
"Apologize to Zotye"

author:Automobile Commune

Nowadays, with the increasing prosperity of the new energy vehicle market, more and more brands and models have entered our field of vision. However, it is not difficult to find that the design of new energy vehicles now tends to be homogeneous, and many models have become more and more similar in appearance and function, and seem to be pursuing the same "popular" aesthetics, but have lost their own characteristics and personalities.

Streamlined body, closed grille, through-type taillights...... These design elements are not uncommon in today's new energy vehicles, although they are fashionable and beautiful, but they can't help but feel monotonous when they see too much. This convergence of designs may be seen as the result of market choices and consumer preferences, but at the same time, it also reminds us of brands that dare to "eat crabs".

Zotye Auto, the former copycat king, is such a controversial existence. While it was once criticized for its parody and copycat behavior, at least in its time, it offered a different voice and choice. The design of Zotye cars, whether it is imitation or original, has a distinctive character that is unforgettable.

"Apologize to Zotye"

In today's era when the design of new energy vehicles is becoming more and more homogeneous, we should apologize to Zotye Auto. Because, to a certain extent, it is the excessive pursuit of "orthodoxy" and "mainstream" by new energy vehicle companies that makes today's auto market so monotonous and uncreative.

Of course, apologizing to Zotye does not mean that we recognize its copycat behavior, but rather show respect for its efforts and attempts in a specific historical period. It allows more people to pay a very low price, you can get a luxury brand "the same sense of value", which in the current new energy vehicle market, is not a history repeater?

When "borrowing" becomes synonymous with "innovation".

The infinite convergence of these new energy models is due to the fact that in this era of "fast food culture", everything seems to be pursuing speed and efficiency, and even design and creativity are caught in this "rapid copy" vortex. It has to be said that their ability to "borrow" the design concepts of international brands in a short period of time and then quickly "localize" them is really amazing.

Believe it or not, let's take a look at some of the "new design" models that have been in the limelight lately. Oh, and look at the elegant lines, the sharp lights, the perfect proportions, it's like the work of some internationally renowned designer – if you look at the automotive news every now and then, of course.

"Apologize to Zotye"

The look of this car, oh no, I should say this "design concept", as if you have seen it somewhere? The feeling of déjà vu, like you meet an old acquaintance on the street, but you can't remember his name for a while. It wasn't until you went home and checked it out that you found out that this "old acquaintance" was actually an international star.

I have to say that this kind of "borrowing" technique is really clever. It's not just a simple copy and paste, but a subtle tweaking of the original, making it feel familiar and different at first glance. It's like a masterful imitator who imitates others while losing no time in showing his "characteristics".

Of course, we can't deny that this kind of "borrowing" technique has indeed improved the aesthetic level of some consumers to some extent, at least in terms of popularity, it is on par with the former Zotye car. However, when "borrowing" becomes "plagiarism", when "imitation" replaces "innovation", we can't help but ask: does such a design really have a soul?

Think about the classic designs that once led the trend, which one was not created by the designers with hard work and sweat? Now, some so-called "designs" only need to move their fingers to produce a product that is very similar to the international brand. Is this "efficient" design really worthy of our cheers and pride?

"Apologize to Zotye"

No, instead of applauding this "borrowing", we should express deep concern about it. Because when design loses originality, when creativity becomes so cheap, then the beauty of this world will become more and more monotonous and boring. However, we only ask questions and do not draw conclusions, because existence is reasonable.

So, let's pay tribute to those who insist on original and innovative designs, who bring us a colorful world with their infinite creativity and unique design. And for those designs that only "borrow" and "imitate", perhaps they should reflect on what does true innovation mean?

We are in an era of information explosion and fast-paced life, but this does not mean that we can "borrow" and "imitate" creativity and design without a bottom line. On the contrary, this era requires us to discover and create beauty with unique perspectives and innovative thinking. Because only in this way can we find our true place and value in this rapidly changing world.

