
The lovelorn woman by the river borrowed wine to drown her sorrows, and the strange man realized amazingly: If you can't do it, marry me

author:History Lesson 8

In this spring season, the hustle and bustle of the city seems to be gently carried away by the gentle wind, leaving a trace of casual tranquility. However, in the midst of this tranquility, there was a woman lying alone by the river, her bottle empty and empty, and her eyes revealed a deep sorrow.

The lovelorn woman by the river borrowed wine to drown her sorrows, and the strange man realized amazingly: If you can't do it, marry me

Her name is Lin Xiao, a woman who has just experienced an emotional setback. The failure of love makes her feel lonely and helpless like never before, and she chooses to be here, numbing her feelings with alcohol, trying to forget the person who once made her heart move.

Just as Lin Xiao was about to sink into her grief again, a man's voice interrupted her musings. He was a stranger passing by named Zhang Ming. Zhang Ming saw Lin Xiao alone by the river, so he stepped forward to ask if he needed help.

The lovelorn woman by the river borrowed wine to drown her sorrows, and the strange man realized amazingly: If you can't do it, marry me

Zhang Ming's appearance didn't surprise Lin Xiao, she just shook her head lightly, signaling that she was fine. But Zhang Ming didn't leave, he sat next to Lin Xiao and began to tell his story.

He said that he had also experienced an unforgettable love, but in the end, for various reasons, he and his lover had to part ways. During that time, he almost lost the direction of his life, until he realized that life is not only about love, but also about dreams, pursuits, and responsibilities.

The lovelorn woman by the river borrowed wine to drown her sorrows, and the strange man realized amazingly: If you can't do it, marry me

Lin Xiao listened to Zhang Ming's story, and the tears in his eyes unconsciously stopped flowing. She was moved by Zhang Ming's tenacity and optimism, and began to reflect on her attitude towards life.

At this moment, Zhang Ming suddenly said something unexpected to Lin Xiao: "It's really not good, just marry me." This sentence was like a warm current, instantly warming Lin Xiao's cold heart. But she quickly reacted, this was just a way for Zhang Ming to joke, his real intention was to let Lin Xiao know that there were still many people in the world who cared about her, and she was not alone.

The lovelorn woman by the river borrowed wine to drown her sorrows, and the strange man realized amazingly: If you can't do it, marry me

The ending of the story is not important, the important thing is that Lin Xiao found the courage to stand up again from Zhang Ming's words. She decided to let go of the past and start her life anew. And Zhang Ming, a former stranger, also left a deep impression in Lin Xiao's heart.

Dear readers, there will always be ups and downs in life, but remember that every fall is about getting back up better. Each of us may encounter the same predicament as Lin Xiao, but as long as we face it bravely, there will always be warm sunshine into our lives.

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