
Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

author:New Moon Horoscope

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Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Tomorrow, it's the Aries solar eclipse.

In this solar eclipse, Chiron travels to 19° Aries and is exactly in conjunction with the Sun and Moon. If you are a small partner who has obvious feelings about the energy of this solar eclipse, you will definitely feel that there seem to be some old traumatic issues that frequently recur.

Recently, I happened to have a casual conversation with several of our authors, and the author of the moon phase column, Yingqing Meow, said:

This eclipse is more "new" than usual, but it will take a lot of effort to clean up and accept the pain before starting a new beginning. "Recent experiences are all re-projections of events that we thought we had forgotten. ”

Then, we also take this opportunity to explore with you the star Chiron that plays a major role in the solar eclipse.

At this point in time, there may be no one more suitable to discuss this topic than Sarah, the teaching assistant teacher of Crescent. She is experiencing the first return of Chiron in the natal astrological chart, and this solar eclipse has also triggered her north and south nodes.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

During this time, she has also been working with Chiron – sharing Chiron's issues with everyone during the live broadcast, and leading the "Towards Motherhood" healing workshop at the International Astrology Day event......

Today, let's take a look at the story of Chiron with Ms. Sarah.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Chron's mission

Spread high-dimensional wisdom

We know that Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus, and it acts as a "bridge" between the two.

Saturn represents the boundaries of our real world, the known, reliable, and the laws that bind us, while Uranus represents our transpersonal consciousness, which is outside of our inherent and familiar realm, which is a new and unknown world. If Saturn is time, then Uranus is space.

As we break through Saturn's boundaries and move towards the "evolution" of Uranus, we need a guide like Chiron.

Therefore, one of the archetypes of Chiron is a very mysterious image - shaman.

This is a very ancient belief that they believe that all things are animistic and have the ability to link with ancestors, nature, and totems. They are able to consciously change their state of consciousness and allow their consciousness to enter a completely new dimension – something that we are completely "unknown".

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

This "link" function is like Chiron, the "bridge" between Saturn and Uranus.

In that unknown space, shamans are able to bring some high-dimensional wisdom back to their original dimension, and serve their own races and tribes through the medium of music, dance, painting, and stories. And they also have a major mission - to protect the "soul history" of the whole people.

And the shaman of a clan/tribe is often proficient in medicine and divination, and can arbitrate many affairs within the clan, and is a very influential existence, and this is also like the mythical Chiron -

A respected, wise teacher.

Treat wounds that are difficult to heal

The mythical Chiron has an identity wound that is difficult to heal.

His father was Cronos, while his mother was a sea nymph. In order to obtain the fairy, Kronos turned into a horse and forcibly realized the union with the fairy, and Chiron was born. As a half-human, half-horse, ugly anomaly, Chiron was abandoned by his parents.

Abandonment is a wound that Chiron is difficult to heal.

Later, Chiron was adopted by Apollo (his uncle) and other deities, and grew up to be an excellent scholar, having many protégés who taught them about medicine, divination, architecture, horsemanship, and more.

One of the students was Hercules, the god Hercules. During one of the wars, he accidentally wounded Chiron with a poisoned arrow. The poison could not be cured, and Chiron was a child of God and could not die, he could only endure this endless, endless suffering.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

By chance, he learned about Prometheus, who was bound for the crime of stealing fire, and also knew that if someone could die in Prometheus' place, then Prometheus could be pardoned.

So, Chiron decided to sacrifice himself, Prometheus was saved, his wounds were transformed, released, and Chiron died in his place. After Chiron's death, Zeus lifted it into the sky.

At this moment, Chiron realizes not only the transformation of pain, but also a kind of "self-transcendence".

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

The gift of Chiron Star

Chiron beyond the pain

It is divided into 3 phases

In the first stage, we see ourselves as victims of the world and human interactions, and we are overwhelmed by a strong sense of hurt. Victims, our identity.

When we are hurt, we want to transfer this "hurt", and then it becomes "hurt", and we reverse it and enter the perpetrator mode. This is the second stage. We want others to know what pain is like, and we enter the game of personality - you hurt me, I hurt him, no one can think about it.

It is not until the third stage that we become healers. We go beyond the old trauma stories to see what happened to us behind the trauma, and what kind of possibilities can Chiron offer us?

