
Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

author:Han Pang said decoration

"Food, clothing, housing and transportation" encompasses our whole life. Clothes are not only used to cover shame, but also to keep warm, and can also be used to dress up yourself. Worn clothes need to be washed and dried.

Although clothes are dried every day, there are still many people who have misunderstandings about how to dry clothes. These wrong drying methods will not only affect the effect of drying, but even affect our health, and it is easy to get sick.

The right way to dry your clothes can protect your clothes, prolong their lifespan, and prevent the growth of bacteria. Unfortunately, many people don't know and are still using the wrong method.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

1. The wrong drying method will breed bacteria and make people sick

The most common mistake is blind drying.

Many people like to use the shade drying method, thinking that it can dry the clothes and avoid the damage caused by the sun. However, in order to achieve the effect of natural drying, there are requirements for temperature, humidity and air circulation conditions.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

Many people don't care so much and do it blindly in the shade. Clothes that are damp for a long time can easily breed bacteria, fungi, and odors. It smells foul and affects personal image. In addition, it can also cause adverse effects on the skin, causing skin allergies, itching and other conditions. If bacteria and fungi are inhaled into the body, it is easy to cause respiratory diseases.

If the ventilation conditions are good and the air is not very humid, it is indeed possible to use the shade drying method. If the conditions are not met, it is best not to blindly dry in the shade.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

2. How to dry clothes correctly?

In fact, drying clothes in the sun is the most natural, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and healthy way. However, some materials and uses are suitable for sun exposure, while others can only be ventilated and dried.

1. Clothes suitable for sun exposure

Autumn clothes and underwear: Exposure to the sun can not only dry clothes quickly, but also play a role in sterilization and disinfection. Autumn clothes and underwear are close-fitting clothing, and it is best to expose them to the sun.

When your underwear is exposed to the sun, try not to turn it over. Otherwise, it is easy to be contaminated with dust, bacteria and other harmful substances, which will affect your health when worn on your body.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

Cotton and linen clothes: This type of clothing is not easy to deform and fade, even if it is exposed to the sun, it is not easy to have problems. Don't wring it too dry when drying, it's best to bring water to dry, so that wrinkles are not easy to appear.

Baby's clothes: Babies grow up very quickly, and clothes don't last long at all. So, don't think about the longevity of the clothes. Health and safety should be the top priority. The baby's clothes can be disinfected and sterilized after being exposed to the sun, and they are healthier to wear.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

2. Clothes that are not suitable for sun exposure

Silk clothing: If exposed to the sun, it will cause problems such as fiber breakage and fading. It is best to dry in a cool, ventilated place on a sunny day.

Chiffon clothes: Chiffon clothes are softer and lighter than ordinary polyester materials. Therefore, it is not recommended to twist and pull hard, and do not expose to the sun for a long time. If you want to bask in the sun, choose to keep it or do it close to the evening, when the sun is not strong.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

Cotton clothes: Cotton clothes are prone to fading, redness, yellowing and other conditions if exposed to the sun. Try to hang it in a cool, ventilated place to dry, and turn your clothes upside down.

Woolen clothing: If exposed to the sun, the oleamine film on the surface will oxidize due to high temperature, which will affect the service life. Therefore, wool clothes are best dried in a cool and ventilated place.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

3. What should I do if my clothes stink?

1. Re-wash

What if the weather is humid, or because the shade is not drying in the right way, causing the clothes to stink?

In this case, the best way to do this is to re-clean. In this way, the bacteria and odors on the clothes can be washed out, and then the correct drying method can be used to effectively solve the problem of smelly clothes.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

2. Clean the washing machine

There is also a situation where the washing machine is too dirty and there is a lot of sewage in it. When we use the washing machine to wash clothes, the sewage inside will seep into the clothes. As a result, problems such as dirtiness, odor, and itchy skin will appear as you wash more.

We need to take out the filter and filter of the washing machine regularly to clean. You can also add "washing machine effervescent tablets" to the washing machine, and then start the function of washing clothes, so as to have the effect of cleaning the washing machine.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

4. How to dry without sun?

1. All-in-one drying and washing machine, dryer

You can directly use the dryer and wash the clothes directly for drying. You can also use a simple dryer, and after the washing machine is spin dry, it can be stuffed directly into the dryer. Not only can it dry clothes, but it also has a sterilizing effect, and the effect is similar to drying in the sun.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

2. Clothes dryer

The dryer and dryer are both more expensive appliances, and the dryer will be more cost-effective. Once the clothes are spin dry, hang them on a hanger. Then put it in the dryer, and use the warm air inside to quickly dry the clothes, and the high temperature also has a sterilization effect.

3. Electric fan

Once the clothes are dried, hang them on a hanger and turn on the electric fan. Through the principle of blowing, water molecules can be evaporated quickly. With this method, you can also speed up the drying of clothes, thus reducing the probability of smell.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

4. Air conditioning

You can also hang your clothes in the room and turn on the dehumidification function of the air conditioner. The function of dehumidification is used to evaporate the water molecules on the clothes, so as to play the role of drying.

5. Add disinfectant

When we wash clothes, we can add the right amount of disinfectant. In this way, it can play a role in disinfection and sterilization, and even if it is dried for a long time, it is not easy to breed bacteria, which can cause odor.

Drying clothes like this makes it easy to get sick, and many people don't know about it and are still using the wrong method

Summary at the end of the article

If possible, it is best to use natural drying methods. It is not only healthy, but also energy-saving and environmentally friendly, for those clothes that are not suitable for exposure to the sun, just hang them in a ventilated place to dry. If there are really no conditions, or the weather is bad, use electrical equipment such as dryers and dryers, and do not wait for the clothes to breed bacteria and stink before taking action.