
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

In recent days,

Strong convective weather brushes the sense of existence,

Nansha turned on the "pouring water" mode.

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

According to @Guangzhou Nansha weather

News at 11 o'clock on April 6:

In the past 24 hours,

Most of Nansha District

Rainstorm weather,

The average areal rainfall was 60.1 mm.

The maximum rainfall was 146.5 mm.

At present, there are still thunderstorms in the local area,

When will the rain abate?

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

The rain will gradually weaken from tomorrow

According to @guangzhouweather news,

Today (7th),

The confrontation between the south wind and the north wind still exists,

The shear line is still swinging in Guangzhou.

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

This indicates that the warm and humid air flow from the south is just being pushed by the north wind near Guangzhou, so from this afternoon to the early morning, there are also short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds, local Xiaoice hail and other strong convective weather.

It is expected that with the gradual strengthening of the subtropical high from the 9th, the water vapor in each layer will gradually dry out, and the rain will gradually weaken.

In addition, according to the monitoring of the Guangzhou Meteorological Observatory, Guangzhou has reached the level III emergency response standard for activating meteorological disasters (heavy rain).

The Municipal Meteorological Disaster Emergency Command decided to upgrade the Level IV emergency response to the Guangzhou Meteorological Disaster (Heavy Rain) from 13:19 on the 7th to Level III emergency response.

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

As for what everyone has missed for a long time


Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

Expected to return in the middle of next week,

Citizens who have a drying plan

You can start arranging~

Nansha weather forecast for the coming week

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

According to the forecast of the Nansha District Meteorological Observatory, it will be cloudy today, with showers or thundershowers, local heavy rain, 22~27 °C, relative humidity 75%~95%;

On the 8th, it was cloudy with showers, 24~29 °C;

On the 9th, it was cloudy with short showers, 23~27 °C.

Severe convective weather is frequent

Be alert to these disasters after heavy rains


Nansha has entered

Heavy rainfall and strong convection seasons,

Members of the public should pay close attention

Latest weather news,

Adjust your travel arrangements in a timely manner.

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

If the road encounters sudden weather, pay attention to avoid low-lying roads that are prone to water accumulation, do not risk wading, do not stay or take shelter near high-voltage lines, big trees, dilapidated houses and fences, and try to take shelter in a safe room with lightning protection measures.


Sustained heavy precipitation is prone to occur

Geological disasters such as collapses and landslides.

Due to the lag and suddenness of geological disasters, please do not enter the dangerous area immediately after heavy rainfall, take the initiative to stay away from and avoid the mountain slope, and do not enter or approach the mountain slope area to carry out production activities and planting and breeding operations, so as to avoid the impact of geological disasters or secondary disasters.

Guidelines for Geological Hazard Prevention

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

(Swipe up and down for details)

Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......
Rain, rain, rain, rain, Nansha will have to wait until it is sunny......

Xiao Nan will show you


Let's get on the subway and →

Source: Guangzhou Weather, Guangzhou Nansha Weather

Characters: 何倩蓥

Image: China Weather, Guangzhou Weather, Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China

Editor: Kakin

Proofreading: Cao Yi

First instance: Li Xiatong

Second trial: Li Lizhi

Final review: Ye Pingsheng

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )