
People who like to clean their homes often have these 3 blessings, don't believe it

author:Longnan Liangdang released

There is a proverb that says, "The toad in the well says that the well is clean, and the toad in the weir says that the weir is wide and neat." ”

There are thousands of kinds of homes, and each one is built by yourself.

Those who complain turn their homes into miasma, those who have sunshine in their hearts turn their homes into spring breezes, and those who are lazy and lazy make their homes chaotic.

When you want to live happily, you must learn to build a happy family and try to take care of everyone's home.

Judging from the appearance of the home, people who like to be clean and people who are used to being sloppy have different blessings, or even diametrically opposite, don't believe it.

People who like to clean their homes often have these 3 blessings, don't believe it


If you don't sweep a house, you will hide dirt and dirt.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil.

Liu Xiu, as a descendant of the royal family, went to the east and west, got half of the country, and then attacked Shu.

His general Wu Han quickly occupied Shu, and with a sense of revenge, let the soldiers loot and set fire everywhere.

When Liu Xiu heard the news, he hurriedly sent someone to stop it, and blamed Wu Han and the accompanying deputy general Liu Yu: "The masses in Chengdu have already submitted to us, why do you want to hurt them? Even a broom at home should be regarded as a treasure worth a thousand gold, and be taken care of." ”

Therefore, the allusion of "cherishing the broom" was left, and Wu Han and Liu Yu were also punished.

As the saying goes: "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?"

Too lazy to clean up the room, this is a very subtle action, but when you zoom in, it becomes a criticism of life.

On the "Beijing Evening News" online platform, a divorce lawsuit was written.

The man Wang and his wife Zhang have been married for many years and have a daughter. It stands to reason that a family of three will be very happy, but Wang insisted on divorce.

In the lawsuit, Wang said that his wife was very lazy and didn't do housework, even if she couldn't fold quilts or sweep the floor, she couldn't shout when she went out to work.

Because of housework, the husband and wife quarreled endlessly, and it was useless to communicate many times, so they had to separate, and then divorced.

If a person doesn't love cleanliness, no matter whether it's a small family or everyone, they won't be happy.

Economically, making money is like accumulating sand into a tower, and the loser is opening the floodgates. If you don't make clean money, you have to spit it out several times; your hands and feet are not clean, like rats crossing the street; you don't want to do housework, you buy everything, and you spend money like running water.

Emotionally, if you don't love clean, no one will love you. Think about it, when husband and wife get along, one party is stinky, and how dare the other party approach, they can only scoff at it. The same is true for the relationship between relatives and friends.

From the perspective of the house, without a good environment, people cannot have a good rest. Home is like a toilet, there is no place to put your feet, you are itchy all over your body when you sleep, and you have no energy to do anything.

In the community, several families are sloppy, which affects everyone's life, especially high-rise buildings, the window sill is not tidyed, and the old things are dropped, which causes big trouble.

When we celebrate the New Year, we also have the custom of sending poor gods. In other words, when the family is cleaned, the poor god will not come, and if the dust is not removed, the poor god will come and refuse to leave, and there will be no good luck in the coming year.

People who like to clean their homes often have these 3 blessings, don't believe it


Clean and clean, "Sanfu" comes from itself.

Montesquieu said, "Beauty must be clean and innocent, in the image, and even more so in the heart." ”

Insisting on making the home clean is a process of change from the outside in, and it can also be said to be a process of changing life from quantitative to qualitative.

If it is always clean, it will always change, and that is the accumulation of virtues and blessings.

Frequent cleaning, self-discipline is a blessing.

Let's talk about Yin Lihua, the wife of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, who was born in a famous family, and she also loves to dress up.

When Liu Xiu was young, he sighed: "Shi Eun should be regarded as the ruling Jinwu, and marrying a wife should be Yin Lihua." "The affection between husband and wife can be seen.

When Yin Lihua stayed in the harem, it was also the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when everything was in ruins. So she took the lead in living a frugal life.

According to historical records, Yin Lihua has been in the position of a noble person for more than ten years, and she is only a few dozen times. The days are tight, but they are still dressed decently, and the days can also have fireworks.

Comments in "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty": The latter reign is frugal, less playful, and does not like to laugh.

Being able to insist on cleaning means that you can manage yourself well and add temperament to yourself. If you can stick to everything, this day will naturally get better and better.

Love life, three meals are blessings.

"Zhu Zi's Family Motto" said: "The diet is about to be fine, and the garden vegetables are more precious." ”

People who like to clean are also very particular about food.

A vegetable leaf, a bowl of rice, will be clean. It may not taste very good, but it will taste sweet, so everyone can rest assured.

Think about it, if you eat caterpillars for a while, and see hair strands for a while, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat this meal.

A good living environment, a good appetite, and a good family atmosphere. As Mr. Cai Lan said: "The bowl is blessed." ”

Kindness is a blessing to treat others.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, after the prime minister Wang Anshi retired, he walked around. There is a Mr. Huyin, who is his neighbor.

Mr. Huyin's home, Wang Anshi is often frequented and has taken care of him many times.

Why Wang Anshi doesn't go to another house, just at Mr. Huyin's house, the reason is very simple - the thatched eaves are long and clean without moss, and the flowers and trees are planted by hand.

and Su Shi, after being demoted to Huangzhou, often went to his friend Chen Jichang's house as a guest.

The reason is also because my friend's house is very clean - the ring is blocked, and the wife and slave are all self-satisfied. Yu was shocked.

Everyone wants to live happily, but happiness is not the result of having a lot of money, nor is it the result of a prominent position, and it is related to love.

Jia Yi said in the "New Book": "Those who love love to return, and those who are blessed are blessed." ”

It is logical that those who love clean love blessings, and those who can be clean are blessed.

People who like to clean their homes often have these 3 blessings, don't believe it


Here, I would like to share with you some tips on how to clean your home.

In addition to the "sweeping" we have to do every day, we must also do three things: one is to organize things regularly and throw away superfluous things, the second is to clean everyone's heart, have something to say and hide the anger, and the third is to buy according to demand and not invite everything to the house.

Cleaning the house is a love for the family and a good attitude towards life, which heals the family and improves oneself.

Sweep away the dirt in the house, and then sweep the dirt in the heart, and everything will be comfortable.

Life is hard, often cleaned, bitter and sweet.

Source: Cloth Coarse Food.