
After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

The kidneys, the silent dedicating organs, are indispensable guardians of our lives. They are like delicate factories, working day and night to filter blood, remove waste and keep us alive.

The shape of the kidneys, like a pair of curled beans, is hidden deep in the sides of our abdomen, and although it is inconspicuous, it is extremely powerful.

The kidneys do much more than that, they are key to regulating the body's water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. When our body is out of balance for various reasons, the kidneys respond quickly to adjust the concentration of various substances to ensure the proper functioning of the body. This ability to self-regulate allows the kidneys to become stabilizers inside our body.

In addition, the kidneys are also responsible for secreting a variety of important hormones, such as renin, erythropoietin, etc. These hormones play a pivotal role in our bodies, from regulating blood pressure to promoting red blood cell production.

After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

However, the kidneys are also one of the most vulnerable organs, and poor lifestyle habits, environmental pollution, diseases and other factors can cause damage to the kidneys. Therefore, we should cherish this precious pair of kidneys, maintain good lifestyle habits, and have regular medical check-ups to ensure their health.


First of all, what are the main functions of the kidneys?

First of all, one of the main responsibilities of the kidneys is to filter the blood. They pass through millions of tiny filtering units, known as glomeruli, to constantly remove waste and excess water from the blood to produce urine. This process ensures that our blood remains clean and healthy at all times.

Secondly, the kidneys are also responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. They precisely regulate the concentration of key electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, ensuring that the levels of these substances in the blood are always within the appropriate range, thus maintaining our vital activities such as heartbeat, muscle contraction, and nerve conduction.

In addition, the kidneys have endocrine functions, which secrete a variety of important hormones, such as renin, erythropoietin and active vitamin D. These hormones play a key role in regulating blood pressure, promoting red blood cell production, and maintaining bone health.

After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

Finally, the kidneys are also important detoxification organs in our body. They are able to identify and remove a variety of harmful substances such as urea, creatinine and drug metabolites, ensuring that our body is protected from these toxins.


After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

First of all, a man with abundant kidney qi should wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and without any tiredness. This is because the kidneys are the main reservoir of essence, essence can turn qi, and abundant kidney qi can nourish the whole body and make people refreshed.

If a man still feels dizzy and weak in his limbs after waking up, it may be that his kidney qi is insufficient, and his body has not been able to rest and recover sufficiently.

Secondly, men with full kidney qi should have a smooth excretory system without problems such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination. The kidneys and bladder are on the same page, and sufficient kidney qi can maintain the normal function of the bladder and make urination smooth and unimpeded.

After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

If a man wakes up and goes to the toilet frequently, or feels uncomfortable when urinating, it may be that the kidney qi is insufficient, which affects the normal functioning of the urinary system.

Finally, men with sufficient kidney qi should have dark and thick hair that shines brightly. The kidneys are blooming in the hair, and the abundant kidney qi can nourish the hair and keep it healthy. If a man wakes up and finds that his hair is yellow and falling out severely, it may be that his kidney qi is insufficient and he cannot provide enough nutrients for his hair.


5 common behaviors that hurt the kidneys, it is recommended to correct them in time

First of all, holding urine for long periods of time is a habit that is often overlooked. Some people often choose to hold their urine because they are busy or for other reasons, but this behavior is very bad for the kidneys.

Holding urine can lead to urine staying in the bladder for too long, which can lead to the growth of bacteria, which may lead to urinary tract infections and may affect kidney function in the long run.

After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

Secondly, salty diet is also one of the culprits of kidney damage. Excessive salt intake can increase the burden on the kidneys, and a long-term high-salt diet may also lead to high blood pressure, which in turn can cause damage to the kidneys. Therefore, keeping your diet light and controlling salt intake in moderation is essential for kidney health.

In addition, drug abuse is also an important factor in kidney damage. Many people do not understand the side effects of drugs and abuse drugs at will, especially some drugs that are harmful to the kidneys, such as antibiotics, diuretics, etc. Long-term drug abuse can not only damage the kidneys, but can also lead to other serious health problems.

The fourth type of kidney-damaging behavior is lack of exercise. Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation and help the kidneys better eliminate waste and toxins. Long-term lack of exercise will lead to a decline in body function and poor blood circulation, which in turn will affect the normal function of the kidneys.

Finally, overwork is also one of the important factors that damage the kidneys. Prolonged overwork can lead to increased strain on various organs in the body, including the kidneys. Overexertion can lead to kidney disease and even kidney insufficiency.

After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"


What foods are used to nourish the kidneys in daily life?

Walnuts, known as the "fruit of the kidney", are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a variety of trace elements, which can not only strengthen the brain and intellect, but also warm and replenish the kidney yang, and have an excellent nourishing effect on the male kidneys. Consumed in moderation every day not only nourishes the kidneys, but also improves memory and makes people think quickly.

Black sesame seeds, black food has always been regarded as a good product for kidneys. Black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and a variety of minerals, which have the effects of tonifying the kidney, nourishing the essence, black hair, and anti-aging. Whether it is boiled porridge or ground into powder, it is a good choice for nourishing the kidneys.

As a treasure in Chinese herbal medicine, wolfberry has multiple effects such as nourishing the kidney, nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, nourishing the blood and soothing the nerves. Men can soak wolfberries in water or add some to the soup, which can not only enhance the taste of the soup, but also play a role in nourishing the kidneys.

Yam is known as the holy product of "strengthening the spleen and kidney". It is rich in mucus protein and a variety of trace elements, which can nourish the kidneys and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Cooking porridge with yam and rice can not only fill the stomach, but also have the effect of nourishing the kidneys.

After a man gets up, if there are no of the following 3 problems, it means that he is "full of kidney qi"

In addition, foods such as black beans, black rice, and chestnuts are also good helpers for nourishing the kidneys. Men can flexibly mix and match these foods according to their own tastes and preferences to develop their own kidney-nourishing recipes. Long-term persistence can not only nourish the kidneys, but also improve physical fitness, so that health is always around.