
【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations

author:Huating release

Today, we will unveil the special delicacies that emerged in the first "Better Future, Food in Huating" food competition in Huating City.


Huarong Hotel - Mushroom Lin Huating Hotel - Wild Acid Mushroom Soup Longevity Dumplings

"Mushroom Linhuating" takes Gansu precious edible mushrooms "shiitake mushrooms, golden ear mushrooms, morel mushrooms, chicken fir mushrooms, porcini mushrooms" as the main ingredients, and is accompanied by a fresh soup made of precious Chinese herbs, the soup is delicious and delicious, has the effects of antioxidant, spleen and stomach protection, etc., and is widely favored by diners.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huamei Sunshine Hotel - Jade White Jade Dumplings

The main ingredients include fish, shrimp, shepherd's cabbage, marinated fish and tender, fresh shepherd's cabbage, which are blended together and cooked in just the right heat.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huating Hongmanlou Catering Center - Steamed goat

Steamed Guan goat is one of the 54 northern dishes of the "Manchu and Han Dynasty Banquet", although its authenticity is difficult to verify, but the production technique of "Steamed Guan Goat" does represent the classics of traditional cuisine in the northwest.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huating City homecoming traditional vegetable workshop - six treasures steamed chicken

Liubao steamed chicken has been steamed with pure natural farmhouse chicken with secret seasoning, the taste is soft and glutinous, melts in the mouth, and is suitable for all ages.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huating City Chuanjiang Bazi Hot Pot Restaurant - Genghis Khan Ice Boiled Sheep

Chuanjiang Bazi ice boiled mutton, after the double moisturization of ice and fire, the meat quality is extremely tender, melt in the mouth; the soup of boiled mutton is also very delicious, after eating the meat, drink a bowl of mutton soup, it is really fragrant and fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huarong Hotel - the Yellow River carp

"Zizao Yellow River big carp" takes the fresh carp of the Yellow River as raw material, its meat is thick, delicate and delicious, rich in nutrition, can be eaten raw, can also be made into soup, it is called "Arowana" in the folk, there is a beautiful poem of "the Yellow River three-foot carp, this is in Mengjinju, the amount is not a dragon, and the return is accompanied by the fish", it is a low-fat delicacy that people love.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Holiday Inn West China - Native Pork Bear Paw

The local pork race bear paw is made of Huating high-grade farmer's native pig as the main material, and Pingliang Red Bull is the auxiliary material, which is specially processed into a bear's paw shape, with a soft and glutinous taste, even like a bear's paw, which is a must-order dish for you to entertain guests and friends.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huating Haiyiyuan Farmhouse - Roasted whole sheep

"Pu Tongshi Willow Lamb" made a more detailed record of roast mutton: there were willow lambs in the Yuan Dynasty, and they made a furnace three feet on the ground, and burned them around with fire, so that the whole was red, and the sheep was served with iron, and the degree was cooked. The appearance of the whole sheep is golden and buttery, the outer meat is brown and crispy, the internal meat is soft and tender, and the mutton is fragrant and fragrant, which is quite palatable and unique.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huating City Qushui Courtyard Tea House - Stewed local chicken with medicinal diet

The main raw materials are local chicken, codonopsis, angelica, yam, lily, wolfberry, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to food supplementation, chicken is rich in protein and a variety of trace elements, with Codonopsis, angelica, wolfberry and other medicinal materials, the stewed chicken soup is not only delicious, but also has the effect of strengthening the spleen and lungs, replenishing qi and nourishing blood.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Xingyue Fusion Restaurant - Aged Flavor Grilled Red Bull

Steamed red beef is a special dish of Xingyue Restaurant, using Pingliang local fine red beef, the meat is fat and thin, and the beef and tangerine peel are simmered for an hour in a casserole to stimulate the most delicious taste of the meat.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


Huating Delong Barbecue Restaurant - Specialty Warm Pot

Characteristic warm pot: The warm pot generally uses chicken soup or pork bone soup as the bottom of the pot, adding croquettes, tofu, cabbage, vermicelli, etc. to make stewed dishes suitable for all ages.

【Bright Future, Food in Huating】A selection of 11 special food recommendations


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