
Men want to sleep with women the most, especially the second type.

author:Knowing books and talking at night

The writer Gibran once said: "Marriage is two strong men who love each other in the same boat, so as to overcome the ups and downs of the journey together." ”

From love to marriage, it is more necessary for two people to be in the same boat and share the ups and downs.

A relationship is often hard-won, two people can come together from acquaintance, acquaintance, until they fall in love, and they can come together after too many setbacks.

If you really love someone, you will dream of growing old with each other and spending your life together.

In sexual intercourse, the woman that the man wants to sleep with, especially the second type, is there you?

Men want to sleep with women the most, especially the second type.


An elegant and temperamental woman

In the poem "Hold the Beauty Back", it is written: "If you hide poetry and books in your heart, the years will never defeat the beauty." This verse profoundly expresses the importance of one's temperament.

In this world, nothing lasts forever. Your face will grow old, and your money will run out. However, a person's temperament is eternal. True temperament comes from the heart, and it accompanies you throughout your life.

The beauty of a beauty lies not only in the gorgeous appearance, but also in the charming temperament on the inside. Temperamental women are calm and unhurried, steady and composed, and no difficulties can shake their pace. In social situations, such a woman always attracts attention and attracts everyone's attention.

In the relationship between the sexes, it is this kind of woman that men desire in their hearts, and the dream lover in their hearts has such a temperament. They all hope to find an elegant and temperamental woman to be their future partner to spend their lives with.

Temperament is an inner strength that allows a woman to exude a unique charm. A temperamental woman is not only able to face life's challenges with confidence, but also to bring a positive impact to those around her. They know how to handle interpersonal relationships and are good at listening and understanding the needs of others. Whether at work or in life, they are able to show their talents and abilities.

Women with temperament tend to have the ability to think independently, and they have their own values and goals in life. They do not blindly pursue material enjoyment, but focus on inner growth and spiritual pursuit. They know how to balance work and life to maintain peace of mind and a sense of contentment.

In short, a woman with temperament is not only beautiful on the outside, but also the embodiment of inner cultivation and quality. Their existence makes the world a better place, and also gives men endless yearning and pursuit.

Men want to sleep with women the most, especially the second type.


A woman who is independent and has a career

In the TV series "Divorce Lawyer", there is an impressive line: "It is better for a woman to marry a rich man than to become a rich man herself, and a woman can only gain a real sense of security if she is independent in personality and economy." This sentence profoundly reveals the importance of women's independence.

They do not need to be dependent on men, but rely on their own abilities to gain a foothold in society. They have a certain economic foundation and do not need to rely on others, which makes them confident in their relationships and enhances their ability to cope with risks. In the relationship between men and women, men appreciate women who are evenly matched the most, because this kind of relationship can last for a long time. Therefore, we should strive to be an independent and career-oriented woman with her own personality and financial independence to gain a true sense of security and happiness.

Men want to sleep with women the most, especially the second type.


A gentle and virtuous woman

There are thousands of women in the world, but only gentle women are the most touching.

The miracle of the Creator is that it completely separates the physiological characteristics of men and women. Men symbolize strength and tallness, while women symbolize vulnerability and gentleness. In sexual interactions, women who are gentle and family-oriented always win the favor of men.

In the period of love, such a woman will always awaken the man's natural desire to protect, so that the man involuntarily wants to take care of her. When the two enter the marriage and begin to set up a family, the gentle and virtuous woman will always keep the house in order and become the most powerful assistant of the other half, so that the man can go out to work hard with confidence. As the saying goes: "Men and women match, work without getting tired." ”

In a family, there is a woman who cares about the family "inside the home" and a man who is enterprising "outside the home". The two of them work together to make their lives better and better!

Psychologist Sigmund Freud once said: "At the beginning of marriage, if two people cannot love each other with body and heart, once they disintegrate, they will be faster than anything else." "When two people are determined to start their own marriage journey, they should be honest with their other half, treat each other as the whole of their lives, and treat each other wholeheartedly!

In the relationship between the sexes, the people with whom a man wants to spend his life the most are these three types of women: a woman who is gentle and cares for her family, a woman who is independent and has a career, and a woman who is like-minded with him. Each of these three types of women has its own charms and strengths, and all of them can bring happiness and satisfaction to men.