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

It is the "key" that opens yourself

Chiron connects time and space, the known world and the unknown world. Its symbol is like a key – first there is a lock, then then there is a key.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

When we face a traumatic event, we activate an instinctive stress response: our hearts are too soft and we don't want to hurt ourselves, then we close the doors of our hearts. - This is the lock.

But the more we don't want to face the pain, the more it will follow. So we put lock after lock on our hearts, layer upon layer, and we close and lock the door that connects us to the world, like Saturn, and close it.

Behind a locked box or a locked door, there is an unknown world, and we need to use the key to open this door to meet the unknown. Like Chiron in the passage between Saturn and Uranus.

When my healing teachers lead us in meditation, they always say, "Please open from within, remove all the armor of the heart chakra......

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Behind the traumatic event, invisibly, we lock ourselves in. Chiron is the key to our heart chakra, and only by opening our heart chakra can we pour out love and compassion, and deeply understand and accept ourselves.

Then, from ourselves to others, look at the "perpetrator" who hurt us, and see why they have become "perpetrators" (let go of the possibility that you may choose to forgive or choose not to forgive, we just need to give ourselves enough time and patience).

The more we understand and embrace our pain, the more we understand the world.

Claim the source of life

Follow the guidance of your mentor

Chiron is a wound that cannot be healed, but it can be transformed. The way to transform is to connect with our ancestors, claim the source of our lives, and follow the guidance of our gurus.

Mr. Stellar once talked about a very famous "perinatal" theory - when we are in the amniotic fluid, our connection with our mother is Neptune-like, and when our embryo matures and is ready to be born, we will feel Saturn-like labor pains and squeezes, and come into this world through the deep, narrow Pluto-like birth canal.

Many mothers can understand this feeling. In the process, the mother and child share this Pluto-like pain and the life-and-death dangers that may be faced.

When a child comes into the world, Uranus-style scissors will cut the umbilical cord that connects the child to the mother. Teacher Xu Ning used a very interesting analogy - Chiron Star is the navel eye that links the umbilical cord.

It is our innate "imprint".

As the key to opening the heart chakra, only when the heart chakra is opened, can the things of the next three chakras, at the personality level, be raised to the higher level of consciousness. Only then can we raise our consciousness, become more and more open, see ourselves more and more, and accept ourselves as they are.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Then, we will learn to express our vulnerability, accept our ignorance, and develop a spirit of "surrender" to connect heaven and earth. We find ourselves not just in the story of our individual lives, but also part of a larger part of this world.

In this way, we can continue to follow the inner guidance of the present, and serve the world generously with our own love and compassion, so as not to be in vain in the pain we have suffered along the way, and not in vain to share these painful experiences after understanding and digesting them with more people in need.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

When your Chiron is emphasized

Note: If you have a weak astrological foundation, you can skip this part and go directly to the "Chiron 12 Constellation Guide" below.

The symbol of Chiron is not only a "key", but also a "wheelchair". And the mythical wounded Chiron is also a lame image. Then when a person's Chiron is emphasized, their body may be damaged and restricted.

They may also experience some impermanence in their lives, such as sudden separation, sudden loss, such as being struck by lightning. Then this kind of pain cannot be directly healed by itself, only at an unknown moment, in an unknown situation, it is suddenly transformed.

Chiron highlighted performance:

1. Chiron and the Sun and Moon (two important light bodies) form a Ptolemaic aspect;

2. Chiron star axis;

3. Chiron is a solitary star in the hemisphere;

4. Chiron and the natal star form a Ptolemaic aspect

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Chiron is in phase with the sun and moon

In this case, our trauma may indeed be primordial, it comes from the most important father/mother/patrilineal/maternal family that is directly related to our lives, and we are forced to bear these traumas.

We may feel abandoned by our parents, or we may have experienced some intergenerational, family-related, traumatic trauma of abandonment. We are drawn to our own pain, but may not be aware of what happened to our parents.

Chiron is in opposition to the sun and the moon, which means that we need to see through this trauma the primordial feminine and masculine energies associated with our parents, and then connect with the yin and yang energies within ourselves.

In this soul journey, our parents choose to say yes to our lives, and our souls choose to experience this life through our parents' field. Maybe there were many, many traumas along the way, but in the beginning, we went both ways.

When Chiron is in phase with other stars, it means that there are traumatic issues that we need to deal with in the relevant areas of the planet. When it is in phase with the star of destiny, the issue of Chiron trauma will run through the life of the person concerned with an energy that is not easy to ignore.

