
Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!

author:Lanxi Public Security
Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!

Lanxi Public Security summarized the common ones in recent times

Telecom network fraud routines

Keep your eyes peeled

Don't be deceived

Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!

Pitfall 1: Fake investments

Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!

At the beginning of April this year, when Mr. Wang was watching a short video, he suddenly received a message from a stranger, saying that there was internal investment news, and there was a "financial master" personally guiding him to ensure that he would make a steady profit and not lose money. Mr. Wang was very impressed, and immediately added the contact information of "financial master". Subsequently, the "financial master" enthusiastically recommended a wealth management product to Mr. Wang, with low risk and high return, and the more you invest, the more you earn. Just transfer money to their designated account and you can help them buy. Mr. Wang felt that something was wrong, so he sent the chat record to the anti-fraud police, hoping that the police would help solve his doubts. After verification by the police, this is indeed a fake investment and financial fraud.

The police reminded that any online investment and wealth management such as stock speculation, futures speculation, and gold speculation that promises "inside information", "high returns" and "steady profits without losses" is a fraud. Please go to a qualified institution such as a regular bank for investment and financial management, and do not trust the so-called financial planner on the Internet.

Trap 2: Fake winning

Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!

In March this year, Mr. Li received a strange text message saying that he had been selected as a "lucky star" by a platform and would receive a laptop worth 16,800 yuan provided by a sponsor. Mr. Li believed it and immediately clicked to the URL provided in the text message.

However, when Mr. Li filled in the information and clicked on the option to claim the prize, the webpage showed that he needed to pay a "notary fee" of 5,000 yuan before receiving the prize. Mr. Li suddenly remembered that he had just accepted the anti-fraud propaganda from the community police a few days ago, and he was a little uneasy, so he went to the police station in the jurisdiction to ask for help. Under the patient explanation of the police, Mr. Li realized that he had suffered from telecommunication network fraud and avoided financial losses.

The police remind: Anyone who asks to pay "handling fees, certification fees, taxes" and other fees on the grounds of "winning the lottery" is a fraud! There will be no pie in the sky, and we must be vigilant when we receive the so-called winning information, and do not believe, ignore, or transfer money.

Trap 3: Fake part-time jobs

Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!

In mid-March, Ms. Wu saw an ad for a part-time job on a social media platform that read, "You can easily make money without leaving home." Ms. Wu believed it and took the initiative to add the other party's contact information. After that, the other party pulled Ms. Wu into a task group, saying that they had different tasks every day, and as long as they took orders and did tasks, they could earn commissions. Someone in the group kept posting their "income", and Ms. Wu was very moved. Just when Ms. Wu was about to do the task, she received a call from the anti-fraud police. After continuous dissuasion by the police, Ms. Wu finally realized that she had encountered a "rebate" fraud and avoided financial losses.

The police remind: swiping orders is illegal, all part-time jobs in the name of swiping orders, are fraud!

Lanxi Public Security reminds the general public and friends:

We have entered the era of "national anti-fraud", and national participation has become the key to the current anti-fraud, only everyone has the "common sense" to recognize and distinguish fraud, the "responsibility" to protect family and friends, and the "awareness" to protect their own information, so that telecom network fraud has nowhere to hide. Here are some reminders to keep in mind:

● First, do not be gullible, do not believe calls and messages from unknown sources, no matter what sweet words and rhetoric fraudsters use, do not believe it easily, hang up the phone in time, do not reply to text messages, and do not give fraudsters the opportunity to further lay traps.

● The second is not to disclose, build a strong psychological line of defense, do not be tempted by criminals or illegal text messages because of greed for small profits, and do not disclose your and your family's identity information, deposits, bank cards, etc. to the other party no matter what the situation.

● The third is not to transfer, never to strangers to remit money, transfer, especially the elderly and women to pay special attention, before remittance, transfer to repeatedly verify the other party's account, do not let the criminals succeed.

Keep your eyes peeled and don't be fooled!