
The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

author:Edge Technology

The PLA's 2024 live-fire military exercise is really too shocking! Even, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

It is indeed surprising to see such a statement, and it is actually said in the United States, a military power. So, why do foreign media say this?

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

From a practical point of view, the US military pressure on China will be reflected in military deployments, military exercises, arms races, and technological blockades.

First, the United States has stepped up its military pressure on China through its military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States has deployed a large number of military forces in the Asia-Pacific region, including aircraft carrier strike groups, military bases, and military installations, to form a military containment of China's surrounding areas.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

Second, the frequent military exercises conducted by the United States will also intensify military pressure on China. The United States and its allies often conduct large-scale joint military exercises in the Asia-Pacific region to demonstrate military strength, enhance military cooperation capabilities, and send military warnings to China. These military exercises have not only strengthened the military ties between the United States and its allies, but also demonstrated to China the United States' military presence and influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

In addition, the arms race between the United States and China is also one of the factors that exacerbates military pressure. The United States has been increasing its military budget to update and upgrade its military equipment and weapons systems on a large scale. This kind of arms race has made China feel the military challenge from the United States, and it has no choice but to increase military investment and enhance its military strength in order to safeguard its national security and sovereignty.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

Finally, the United States has also adopted technological blockade and other means to exert military pressure on China. By restricting the export of military technology and equipment, the United States restricts China's access to advanced technology and equipment, which will weaken China's military strength and competitiveness. This technological blockade will also directly affect China's military modernization process and make it more difficult for China to exert external military pressure.

Maybe at this point, there will inevitably be some netizens who don't quite understand: What is the significance of the PLA's live-fire military exercises?

In fact, such a move is nothing more than an effective response to the national security situation.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

We must be clear that at present, China is indeed facing security problems and challenges from many aspects, including territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, terrorism, etc. By conducting live-fire military exercises, the PLA is able to test and improve its combat capabilities and enhance its response to various negative impacts.

Moreover, such behavior can also help improve the PLA's combat readiness and actual combat capability. After all, the various combat scenarios and tactical actions involved in the military exercise are real combat simulations, which can help soldiers become familiar with and master combat skills, improve their combat effectiveness and ability to deal with unexpected situations.

At the same time, through drills and training, we can also discover and resolve possible problems and deficiencies in operations, constantly improve our combat readiness, and ensure that our troops can make correct responses and decisions when facing actual battlefields.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

At the same time, the PLA's live-fire exercises have demonstrated China's military strength and self-confidence at home and abroad, and have issued a clear warning to potential hostile forces that China is capable of defending the country's sovereignty and interests. Such a military posture and posture have played a positive role in maintaining regional peace and stability, helped to contain threats and provocations by hostile forces, and safeguarded long-term national and regional security.

On the other hand, the PLA's live-fire military exercise is also a warning and response to the international community.

This is because the live-fire military exercise can already show the international community the military strength and self-confidence of the PLA.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

As the world's second largest economy and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China's strong military strength and self-confidence are an important guarantee for maintaining regional peace and stability. By conducting large-scale and rich live-fire military exercises, the PLA demonstrated its modern armed forces, efficient combat capabilities, and firm military will, and conveyed to the international community the strong confidence and determination of the Chinese armed forces.

Moreover, China has always advocated peaceful development and win-win cooperation, but at the same time, it has also resolutely defended its sovereignty and interests. In the face of external military provocations, China has no choice but to take corresponding military measures for self-defense and countermeasures.

During this period, by conducting live-fire military exercises, it can demonstrate to the international community that it is capable of defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and warn potential hostile forces not to challenge China's bottom line and red line, so as to maintain regional peace and stability.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

In recent years, with the changes in the international situation and the complication of the regional security situation, China is indeed facing security problems and challenges from many aspects, so it is also necessary to continuously strengthen its military strength and actual combat capabilities to ensure the long-term security and stability of the country. By conducting live-fire exercises, China has demonstrated to the international community its determination to firmly defend its national security and sovereignty, respond to external pressure, and safeguard its strategic interests and regional security.

Foreign media attributed the PLA's 2024 live-fire military exercise to the military pressure of the United States on China, which actually makes some sense.

This is because the US military action has led to tensions in the regional security situation, forcing China to strengthen its military strength and combat readiness capabilities and conduct large-scale live-fire exercises.

The People's Liberation Army's 2024 live-fire military exercise, foreign media: Unbelievable, this is all forced by the United States!

This is not only a warning and response to the international community, but also an effective response to China's domestic security situation. In the future, China will continue to strengthen its military strength and actual combat capabilities to safeguard the country's long-term security and stability.

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