
Alex 12 Horoscope for the Week (4.8-4.14)

author:Alex is an uncle
Alex 12 Horoscope for the Week (4.8-4.14)


Weibo|@Alex is an uncle


Reference: Sun sign, Ascendant sign (both need to be referenced)

Important Astrological Signs of the Week:

This week, we have a new moon and solar eclipse. The energy of a solar eclipse is very powerful, and the changes it brings tend to last for three months or even six months, and if you were born between April 7 and April 9, then the personal impact of this eclipse on you will last for a year. Please note: "Impact" here is a neutral word and does not emphasize whether it is good or bad. Personal horoscopes need to be judged in conjunction with the passage of time in the personal horoscope.

But to analyze this eclipse on a large scale, in a broad sense, we need to pay attention to these things:

1. Although it is currently in the stage of water retrograde, this new moon solar eclipse may bring some people the opportunity to start a new plan - I also mentioned in the previous horoscope content, although the water retrograde is not suitable for starting a new plan, but if this matter is time-sensitive and urgent, then you can do it after analyzing the pros and cons. Driven by the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, there may be some people who have to start some "moving" changes in their lives, such as new projects, study plans, or housing-related matters.

2. A new moon eclipse will also boost our creativity and will also give us motivation. You may suddenly be very motivated, or ambitious, and have a sense of progress, so this New Moon eclipse will also make some people re-energize and want to fight for a career or something else – be careful with the words, it's a spell. This has the implication of not wanting to leave regrets for yourself, and it seems that you don't care about success or failure, but just do it once to avoid regrets in the future.

3. Because the energy of the new moon eclipse is very powerful, it will also affect some people's health problems, such as head, such as sleep, or symptoms of fever.

4. Since this new moon and solar eclipse occurs in the fire sign, the overall atmosphere of this week will be a little gunpowdery, impatient, and easy to bring conflicts and contradictions, and at this time it is still in the water reversal, and it is also necessary to pay attention to avoid verbal conflicts and even other conflicts due to turning over old accounts, which may also lead to disputes among some people, and even go through judicial procedures.

During this new lunar eclipse, Chron's energy is also activated - I rarely mention Chron, a star that is involved in "pain" and "healing". So this week, there are also some people who may relapse of old problems, or some deep pain in their hearts is triggered again, plus at this time in the cycle of water reversal, may have to let themselves into an unwilling, can't let go of the situation, in this case, please don't let your emotions "ghost hit the wall", don't get entangled with yourself, and even ask for help in time, if you need emotional guidance and catharsis, go to find trusted friends, let them give you companionship and support.

In addition, under the influence of the combined horoscope during this week, the individual's desires, both mental and physical, may enter a stage of instability. Therefore, we should also pay attention to some peachy, sex scandal-related events, or such things that have happened before, because of the relationship between the water reversal, which have been discussed by us again, or the previous things have made progress or results.

Mars and Saturn will also interact, and this week should also avoid hard encounters, and some people may also use their generation (age) and level to suppress others. However, this sign also means that we can turn stress into motivation, and at the same time, we can also seek the help of people with experience and background to solve our own problems.

Also be aware this week that someone may make a small report, or be overstepping.

Health note this week: fever, headache, edema, pharyngitis, mouth ulcers, folliculitis, shoulder blades, sleep, teeth, breasts.

The above is the impact on the social environment.

Sun or Aries Ascendant: This week, your sign has a New Moon Eclipse, which is a very important astrological sign for you – your life will take a new turn for the better, usher in new changes, and even enter a new phase in the next three months. This may help you start a new project - a career or a personal planning thing, and you may have to study and research this week, or seek the help of friends and acquaintances to gain some knowledge and experience. Of course, your fortune is also very good this week, people you are familiar with may introduce you to new resources, make new contacts, and there may be a lot of entertainment to deal with this week, and you will feel that you have strong energy and ambition. But beware, because the energy of the eclipse is strong, you need to pay more attention to your personal health, especially in the first half of the week, you will feel a little restless or restless, but this feeling will end quickly. In addition, Mars interacts with Saturn, focusing on female elders, pet health, and having things to repair or go into after-sales disposal this week. Some people are preparing to take a leave of absence or move house, while others are more careful about your relationship with female elders, which is prone to conflict, or at this stage, some people may have to work part-time to earn extra money. Some people may get bonuses, arrears or some bank-related business to be dealt with. The Sun's interaction with Mercury also brings you good news, which is related to negotiations, documents, or offers, and a small number of people will start a new relationship. From the perspective of the workplace, Mercury retrograde is still ongoing, and there have been tasks, notices, or project feedback lagging last week, resulting in the need to work overtime this week, and because of Mercury's relationship, it has also brought business trips to some people, and in addition, new tasks have been confirmed this week, and the contract process has begun.

