
Men also have menopause? a few typical manifestations that you may not know yet

author:Guardians of Chinese medicine

At the end of an ordinary workday, Mr. Li sat on the sofa in the living room, feeling an unprecedented sense of exhaustion and depression. This feeling had been with him for months, but he had always thought it was just the result of work pressure. Until a chance party, a friend mentioned "andropause", the word hit his heart like a bolt of lightning. He began to reflect on whether this was the reason for his mood swings, decreased physical strength, and even the difficulty of tossing and turning at night.

Many people have heard of female menopause, but when it comes to male menopause, most people may feel strange or even suspicious. However, scientific studies have shown that men also undergo a similar process of physical and psychological change. This stage can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, such as mood swings, physical fatigue, sexual dysfunction, etc., which can seriously affect daily life and well-being.

Men also have menopause? a few typical manifestations that you may not know yet

Scientific explanation of andropause

The "Invisible Transition": Understanding Andropause

Andropause, often referred to in the medical community as "Hypochric Testicular Syndrome" or "Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome", is a natural physiological phenomenon that occurs with age. This process usually occurs in men between the ages of 45 and 60 and marks a gradual decline in testosterone levels. Unlike female menopause, this process is slower in men and can last for years or even decades.

Testosterone is a key hormone that dominates male physiology and maintains the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. The effects of the decline are wide-ranging, from the physical to the psychological. Not only that, but decreased testosterone can also affect bone density, muscle mass, red blood cell production, and libido.

What is the reason behind the drop in testosterone?

The root cause of andropause is the decreased ability of the testicles to produce testosterone as we age. In addition, changes in the release of gonadotropins in the body can also affect testosterone levels. Some health problems such as obesity, diabetes (abnormal glucose metabolism), hypertension (increased blood pressure in systemic arteries), etc., as well as lifestyle factors such as stress, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, etc., can accelerate this process.

Men also have menopause? a few typical manifestations that you may not know yet

Typical presentation of andropause

"Emotional roller coaster": changes in mood and cognition

Many people may unconsciously enter this physiological stage and ignore the signals due to a lack of adequate awareness. Mood symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, and depression are very common in male menopause. These changes are often mistaken for work stress or life changes, ignoring the direct link to hormonal changes.

In addition to emotional problems, cognitive function can also be affected. Symptoms such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating, although not as widely discussed as in women's menopause, actually affect many men who go through this stage.

"Subtle signals from the body": warnings of changes in the body

As testosterone levels drop, men's body composition and appearance also change. Gradual weight gain, abdominal fat accumulation, loss of muscle mass, and decreased bone density are typical signs of menopause. These changes not only affect the appearance, but also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Sleep problems are also a major challenge for menopausals. Problems such as insomnia, frequent awakenings during the night, and decreased sleep quality can all be related to hormonal changes. A good night's sleep is essential for maintaining normal testosterone levels, and as a result, sleep disorders may exacerbate other symptoms during menopause and negatively impact overall health.

Men also have menopause? a few typical manifestations that you may not know yet

Changes in sexual function are also common manifestations of male menopause. Problems such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, etc., may arise with a decrease in testosterone levels. These issues not only affect men's quality of life, but can also have a negative impact on their mental health.