced pork and tofu, and stir-fried loofah

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

The braised prawns are bright red in color, each shrimp is covered with a rich sauce, the entrance is tender and juicy, with a touch of sweetness and spices, which makes people have an endless aftertaste; the minced meat and tofu are delicate and smooth, the tenderness of the tofu and the fresh aroma of the minced meat are perfectly combined, and the taste is rich; the stir-fried loofah is fresh and refreshing, the sweet and crisp of the loofah and the garlic embellishment complement each other, simple but delicious.

The next day was spicy boiled pork slices, garlic crispy chicken, and stir-fried cabbage

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

The spicy boiled pork slices are spicy and fragrant, the meat slices are smooth and tender, and the soup is spicy and delicious, which makes people sweat profusely, but they can't bear to put down the chopsticks; the garlic crispy chicken has a crispy skin on the outside, and the inside is tender and juicy, and the garlic fragrance is overflowing, and every bite is full of happiness; the stir-fried cabbage maintains the original taste of the cabbage, which is refreshing and delicious, adding a touch of fresh color to the whole dinner.

On the third day, lettuce wrapped in roasted meat, stir-fried shredded potatoes, and cold bean skin

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

The lettuce wrapped barbecue is tender and juicy, the aroma of the barbecue and the freshness of the lettuce are perfectly combined, which is both greasy and delicious; the stir-fried shredded potatoes have a delicate taste, and the sweetness of the potatoes and the sour taste of the vinegar complement each other, which makes people have a great appetite; the cold bean skin is smooth and delicious, with moderate sour and spicy, which is a cool dish in summer. I have to say that her husband's cooking skills are very good, and he cooks in different ways every day.

The fourth day is spicy fragrant pot, cold bean skin, and fried tofu

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

Today's dinner looks more appetizing, the spicy fragrant pot has an attractive color, and the various ingredients are stir-fried in the spicy soup to collect the juice, the taste is rich and makes people want to stop; the cold tofu skin is still refreshing and appetizing, and the fried tofu is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the delicate combination of the delicate tofu and the crispy after frying makes people have an endless aftertaste.

The fifth day is garlic oysters, steamed pork ribs with taro, and boiled okra

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

Garlic oysters are tender and juicy, the freshness of the oysters and the aroma of the garlic blend together, every bite is the taste of the ocean, the steamed pork ribs with taro are full of aroma, the pork ribs are crispy, the softness of the taro and the chewiness of the ribs form a wonderful contrast, and the boiled okra is crisp and refreshing, retaining the original flavor of okra, simple but nutritious.

The sixth day was three cups of duck, fried beef tenderloin with potatoes, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

The three cups of duck are bright red in color, the duck meat is tender and juicy, with a faint aroma and sweetness, which makes people intoxicated; the fried beef tenderloin with potatoes is rich in taste, the tenderness of the beef tenderloin and the crispiness of the potatoes complement each other, and the scrambled eggs with tomato are bright in color, and the sweet and sour tomato is perfectly combined with the tenderness of the eggs, simple but delicious.

In the past few days, although there are only three dishes a day, each dish is the result of my husband's careful cooking, he not only pays attention to the selection and matching of ingredients, but also pays attention to the adjustment of taste and cooking skills, and the dinner every day is a combination of meat and vegetables, which is both nutritious and delicious.

The dinner cooked by my husband only had 3 dishes, but it became popular in the circle of friends, netizens: I am so happy to marry the right person

After the woman posted it in the circle of friends, she didn't expect to attract so many people's attention, and they all left messages: she is really happy after marrying the right person, and she expresses her envy for the woman, in fact, happiness is so simple, you don't need gorgeous words and expensive gifts, you only need a sincere heart and a love for life.