Love is suitable for making promises.

Sun or Taurus Ascendant: Once the New Moon is in your 12th house, this position may bring some stress – in fact, you may have had some stress since last weekend, whether it was from your family, or a sudden mission, or someone who suddenly told you the news – and you will be able to digest these emotions by Thursday. In addition, the energy of the 12th house will also be involved in your health problems, and some people may have to go to medical institutions, or take medication, or make appointments for surgery or other treatments. If you have a mental health condition, you may need the help of your therapist this week. However, there are also positive effects of this eclipse crescent, such as you may have to break away, sell or throw away some items, or you will have to do some charity, volunteer work, or go in and out of religious places. Also, there are people who want to have pets or spend money on them. During this New Moon eclipse, your sleep will become less stable and will start to improve after Thursday. But the good thing is that the interaction between Mars and Saturn, your friends may bring you support, or your friends will bring you material help. For others, they're starting into a new work environment or taking on an important project this week. And because of Mars' interaction with Saturn, you may also be involved in training, transfers, and changing the guard with others. There may be some internal changes in your workplace, and your superiors may talk to you, but you will keep a clear head to analyze these statements. This week also needs to focus on the health of male elders. And this week, there will also be blind dates and netizens to meet. In the workplace, work efficiency has increased this week, and paperwork-related tasks will become a little heavier this week, while Mercury is still retrograde, and there are still cases of mistakes or repeated revisions, so keep your patience. This week, it is easy to have prevarication or contradictions with colleagues in other departments or regions, so you can be neither humble nor arrogant.

Love is not to rush to the doctor.

Sun or Gemini Ascendant: Your ruling planet, Mercury, is still retrograde, and you've been through some chaos and things that have come and gone, and that's still the case this week, but you're adaptable and adaptable in time, so don't worry. There's also a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your social house this week – this week and next, socialize more, because you're likely to meet someone very important who may change your life and boost you (career-level), or someone who will meet someone who fell in love at first sight and sparked your love mood, so this week might as well be a little more social, get together with friends, and maybe there will be some casual surprises. This eclipse will also change your social patterns, maybe you had conflicts with some friends that will gradually improve and reconcile this week, or maybe you have been holding back some people, but now you don't want to be patient, so you decide to cut off these relationships. Of course, because of the relationship between the water reversal, it is with the people who had some ambiguous relationships before, although it was not over before, but there may be some new interactions this week and next week. You may have a feeling of "fate is magical". The Mars-Saturn interaction brings you some family conflicts, and you may also have to balance some relationships within the family this week, or help your family pay the bills. For others, they are looking at houses, or dealing with house transactions and renovations. You may also have a visitor this week, and this person may have a complicated relationship with you, so you need to be careful this week. In addition, some people have to deal with insurance, taxes, as well as documents and ticketing related matters this week, and the process may not be very smooth, but with patience, it can be solved in the end. Some people will be traveling for business this week, or they will be taking temporary time off. From the perspective of the workplace, the water reversal continues, avoid being late in the first half of the week, and at the same time, because of the solar eclipse, there may be internal leaders who take others accountable and make an example of them, or at this time, the customer side and the partner have temporary requirements to increase, resulting in some overtime things to deal with, and there is also feedback on the payment this week.

Love, don't let yourself compromise.

Sun or Cancer Ascendant: Are you looking forward to new changes in your life? You also wish you could open the ascending channel, right? This week's New Moon and Solar Eclipse will bring you opportunities, to be exact, the next three months, because this eclipse of the New Moon will bring more opportunities for your studies and career- You may want to change jobs, or fight for a certain position, or you want to be appreciated by people with more background, ability, and power, take advantage of the energy of this new moon and solar eclipse, take the initiative to express, and give full play to your strengths and professions, and you will be seen. And this new moon and solar eclipse, it may initially make you feel chaotic - for example, someone in your career is going to do things again, or there is chaos within your company, there are some people who will have relationships but no strength, etc., this eclipse and new moon will amplify this situation again, but don't think it's a bad thing - just give you the opportunity to find a mistake and correct it, be brave. However, it is important to note that this New Moon eclipse may bring quarrels, which may cause some people's emotional relationships to become unstable, so such matters need to be handled with caution. You may still have household chores to attend to during the first half of the week, and some of you have to take temporary leave of absence as a result. Mars and Saturn bring opportunities to go out, or overseas, friends from other places to contact you and meet up, some people need to apply for visas this week, or report lost things, and you may also need to contact your bank clerk or wealth manager. Some of you will be involved in speeches, competitions, and other competitive matters this week. This week is also a good time to defend your rights, or if you want to complain against someone, or even skip the level of complaint. The interaction between Mars and Saturn has brought some people the opportunity to meet up with netizens. Favor spending has increased this week. Take care of your health, avoid injuries, and watch out for headaches and allergies. From the perspective of the workplace, there are people in the work this week who are hindered in the progress of some things because of their own power or the relationship between the households, but you will solve it, and there are also projects that have been implemented and implemented this week, so you will be busy, so you should be mentally and deal with it.