In this seemingly glamorous era, which is actually full of challenges and opportunities, we want to see more original design and innovative thinking. And those designs that can only "borrow" and "imitate", perhaps they should understand: real innovation is never a simple copy and paste, but a process that needs to be thought, perceived and created with heart.

"Apologize to Zotye"

In the past, we always laughed at Zotye cars, thinking that they were just simple imitations and copycats. However, now we realize that Zotye just wants to "stand on the shoulders of giants". As a representative of the former "copycat", Zotye Automobile has been controversial, but now it seems that it is just a stepping stone to the homogenization of new energy vehicle design.

There are no more "cool" cars in the Chinese auto market

In the past, the automotive market was filled with a variety of interesting and distinctive models. Whether it's Honda's Fit, Volkswagen's Golf, or Kia's Stinger, each car has its own unique design and positioning, providing consumers with a wealth of choices. At that time, we could always see all kinds of cars shuttling through the streets, and each car represented the unique taste and personality of the owner.

In addition to the above-mentioned models, such as Nissan's Liwei, Citroen's Picasso, and Honda's CR-Z, are also high-profile models in the market. Small, flexible, fashion-forward, or dynamic, they always catch the eye of passers-by. These models are not only a means of transportation, but also an important way for car owners to express themselves and pursue their individuality.

Each of these models has its own merits, and each car represents a different attitude to life and aesthetics. At that time, the automobile market was like a hundred gardens, with all kinds of flowers competing for beauty, making people dizzy. However, as time goes on, we seem to have entered an era of "one-size-fits-all".

"Apologize to Zotye"

In today's car market, whether it is a luxury brand or an ordinary brand, whether it is an SUV or a sedan, it seems that they have begun to pursue the same aesthetic standards - streamlined coupe body, travel hunting version, and square box shape. While these models look more modern and stylish, they lack the variety and individuality of the past.

This change may be related to the increasing competition in the market and the increasing demand from consumers for the performance and appearance of vehicles. In order to meet the needs of the market, automakers have had to abandon some personalized design elements in favor of more popular aesthetic styling. However, this convergence of design has caused us to lose the colorful car culture of the past.

Of course, we can't deny some of the benefits of this change. The design of the streamlined coupe body and the touring safari version really makes the car look more dynamic, more stylish, and more in line with the aesthetic concept of modern people. Moreover, with the development of technology, modern cars have also been greatly improved in terms of performance and comfort.

However, we still miss the old days of automobiles, which were full of personality and creativity. At that time, the car was not only a means of transportation, but also a manifestation of culture and attitude towards life. Each car has its own unique story and design philosophy behind it, which makes people feel the charm and depth of car culture.

"Apologize to Zotye"

In the past few years, China's auto market was still enthusiastically discussing the car modification culture, at that time, modification was not only a way to show the personality and taste of car owners, but also a unique expression of car culture. People can always see all kinds of modified cars in the streets and alleys, from cool wheels, personalized body graffiti to power system upgrades, each modification looks so unique and eye-catching.

At that time, models that could show the potential of modification were essentially synonymous with personality, trend, and coolness. These models not only have excellent driving experience, but also have an impressive exterior design. Car owners through modification, to make their car more distinctive, each modification is a manifestation of their own personality, but also an expression of attitude to life.

However, with the accelerated development of new energy vehicles, everyone seems to no longer mention the car modification culture. The rise of new energy vehicles has undoubtedly brought new development opportunities to the automobile market, but it has also brought a certain impact on the traditional automobile culture. The exterior design and interior configuration of new energy vehicles are also gradually converging, and in this context, those modified models that were once full of personality and creativity seem to be becoming less and less.

It is undeniable that the development of new energy vehicles is the inevitable trend of the times, which meets the social needs of environmental protection and energy saving. But at the same time, we should also see that with the convergence of cars, those models that have personality, are trendy, and cool have become farther and farther away from us. This not only makes many car enthusiasts feel sorry, but also makes the entire car culture lose some of its original color.