
It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

author:Share the wonderful world

Sometimes, the real facts are even more bizarre and unbelievable than we think. In this world, there are some surprising facts that seem beyond our common sense and imagination. Below, we'll take you on a journey through 18 incredible real facts that might surprise you!

1. The world's largest pink diamond, the Star of Africa, weighs 3,106 carats and is worth a whopping $250 million, but you can barely see it in its entirety because it is divided into more than a thousand pieces and scattered among museums and private collectors around the world.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

2. Cows have close friends and they feel stressed when they are forced to separate from those friends.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

3. Lobsters and crabs excrete urine through their heads.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

4. According to data, more than 4 billion people in the world wear glasses, and 75% of the world's adults rely on some kind of vision correction products.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

5. In 2005, there was an incredible incident in Turkey, involving a group of sheep jumping off a cliff en masse. At that time, more than 1,500 sheep took turns lining up to jump off the cliff, resulting in the tragic death of 450 of them. However, the rest of the sheep landed on the carcasses of the sheep heap that had jumped earlier and luckily survived.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

6. Do you know why you have to turn off your mobile phone on an airplane? Although mobile phone signals will not crash the plane, they may interfere with the communication system on the aircraft, causing the pilot to be unable to contact the ground control center.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

7. Have you ever wondered why we always say "404 wrong" instead of "405, 406" and so on? In fact, this is because the number "404" comes from a British comedy "Fist of Revenge", in which the protagonists communicate in the way of "left, no, right, yes", and "404" means "no" in their communication, which means "can't be found".

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

8. Do you know why there is no signal in the elevator? Because the metal plate in the elevator will absorb the radio signal, so the mobile phone signal cannot penetrate into the elevator.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

9. In Japan, the law stipulates that women must change their surnames after marriage, and even women who are financially independent after marriage must use their husband's surname. This is to maintain the family legacy and continuity.

10. In Iowa, the law stipulates that every family must have a firearm, otherwise they will face fines or imprisonment. This law was passed in 1892 to prevent the Indians from revolting.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

11. If you feel particularly sleepy in the winter, it may be because you spend too much time indoors and lack vitamin D. Being active in the sun boosts the body's synthesis of vitamin D, while a deficiency of it can lead to symptoms such as fatigue and depression.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

12. When basketball was first invented, people needed to climb a specially designed ladder to get the ball out of the basket. It took about 20 years for people to realize that cutting the bottom of the basket might be a good idea because it would make it easier to retrieve the ball. Wow, it took 20 years!

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

13. Do you know why you have to wear a seat belt on an airplane, because when the plane encounters a turbulence or emergency, passengers may be thrown out of their seats or injured in a collision on the plane. Wearing a seatbelt can protect passengers from these risks.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

14. If you stick a tube from your ear to your throat, then you can hear your own intestines gurgling!

15. The largest volcanic eruption on Earth was about 720 million years ago, and this eruption released 500 times the energy of the global nuclear weapons stockpile!

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

16. If you spend a lot of time in space, your brain will start shrinking because your body no longer needs to fight the gravity of the Earth.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

17. U.S. swimmer Will Thomas is ranked 462nd among NCAA male swimmers. However, since undergoing the gender transition, she became the first transgender swimmer and has been crowned champion in an NCAA competition. Her outstanding performance led to her being nominated NCAA Woman of the Year.

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!

18、7×9+7+9=79 8×9+8+9=89 5×9+5+9=59 4×9+4+9=49 神奇吗?

It sounds, but 18 facts are true!