Love is to be cautious when communicating.

Sun or Leo Ascendant: This week you may feel that someone has crossed the line and interfered with your private territory. Mars interacts with Saturn, and even the closest people may want to have their own space, but this week the other person may be doing something, or saying something that makes you feel offended. Of course, some people have some interests and financial problems with their partner, friend or partner, and even you are dissatisfied because of these problems - for example, you feel that the other person is too greedy, or just wants to take advantage of you, etc. But this is a problem that you can solve, and you need to have a serious conversation this week, and you can't let the other party feel "taken for granted". For others, they have to deal with financial and insurance related matters this week. There is also a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in your chart this week, although the holiday has just ended, you may be planning a new trip, or looking at a foreign city, etc., which may involve a personal plan, related to life, work, study decisions, take your time, and do not need to rush to make decisions this week. Some people will be watching a show, a concert, or entertaining guests from other places during the week. As a result of Mercury's interaction with Venus, financial fortunes have picked up this week, while some arrears have been voiced and feedbacked. This week, there are also people who have medical aesthetics, change their shape, or have injections. Some people will have an affair and a date this week. In the workplace, Mercury is still retrograde, this influence still involves paperwork, contracts, and processes, and there may be a situation at some stage that needs the help of others to solve, and some people need to replace others to dock some work content this week, resulting in some of their own confusion, but it will improve after Thursday, and there will be tasks that will be closed.

Love is not to make bets lightly.

Sun or Virgo Ascendant: Do you have this situation: tell yourself that this thing cannot be done, do not say this sentence, do not ask this question. Although you hold back at the moment, you will eventually do it, you will speak, you will ask, it is only a matter of time. You're going to be in this situation again this week, but my advice is – bear with me. This week's New Moon and Solar Eclipse will bless your insight, you are already careful and sensitive, and you may have many doubts through clues, you want to ask for proof, but don't be in a hurry, bear with it first. You may need to purchase a lot of things this week, or you may have some money to settle and the bill will be settled, so the monetary expenditure will increase. Some people will also change their look this week, or modify a certain appointment. Also, you might be meeting someone secretly this week. Due to the reversal, there are also some past payments settled this week, and you may have to deal with banking as well. Since Mars interacts with Saturn, if you are not single, you need to pay attention to your partner's health. Also, this astrological sign will also affect the emotional relationship of some people, and it is easy to break up and cold war. If you are single, but currently have an affair, or a date, the interaction between Mars and Saturn will have a bipolar impact, one is together, and the other is that you have been looking at it for a long time, and you have made a lot of comprehensive judgments, and found that it is still not suitable and decided to cut off the relationship. The interaction between Mercury and the Sun gives you the opportunity to train, compete, and some people will trade second-hand, and this week is a good social horoscope, with access to new friends or resources, and this week is a good time to socialize. Pay attention to your health, eye, respiratory, heart, blood pressure problems, some people are careful of being injured by animals. In the workplace, the workload has increased this week, and there may be people who have to travel, so you have been catching up and improving efficiency in the first half of the week, and there are also some socializing to participate in this week. Also, there are a lot of meetings, so you have to allocate your own time, but the good thing is that there are projects that will be confirmed and started to be executed.

Love is not to let yourself be too soft-hearted.

