
Say goodbye to the pain and do not want to "give birth", and usher in a "life" with ease! Painless delivery you deserve

author:Hunan medical chat

#邵阳头条 ##邵东市中医医院#

Recently, Ms. Luo was introduced by a friend to the obstetrics department of Shaodong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to give birth to a child, and asked the doctor to give a cesarean section because she was particularly sensitive to pain.

After a detailed examination, the obstetrician recommended that the delivery be done naturally, and communicated with him many times to encourage and share the experience of pregnant mothers who gave birth without pain, so they chose painless delivery with the mentality of giving it a try.

"During the whole labor process, I was accompanied by a caring doula, who patiently communicated with me and instructed me on how to conserve my strength and strength, and the whole delivery process was very comfortable." Ms. Luo said.

Say goodbye to the pain and do not want to "give birth", and usher in a "life" with ease! Painless delivery you deserve

"Since the painless delivery in February 2019, with the joint efforts of everyone, the department has carried out more than 2,000 cases, in the implementation of painless delivery, our midwives will take the safety of mothers and babies as the highest principle, always protect the health of mothers and babies, and we also provide doula services for pregnant mothers, such as sitting on yoga balls, changing positions, and giving continuous action, emotional and informational support to pregnant mothers before, after and during labor. Yang Yan, the head nurse of the delivery room, introduced.

The implementation of painless delivery has brought good news to the majority of pregnant mothers, and painless delivery has made mothers no longer have a "Good Friday".

1. What is painless delivery?

In fact, what we usually call "painless delivery", medically known as "labor analgesia", refers to the neuraxial labor analgesia technique, in the maternal waist, spinal epidural position, puncture and placement of catheters, injection of analgesic drugs, to reduce or even eliminate the pain during labor.

Local anesthetics can block the transmission of peripheral sensory nerves to the central nervous system, and the pain during childbirth comes from the contractions in the abdomen, and the anesthetic we use in the waist intercepts the pain signals, so that the pain signals are not transmitted upward, and the brain can not feel the pain if it does not receive the pain signals, which is the pain reduction principle of painless delivery.

Say goodbye to the pain and do not want to "give birth", and usher in a "life" with ease! Painless delivery you deserve

The first advantage of painless delivery is that it can greatly reduce the pain of childbirth, a small number of women can not be painful at all, only feel the tightness of the belly during contractions, for most women, painless delivery can reduce the pain of 10 to 3-4 levels, and the current painless delivery is the most accurate analgesic effect among all labor pain reduction methods.

In 2021, the mainland issued the "Expert Consensus on Neuraxial Labor Analgesia in China", which provides further guidance for the implementation of painless delivery, and there are currently 913 pilot hospitals for labor analgesia in the mainland, and the painless delivery rate is gradually increasing, but there is still a certain gap compared with developed countries, and the traditional concept of "giving birth is to bear pain" still needs to be changed, and our midwives have a long way to go for the health education of mothers and their families.

The second advantage of painless delivery is its safety, and many pregnant women and their families still have many concerns:

Painless delivery requires only a small amount of medicine, which is only 1/5-1/10 of cesarean section, so the possibility of entering the pregnant woman's blood and passing through the placenta is very low, and there is almost no impact on the fetus.

Postpartum low back pain is related to many factors, such as ligaments not recovering, fatigue or breastfeeding, holding the child in the wrong posture, etc., some studies have counted the incidence of low back pain after natural delivery and painless delivery, there is no obvious difference between the two, so there is no causal relationship between painless delivery and postpartum low back pain.

Say goodbye to the pain and do not want to "give birth", and usher in a "life" with ease! Painless delivery you deserve

The third is whether it will affect the exertion during childbirth? The anesthetic blocks the conduction of sensory nerve signals such as pain, and does not affect the motor nerves, so the muscle movements of uterine contractions and abdominal muscle contractions can be carried out normally and will not affect the exertion.

The fourth is that painless labor is really painless? Painless labor is not really painless, but it can greatly reduce the pain during labor. The pelvic muscles can be relaxed enough during childbirth and the pain can be reduced by 80%. Pregnant women have a clear mind, normal activities, and can complete the labor process with relative ease.

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Wu Miaohong, Shaodong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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