
Why are there more and more AIDS in rural areas? Two sisters who are over half a hundred years old have told the truth

author:TCM doctors talk about health

Recently, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in rural areas has been on the rise, which has aroused widespread concern and deep concern from all sectors of society. In the fields and courtyards of the countryside, people began to talk about this once strange and distant disease. The two eldest sisters, who are over 50 years old, use their simple language and rich life experience to reveal the truth behind the increase in rural AIDS.

Why are there more and more AIDS in rural areas? Two sisters who are over half a hundred years old have told the truth

The eldest sister, Li Fen, is an old resident of the village, and she has witnessed the progress of the village from poverty to prosperity, and how AIDS has crept into the village. "In the early years, the people in the village were busy farming and raising pigs, and no one had time to think about AIDS," she said. But now, life is better, but people are idle and their hearts are wild. "It's like a pool of still water, and suddenly a stone is thrown in, and the ripples spread out in circles." ”

This "stone" is actually the result of a change in the way of life in the countryside. With the development of the economy, young people in rural areas are no longer satisfied with the traditional farming life, and have gone out to work in search of more opportunities to make money. However, in an unfamiliar city, they face a variety of temptations and challenges, including unsafe sex. Some people are unfortunately infected because of their lack of knowledge about HIV protection. They returned to their hometowns with the virus, as if sowing the seeds of the spread of AIDS in rural areas, and gradually became its root cause.

Why are there more and more AIDS in rural areas? Two sisters who are over half a hundred years old have told the truth

The eldest sister, Wang Cui, talked about the spread of AIDS from another perspective. She said: "We rural people pay attention to face, and some things are embarrassed to say clearly. But this is embarrassing, and AIDS has a chance to take advantage of it. She explained that in rural traditions, sex is a taboo subject that few people are willing to discuss openly. This has inspired many people to have a lack of awareness and even misconceptions about how AIDS is transmitted and how it can be prevented.

For example, Wang Cui said that there was a young man in the village who contracted AIDS while working outside, and when he came back, he did not dare to speak out and continued to fall in love with the girl in the village. When the girl's family found out, they were so angry that they stomped their feet, but they didn't dare to say it publicly, for fear of losing face. In this way, AIDS spread quietly.

In addition to lifestyle changes and the influence of traditional attitudes, the increase in AIDS in rural areas is also linked to a lack of medical resources. Compared with urban areas, health conditions in rural areas are relatively poor, and resources for HIV testing and treatment are limited. Even if some rural residents are infected with HIV, their condition may worsen due to lack of timely testing and treatment. At the same time, due to the lack of medical knowledge, many people's awareness of AIDS is still at the stage of fear and discrimination, which also increases the difficulty of AIDS prevention and treatment.

Why are there more and more AIDS in rural areas? Two sisters who are over half a hundred years old have told the truth

Medical research has revealed that AIDS is often transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood-borne transmission and mother-to-child transmission. In rural areas, blood-borne transmission has become an important route of transmission due to the lack of safe sanitation facilities and inadequate practices. In addition, the relatively low level of sex education coverage in rural areas also increases the risk of sexual transmission.

In response to the spread of HIV/AIDS in rural areas, the Government and all sectors of society have taken a series of measures. The government has increased investment in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, strengthened medical and health care in rural areas, and improved the level of HIV/AIDS testing and treatment. Through extensive publicity, education and knowledge dissemination, rural residents' awareness of HIV/AIDS and prevention have been enhanced.

However, to truly solve the problem of HIV/AIDS in rural areas, we need to start from many aspects. There is an urgent need to strengthen the popularization of sex education in rural areas, so as to improve the awareness and prevention skills of residents about HIV/AIDS like the warm spring sun. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of medical and public health services in rural areas and raise the level of HIV/AIDS testing and treatment. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen social publicity and education, which will penetrate into the hearts of the people like the morning sun shining on the earth, so as to completely eradicate discrimination and prejudice against people living with HIV/AIDS and create a more tolerant and inclusive social atmosphere for them.

Why are there more and more AIDS in rural areas? Two sisters who are over half a hundred years old have told the truth

Although the story of the two eldest sisters is not amazing, it is like a clear spring, telling the truth about the surge of AIDS in rural areas. Their words reveal their love for their hometown and their worries about the future. In these times of challenges and opportunities, we should not allow AIDS to become a stumbling block to rural development. Let us work hand in hand to create a healthy, harmonious and beautiful rural life.

Why are there more and more AIDS in rural areas? Two sisters who are over half a hundred years old have told the truth

The increase in HIV/AIDS in rural areas is a complex social problem, involving lifestyles, traditional concepts, medical resources and other aspects. To solve this problem, it is necessary for the government, society and individuals to work together to strengthen publicity and education, popularize knowledge, improve medical and health conditions, and eliminate discrimination and prejudice. Only in this way can we truly curb the spread of HIV/AIDS in rural areas and create a healthier and better future for rural residents.

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