Sun or Libra Ascendant: Stay true to your feelings. This week's New Moon and Solar Eclipse will be in your opposite house – if you are a bit of a people-pleaser yourself, you must be true to your feelings this week, express your feelings when you are unhappy and uncomfortable, and say no at the same time. This may also lead to a new turn in some people's interpersonal or emotional relationships, but this transition, whether together or apart, is not a bad thing for you. In addition, this New Moon and Solar Eclipse will also help you start new social networks, bring new connections, and you may meet new people this week. During the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, you may also have to visit customers or spend favors, and you may also be asked for help by friends this week, please choose whether to agree or refuse based on your actual situation, please be true to your feelings. Mars interacts with Saturn, things related to houses will start to progress, and there will be people who will want to buy household goods, appliances, etc., and some people will go on blind dates this week. This astrological sign requires you to pay attention to the health of male elders, and some people also spend money on pets. Some people will receive offers this week, or are preparing to move. In addition, due to the interaction between the Sun and Mercury, there will be positive developments in documents, tickets, claims and other matters, and some people will also participate in other people's weddings and birthday events this week. Some people may encounter more embarrassing things, such as some of your behaviors are misunderstood, others may be tempted by you, etc., this situation you need to make it clear in time, do not drag and avoid. From the perspective of the workplace, as the water reversal continues, there are some payments this week, and financial matters are prone to errors, or they are not paid or settled in time, so you need to supervise efficiency. In addition, this week, because of the delay in task feedback last week, you need to work overtime in the first half of this week, and at the same time, there are colleagues who ask for leave or leave, resulting in the task falling on you, but it will improve after Wednesday.

Love is to be true to your feelings.

Sun or Scorpio Ascendant: A New Moon eclipse appears in your chart this week – are you ready to go all out? In the past three weeks, you have been busy, but you feel that you have not made much progress, and even feel that you have done a lot of useless work, this is actually a process of exploration, and this week's solar eclipse will give you a boost to implement and solve many things. And there are people who are ready to start a business, do a side hustle, or are ready to find a new job opportunity. Some people will be transferred, promoted and raised in the next three months because of this new moon and solar eclipse. However, please pay attention to your own health problems, gastrointestinal problems, limb joints, and some people should pay attention to eye and gallbladder related health problems. If you have a pet, please pay attention to their health as well. Some people will be in and out of religious sites this week. Mars interacts with Saturn this week, and if you happen to be dating someone or are in an affair, this sign will let you know if there is no need for the relationship to continue, or if it is necessary to implement a love affair, and you will have a conclusion. If you're looking forward to becoming a parent, then work with your partner this week. This sign will also bring you good fortune, and you may also receive gifts or a return on your investment. For others, they want to exchange foreign currency, or they have feedback on documents related matters. This horoscope also requires you to pay attention to the health of female elders and children. However, this sign may strengthen your sense of self and appear to be a bit selfish, and you need to listen to other people's opinions and ideas this week. In the workplace, Mercury is still retrograde, and during Monday and Tuesday, there may be tasks, or feedback that is not communicated in time, and there are changes happening, but please be patient, and there will be conclusions soon. In addition, this week, the supervisor may conduct a random inspection, ask about some tasks, or need you to make a report on past matters. For others, they may have to support other departments this week. You may also need to use your personal resources and connections to handle some of your work this week.

Love is to release your good feelings.

Sun or Sagittarius Ascendant: A powerful New Moon eclipse appears in your chart this week – the exact location brings you strength, and of course your "competitive" personality is activated again this week, you want to win and are unwilling to admit defeat, but it also depends on the specific situation, so when the New Moon energy appears, your inner desire to contradict others or swear sovereignty will be strong - it is important to judge the situation and do what you can. This New Moon and Solar Eclipse will also bring you good fortune or receive gifts, some of you will hear about someone being pregnant and having a child, or if you are looking forward to becoming a parent, you can work with your partner this week. This New Moon and Solar Eclipse will also stimulate your creativity, inspiration, and if you are planning to do a side hustle, or a partnership, or other plans to make a living, then this week you will have someone to help, someone to remind you, or give you a chance. Also, for singles, this New Moon eclipse will also boost your charisma, so socialize and maybe meet someone you love soon – many of you may have emotional opportunities in the next three months. In addition, there are also people who will prepare to register their marriage and prepare for the wedding. The interaction between Mars and Saturn brings some stress, you need to pay attention to the health of your elders, or family related matters, and for some people, there is something damaged or lost in the house, or you need to change the housekeeping staff at this time, or there may be some problems and conflicts between you and your neighbors. However, some people may receive an offer this week, or you may confirm a time to meet someone out of town. From the perspective of the workplace, as the water reversal progresses, there are still people with bad brains who bring you obstacles and troubles this week, maybe the other party makes mistakes, affecting your efficiency, or you have to clean up the mess for others in the first half of the week. Also, your boss may talk to you this week. For others, there will be a chance of promotion.

Love is not to deny each other.

