
These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

author:Jue County Doudou

Doudou has reported more than once that the patrol stray dog rescue point is in urgent need of adopted stray dogs, and after each report, there are many dog lovers who adopt dogs and give these stray dogs a warm home.

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...
These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

A dog in dire need of adoption

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...
These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

A furry child who just came back from the side of the road

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

Cute cats

Yesterday, Xiaobian received a request for help from dog lovers at the stray dog rescue point, and now the rescue point has rescued nearly 20 puppies and several cats and cats (cats and cats can be adopted at the end of the month), due to the limited space of the rescue point, these dogs urgently need to find a warm home.

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...
These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

It is understood that these dogs, cats and cats were thrown on the side of the road or the dog's mother was taken to wander on the side of the road, and caring people went to rescue them.

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

Sister Zhu rescues stray dogs on the side of the road

Dog lovers take turns to take care of these dogs every day, and cats and cats clean their homes every day, deliver meals to them, and bathe them, but because there are too many dogs at the rescue point, the site is too narrow to accommodate so many dogs.

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

Give your dog medicine

It is reported that these dogs, cats and cats vaccine dog lovers have pooled money to be vaccinated, and the adoption of dogs and cats is free adoption, but the only condition is that they must accept a return visit, and take the dog back to the rescue point for free sterilization after 4 months.

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

If there are dog lovers

Willing to adopt a dog

You can contact Sister Zhu

These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...



These cats, cats, and dogs urgently need to find a home...

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These dogs need you


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