Chiron star conjunction

When Chiron is conjunct, its force is exerted on this pivot point of the conjunction.

For example, if Chiron is conjunct the Ascendant, then there are traces of pain in the person's personality mask. For example, it is possible that a certain part of the mask was "burned".

And when Chiron is conjunct the Descent, the pain is in the realm of relationships. If it is in the 6th house, then it is related to the body and the workplace, while in the 7th house, it is related to intimacy and partnerships.

When it conjuncts the Middle Heaven (MC), it corresponds to the public image, the image that we are seen by the world, which is related to the "victim", "perpetrator", and "healer". It also depends on what stage of development the current life has reached.

When it conjuncts the lower heaven (IC), our pain is in the most secret corner of the soul, it is a faint pain, and it is also unspeakable. It's about our family, our roots, and where our souls come from. The person concerned may always be alone and purely searching for his or her own place.

Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light
Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Chiron is in the 12th zodiac sign

Chiron orbits the ecliptic in 50-51 years, and we will have our first Chiron return around the age of 50.

On average, Chiron stays in a sign for about 4 years. However, because Chiron does not orbit in a perfect circle, it stays in the 12 constellations for varying lengths, with some constellations having longer periods and some constellations having shorter periods.

• Talent: Motivate others to be independent

• Fear: Others do not have confidence in themselves

• Pain: nervousness, anger

• Self-insurance: Stay competitive

Aries belongs to the fire sign with a groundbreaking nature and is also the first zodiac sign of spring.

So Chiron in Aries, they have the gift of inspiring others to be independent. But they may have a fear that they don't have enough strength, courage, and don't know who they are, so they lack confidence. A strong sense of competition and the desire to win will make them very nervous and ready to become a warrior to charge.

Aries is ruled by Mars, so Chiron in Aries also needs to face the issue of its anger. How they deal with their anger, how they maintain their confidence while being angry, and how they face their vulnerability. They are hell-bent on winning, so what do they do when they can't?

How do you deal with the grief of powerlessness, and how do you truly live out your independence, strength, and courage in such a moment?

• Talents: Stability, physical healing

• Fear: Loss of property

• Pain: Obsession

• Self-protection method: occupancy

Taurus is the second zodiac sign of spring, it is a very stable energy that allows us to take root, it allows us to experience the senses of our own body, and connect with the world.

Chiron in Taurus, their greatest talent and treasure is their own stability. They have a natural sense of the body, matter, substance, etc., so they can also develop a natural healing power in the "body" part.

Taurus is an earth sign with a fixed nature, so what they fear is the loss of what they actually have, which may initially manifest itself as a financial loss, including the loss of people, things, and things that they are obsessed with, and all this pain comes from their obsession.

Therefore, they really need to develop their own healing power, connect more with their bodies, get in touch with nature, connect with the land, connect with everything in the world, and get along with themselves quietly.

As they become more and more able to feel their bodies and connect themselves to nature, then the earth will provide them with supportive energy, and their talents will naturally develop.

• Talents: Multiple information interactions

• Fear: Inability to express and communicate

• Suffering: Being misunderstood

• Self-protection: Chatter

Gemini is a fickle air sign, so they have the talent to interact with multiple information.

They are like an industrious little bee, busy collecting honey everywhere, they are also more objective, not so subjective, just like its mythological prototype Hermes, a "messenger", going to different places to deliver information.

And for Chiron in Gemini, their biggest fear is that they can't communicate. They take on the function of "routers", multi-terminal links, but suppose their world suddenly loses sound, they will be overwhelmed by their own fears. They are also afraid that they will be misunderstood, and that their information may be distorted on the link of information transmission.

So, in order to protect themselves, they will constantly emphasize this information and appear chattering to outsiders. They need to silence their inner voice and think with their own hearts. They are not just porters of information, they can also open their hearts and minds to the chakra that connects the upper and lower levels, bringing the higher dimensional consciousness to the place where it takes root.

• Talent: Emotional Soothing

• Fear: being neglected

• Pain: No one cares

• Self-preservation: Suppress feelings

Cancer is located at the very bottom of our chart (it is naturally associated with the 4th house), and it is ruled by the Moon, so it has a natural sense of other people's emotions. They are able to actively develop the ability to caring, caring, warming, and nurturing others.