Sun or Capricorn Ascendant: You may feel as if the people you were close to are slowly alienating you, or you are actively distancing yourself from them. The location of this week's New Moon and Solar Eclipse happens to trigger your inner feelings, emotions, and you may look at your relationships - maybe you have to fix what should be repaired, take the initiative to connect, and if you should be estranged, then really distancing. In addition, the location of this new moon eclipse is also related to family, maybe you are ready to go back to your hometown to deal with some things, or let your family take care of it for you. For others, it's for a family event, or someone is visiting your home, and of course, you may be visiting a friend's house. For others, it's time to meet their parents with their partners. However, there are a small number of people who may be affected by your relationship or by their family, or they may be holding you back. Your relatives may provoke you this week and deal with it tactfully. A small percentage of people will be ready to move. The interaction between Mars and Saturn may make you refuse to do something, and the other thing is to pay attention to safety and rules when it comes to travel, and some people are prone to being late or delayed. This week you should also pay attention to your health to avoid injuries, as well as fever, mouth sores, burns, etc., some people may have dental problems. Fortune is getting better in the second half of the week, and some people may win the lottery this week. From the perspective of the workplace, with the interaction between Mars and Saturn, it may be easy to get stuck in the implementation of the project, whether it is between departments or partners, because it may not be possible to compromise or compromise on a certain detail, and there will be a third party to mediate at this stage, and it can finally be resolved. In addition, there may be cooperation this week, but it will not be over. In the relationship of the new moon and solar eclipse, some people may have to apply to work from home, or the office environment needs to be adjusted or even renovated.

Love is not to let other people's voices affect your own decisions.

Sun or Aquarius Ascendant: Since last week, you have found it difficult to communicate with people or even convince others. Isn't this situation very familiar - no one else can convince you. So when you understand your own mental activity of not being convinced, you will be able to gain insight into the needs of others, and naturally this matter will turn around, and this week try to discuss the topics that have been rejected or avoided before, and maybe there will be other developments. In addition, the New Moon and Solar Eclipse will appear in your chart, and you will be more on the go this week, some people will be on a business trip, or a certain place for the day, or even more frequent in the field, while others will do research, or change the guard with others, and adjust the time of attendance. There are also people who will be shopping for transportation, electronics, or repairs this week. Due to the interaction between Mars and Saturn, there will be an increase in money spending this week, possibly for family members or health-related matters. Some people do aesthetic medicine or do some charity-related things. If you're not single, you'll find it difficult to communicate with your partner this week, and even have more serious conversations. There are a small number of people whose emotional relationships enter a turbulent phase and are even ready to break up. For singles, the energy of the New Moon eclipse happens to be in your favor, you can take the initiative and express some of your emotions to the person you like, or even dominate a date, give it a try. From the perspective of the workplace, due to the interaction between Mars and Saturn, this week may have to summarize some data or other things from past projects, and some payment matters this week have some problems in approval or settlement, which may be communicated back and forth and dealt with, but can be solved in the end. In addition, Mercury's interaction with the Sun brings about a situation where some tasks can be landed and can be performed.

Love, is not to pretend that the problem does not exist.

Sun or Pisces Ascendant: Mars and Saturn will be conjunct in your sign, and you have been haunted by something in your heart – but not your problem, but someone else's problem, such as someone else not giving you money in time, not doing what was promised, or something else, but according to your personality, maybe "forget it" or pretending it didn't happen – but you keep remembering and caring. So this week, the time has come to express what you mind and address it. This astrological sign will confront your anxieties and fears, and Thursday is the perfect time to do so. In addition, there is also a new moon and solar eclipse in your star chart, in your house of money - in the next three months, please work hard to make money, this solar eclipse opens your channel and opportunity to make money, but don't think about the windfall from the sky, just rely on your efforts to cultivate, you will reap. There are also people who will find a new job or get a raise in the following days. In addition, this New Moon and solar eclipse will also cause you to pay attention to your health, such as the mouth, cervical spine, or other bones, and some people, teeth, which may also affect your sleep, and even some people have a fever. The water reversal is still going on, there are still trips, plans are disrupted, or pigeons are released. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people will apply for a vacation and be ready to travel. A small percentage of people who are not single may be facing issues related to "loyalty" in their relationships, or that there may be problems in your intimate relationships. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's water reversal is still continuing, and there are still clerical errors, or the things that are explained to others have not been done well, or the other party has forgotten, so it is necessary to work hard, confirm and remind repeatedly. In addition, the New Moon and Solar Eclipse bring about the settlement of payments, and some people may reap partial wealth.

Love is not to avoid problems.

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