
Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places

author:Released in Zhangjiakou
Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places

In recent days, there has been heavy rainfall and strong convective weather in many places, in addition to paying attention to weather warning information

At this time, it is also necessary to be vigilant against "thunderstorm asthma"

After a thunderstorm, the hospital gathered a group of "thunderstorm asthma" patients to see the hospital, from 0:00 to 1:00 a.m. on April 2, the emergency department of the Jiangnan branch of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University gathered nearly 30 "thunderstorm asthma" patients, their symptoms were generally severe cough, shortness of breath, obvious asthma, and a history of allergic rhinitis and recent upper respiratory tract infection

What is thunderstorm asthma?

Thunderstorm asthma refers to the acute attack or exacerbation of bronchial asthma that occurs during or immediately after a thunderstorm, which mostly occurs during the pollen season, and can be manifested as a large-scale outbreak of asthma in a localized area, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe, and can be life-threatening in severe cases. Most patients with allergies suddenly develop asthma symptoms such as cough, dyspnea, wheezing, and laryngeal edema induced by thunderstorms. According to the doctor, "thunderstorm asthma" is an acute attack, generally showing a group of attacks, many patients have a simultaneous attack of the disease, can occur in people of any age.

Some studies have suggested that the cold air currents before a thunderstorm can carry pollen or mold particles into the clouds, and the moisture and lightning in the clouds can burst the pollen particles, releasing smaller particles that are easier to enter the respiratory tract.

Lady "a handful of snot and a handful of tears" after enjoying the flowers

More than 20 people in 30 outpatient clinics are allergic rhinitis

Many sensitive people begin to experience allergic symptoms such as sneezing, tears, and eczema after going out to enjoy the flowers or going out.

Last week, Ms. Lu from Hangzhou went out to enjoy the cherry blossoms. At that time, I felt that my nose was itchy and I was sneezing non-stop. The next day, she began to "snot and tears", and she was miserable. Ms. Lu immediately sought medical attention and was diagnosed with typical allergic rhinitis caused by pollen allergies.

"There are a total of 30 numbers in a specialist clinic on the weekend, and more than 20 people have allergic rhinitis. The number of such patients has increased by more than 30% compared with normal days, and almost all of them are allergic to pollen. The otolaryngologist of Hangzhou First People's Hospital said that most of the symptoms in this group of people are itchy nose and itchy throat.

Coincidentally, 67-year-old Wang Bo in Hangzhou got up early for morning exercises, and after going out for a walk, he was "fatter" than usual! The pimples on his lower back and the red rash gradually spread to a size larger than steamed buns, spreading to the back and thighs, and the itching was unbearable. What's even more terrifying is that his two eyes are swollen into "goldfish eyes", and his earlobes are also swollen, accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and hand tremors.

After Wang Bo went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with systemic allergic symptoms caused by "poplar pollen allergy".

Doctors recommend that people with pollen sensitivity wear masks and take personal protective measures during periods when the pollen index is high.

How much do you know about pollen allergies?

Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places
Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places

How to prevent "thunderstorm asthma" and pollen allergies?

1. Pay attention to meteorological forecasts, especially the early warning of thunderstorms or meteorological changes, and it is recommended to close doors and windows and stay indoors when thunderstorms occur.

2. You can prepare some drugs for the treatment of allergies and asthma at home, if you have some mild asthma symptoms, take them according to the instructions of the medicine. If the symptoms cannot be relieved after taking the medication, please go to a regular hospital for medical treatment in time.

3. Prevent hay fever and hide as a plan. Allergy symptoms are mainly more prevention than cure. In weather when pollen concentrations are high, even healthy people should take protective measures. Although allergic rhinitis may seem to have minor symptoms, if left untreated early, it can lead to sinusitis, otitis media, and even asthma.

4. When returning from the outdoors, you can rinse your nose and face with salt water or water.

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Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places

Source: Overview News Editor: Xiao Ning'er Editor: Wang Chunliang Review: Feng Haixiao Xie Yan Proofreader: Chen Tingguo Reprinted this article, please indicate: Zhangjiakou release

Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places
Some hospitals received nearly 30 cases in one night, and the → has recently occurred in many places