Therefore, Chiron in Cancer, their talent lies in emotional comfort. And this comfort is based on the fact that they should first see this person as a family, but they need to further expand this consciousness - is this home our "little family", that is, the original family, or our "everyone", that is, our big home on the earth, or even the whole universe?

Therefore, it is best for them to develop some "big love" on the basis of "small family", not only the people in the family are family, but also people in every place and corner of the world can develop into "family".

However, they may have a lot of unexpressed sadness, fear of being ignored, and pain because no one cares. At this time, their sense of self-preservation will make them suppress their feelings and emotions, and when they can't suppress it, they may suddenly explode.

But it is also an opportunity for them to grow, and through these sorrows, fears, and pains, they are able to listen to what Chiron has given them.

• Talents: Generous, passionate

• Fear: Being looked down upon

• Pain: Inability to demonstrate creativity

• Self-protection method: do not communicate with each other

Leo is guarded by the Sun, which also represents the part of each of our hearts, and is also like the presence of the "heart chakra". Their talents are generosity and enthusiasm, but Chiron people in Leo, they may have had moments of being judged and ridiculed in their early years, so what they fear most is "losing face".

Leo is naturally associated with everyone's creativity and uniqueness, so their fears and pains are also related to whether they can show their creativity and shine their own light.

So when they enter a state of self-defense, they no longer have a relationship with others. They don't want to see others, they don't want to be seen, they don't want to open their hearts. They will suppress their inner self, protect themselves with heavy armor, and will not be as happy as children.

They may have experienced the feeling of "sadness", so they locked up their inner child, and they will not be able to bloom like Leo. This is an issue that they need to face.

• Talent: A humble sense of service

• Fear: making mistakes, being criticized

• Suffering: useless

• Self-insurance: over-analysis

Virgo's emphasis is on working day in and day out, honing one's skills, and approaching everything with a humble sense of service. Although Virgo is a sign of change and is often in a state of busyness, this busyness is to solve substantial, concrete problems, which is also a sign of the earth element.

Therefore, Chiron in Virgo, their talent is related to a humble sense of service. This sense of service can be used for people who are engaged in solving real problems, such as doctors, nurses, actuaries, etc., and have high requirements for professionalism. Some counselors will also have this configuration.

And their fear lies in the "details". They don't want to be criticized for their mistakes, so their biggest pain is the fear that they are useless and unable to solve real problems.

Once they feel as if they are useless, they will have a feeling of being isolated, overwhelmed by deep pain. When they want to protect themselves, they will become "nitpicking", paying too much attention to details, over-analyzing, and constantly picking on thorns.

In fact, they can invest this kind of energy in some things that require strong technology and professionalism to serve everyone. Like a craftsman, keep improving, and resolve the "nitpicking" part.

• Talents: Diplomatic skills, fairness and justice

• Fear: rejection, non-cooperation

• Pain: Loneliness

• Self-preservation: Excessive pleasing of others

Libra people pay attention to fairness and justice, and they have good coordination skills and diplomatic skills, so they are good at capturing each other's needs, and then they can meet each other's needs with their own strength to achieve equal exchange. In other words, their talent lies in thinking in both directions and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

Then for those with Chiron in Libra, their fears are also related to their talents. They are afraid of others, they are unwilling to cooperate with them, and they show a posture of rejection. This can also be extended to the fact that they may be afraid of loneliness.

Because they need relationships and establish themselves through relationships, their sense of self is sometimes a little weaker and they may compromise for the sake of relationships. - How can there be no "we" in my world?

Then when they fall into a state of self-preservation, they may over-please others, over-pursue the balance of interpersonal relationships, and may project their own pain in the realm of relationships.

It's something they need to confront to turn that fear into a powerful talent for coordination, but without losing themselves too much.

• Talent: Insight

• Fear: loss of control, emotional aggression

• Pain: Dwelling on pain

• Self-preservation: Self-hiding

Scorpio's fear, which we are all very familiar with – fear of getting out of hand. They don't want to be in control, they just want to live longer and avoid more dangers like scorpions in the desert, so they also want things to be under their control.

Therefore, for those with Chiron in Scorpio, their biggest fear is that they will lose control, and they will feel panicked and hurt because of it. They can see things as they are, so when they see the truth, they often can't help but want to do something.

Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto and Mars, so it is easy for them to act and want to do something. And Scorpio also has an instinctive drive about the two sides of the body of attacking and being attacked. Their greatest pain is to "indulge in pain" – because this is a fixed sign of the water element.

They must develop their own goals and talents for transformation and transformation, to gain insight into their own emotions and those of others, to face the core of the problem, and to help others face and solve the problem. In this process, it is a state of "scraping bones to heal wounds".

Scorpios are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and when they see a wound in this place, they will want to help you remove the abscess from the wound before new flesh can grow.

• Talent: Macro thinking

• Fear: Ideas are criticized

• Suffering: loss of freedom

• Self-preservation: Argumentative

Macro thinking, optimism, positivity, and risk-taking, these are all innate talents of Sagittarius. They always look into the distance, look to the future, and look at the bigger world.

Therefore, Chiron in Sagittarius, their biggest fear is related to "ideas", because they are desperate to pursue truth and faith. When their beliefs and ideas are not accepted, but are judged, they will feel painful.

In order to protect themselves, they will constantly pursue false beliefs, optimism, or freedom. It is difficult for them to face the doubts of others, to face the disappointment and sadness of ideals, and to blindly indulge in false prosperity.

Then the homework they have to face and the talents they have to develop are all related to facing the truth, to develop true optimism, freedom, and to honestly face their own beliefs. Don't force yourself to answer where you came from and where you want to go, let yourself be like a wandering traveler, truly live in the moment, walk on the road.

• Talent: Rigorous and rule-abiding

• Fear: Doubts about one's own abilities by others

• Suffering: Incompetence

• Self-protection methods: refusal to invest, emotional insulation

Capricorn is a groundbreaking earth sign, and their talents are associated with rigor and order. Then Capricorn is also a sign that pursues continuous upward climbing, so they will constantly pursue their position in society.

Then Chiron in Capricorn, they may have such a fear: fear that others do not trust their abilities, do not believe that they can be qualified for this position, and feel that they are not worthy of the position.

They are very practical and want to be prestigious and respected. Then when they are not seen and disrespected, they will also be afraid of whether they will fall from the position they are in now.

At this time, they will protect themselves by refusing to reinvest, blocking all emotions, and becoming an "insulator".

• Talent: Believe in the value of human beings

• Fear: being forced to quarantine or humiliated

• Suffering: loss of innovation

• Ways to protect yourself: cynical

Aquarians believe in the value of being human, believe in the power of the group, and are willing to devote themselves to it. Some Aquarians may also emphasize the power of science and technology. We can feel the uniqueness, steady ability to innovate, and different perspectives from Aquarius, which is where their talent lies.

Then Chiron in Aquarius, they are very afraid of being isolated and disconnected from the group, and when they are separated from the group due to isolation, they will also feel that they are not treated equally, which is a humiliation for them.

As a result, they will feel suppressed, feel a kind of identity trauma, and it will be difficult to reconcile with the world, which will also stifle their ability to innovate. In order to protect themselves, they will take on a maverick, cynical state, and they may be fighting for the sake of confrontation.

There should be a lot of Chiron in Aquarius for this generation of teenagers, and they are still in a highly malleable stage, and we can try our best to stimulate their talents and let them participate in more community activities, so as to stimulate their creativity and cultivate innovative thinking.

Our Internet and artificial intelligence are developing rapidly, so they can use this part of their talent in the right place to serve the group, and Aquarius is fighting for the group.

• Talents: Fusion and healing

• Fear: Hurt or engulfed

• Suffering: Inability to establish borders, powerlessness

• Self-protection methods: borderless and self-deception

Pisces' devotion is aimed at a larger group of people, which is different from Virgo.

Virgo's devotion is more "practical": effective skills, useful information, and analysis on the ground, but Pisces' "giving" is a sensibility, the ability to empathize with others, and the ability to deeply maintain acceptance and permission.

For example, in the counseling process, we feel relieved if we can be seen and deeply allowed by the other person. - This is also the talent possessed by Chiron in Pisces. They are able to turn their pain into a form of strength and in turn hold on to others.

But their fear lies in being hurt by others or being swallowed up by others. At this time, they will become very "weak" and lose their tenacity, and at this time, their boundaries will be completely dissolved.

Then, in order to protect themselves, they may give up the problems they should face and solve by deceiving themselves and avoiding the truth.

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Chiron in the 12th sign: where your heart is broken, will eventually become a place illuminated by light

Oral: Sarah

Edited | Sunny night

Typography | Qianqian