
Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

author:Bugs tell stories
Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The first major event: Malaysian Chinese witness the changes in China: we also need China

The third generation of Chinese in Malaysia has a deep sense of the changes in China. They believe that China has changed dramatically in the past few decades, from the first and second generations of Chinese helping Chinese relatives to the third generation of Chinese who are now beginning to realize that they need China.

Many Malaysian Chinese said that if their ancestors were still alive, they would definitely be pleased and proud of China's current development. They were amazed by China's current situation and believed that China's vision and development and construction were particularly outstanding.

Over the past few decades, China has risen at an astonishing rate to become one of the largest economies in the world. China's urbanization is advancing rapidly, infrastructure is improving, and technological innovation is booming. All this has made the Malaysian Chinese feel the strong vitality and influence of China.

As globalization accelerates, Malaysia's Chinese community is also starting to re-examine their relationship with China. They realize that in these times of competition and challenges, it is crucial to stay connected with China and seek cooperation.

Therefore, Malaysian Chinese are not only appreciating China's achievements, but also actively seeking cooperation opportunities with China, hoping to create a better future together. They believe that through cooperation with China, mutual benefit and win-win results can be achieved, and regional and global development and progress can be jointly promoted.

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The second major event: vigilance! The new trend of primary school students, the "cigarette card" game, has attracted attention

Recently, a game called "Smoke Card" has become popular among elementary school students. In this game, students come together to compete on their skills by making cards from discarded cigarette packs, and the winners are to flip the cards by hitting them with a palm wind. They even graded the cards according to the grade of the cigarette case, forming a style of comparison.

However, the popularity of the "cigarette card" game has sparked concern in society. First of all, the materials for this game come from discarded cigarette packs, which can be harmful to students' physical and mental health. Secondly, the process of playing may inspire students' gambling awareness, and even develop curiosity and interest in smoking, which has adverse effects.

To this end, the education department has issued an important reminder calling on parents and schools to pay close attention to the behavior of students. Parents should strengthen the guidance and supervision of their children to prevent them from indulging in such games. Schools should strengthen routine management, strictly prohibit students from playing "cigarette cards" in schools, and carry out relevant tobacco control publicity and education work.

At the same time, the education department also suggested that parents and schools should strengthen communication and jointly create a good learning and living environment. In addition to prohibiting "cigarette card" games, parents should also guide their children to develop healthy hobbies and carry out a variety of extracurricular activities, so that children can enjoy more spiritual satisfaction. Take effective measures to supervise them to ensure that children grow up healthy and happy.

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The third major incident: illegal cigarette reselling led to imprisonment

Wang got involved in the illegal cigarette reselling industry because of greed for huge profits, but ended up in prison. At first, he used his small shop as a cover to test the waters of illegal cigarette trading, and made huge profits, but gradually embarked on the road of crime.

Driven by legal risks, Wang imported cigarettes from Quanzhou and resold them to other retailers at a high price, making a lot of profits. However, his actions violated the national tobacco monopoly management law and was severely punished by the Xianyou County People's Court.

This case reflects the serious consequences of illegal business activities and reminds people to operate rationally and not to act illegally in the pursuit of profiteering. Only by obeying the law can you stay away from prison.

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The fourth major event: tensions, the United States and Iran warn each other

The U.S. is on high alert, and Iran has promised to hit back at Israel. Senior U.S. officials said an Iranian attack was inevitable and prepared for a possible attack. Iran warns the United States to avoid harming the United States and Israel. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has vowed to sanction Israel. Israel halted troop furloughs and warns Iran against retaliation. Under the tense situation, the two sides prepared for a possible attack. The prime minister made a strong statement and threatened to harm the attackers. The United States supports Israel and is ready to respond to a possible escalation. The tense situation has attracted the attention of melon-eating netizens

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The fifth major event: the Chinese men's football team has slipped in the rankings, and the Korean media has sarcastically failed to compete

Recently, in the match between the national football team and Singapore, 1 win and 1 draw have been achieved. However, due to Singapore's low ranking, the national football team has not increased in points. Subsequently, FIFA released the latest world men's football rankings, showing that the Japanese team ranked first in Asia and 18th in the world, while South Korea ranked third in Asia and 23rd in the world, and China ranked 13th in Asia and 88th in the world, widening the gap with Japan and South Korea. In addition, the Chinese men's football team did not perform well in the world preliminaries, and it was difficult to achieve absolute superiority even against Thailand and Singapore, and it was considered to be at the third-rate level in Asia. The South Korean media satirized and ridiculed the Chinese men's football team, believing that China is no longer comparable to Japan and South Korea. Although the comments of the South Korean media are sarcastic, they also reflect the current embarrassing situation of the Chinese men's football team. The Chinese men's football team lags behind Japanese and South Korean players in terms of strength, player value and popularity, and cannot be compared. However, only by improving one's own strength can one gain the respect of his opponents. In the upcoming match against South Korea, the Chinese men's football team has a chance to regain respect by defeating their opponents

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The Sixth Event: "Trained Doctors, Exploited Professional Elites"

Recently, there have been a series of suicides in hospitals in Guangxi, Hunan, Shanghai and other places, which have attracted widespread attention from the media. As a professional elite, doctors are plagued by work pressure, low salary and other problems, and their survival situation is worrying.

Regular training of doctors is part of the standardized training of resident doctors, although it aims to improve the quality of doctors, but the actual situation is not satisfactory. The heavy workload, low salary, and repetitive work content make the doctors feel exhausted.

Although the original intention of the training system is good, there are many problems in reality. Insufficient support from hospital management and supervising physicians has made it difficult for them to obtain effective training and guidance.

Experts pointed out that trainees should be regarded as objects of professional learning and training, providing adequate learning opportunities and guidance, and at the same time improving their remuneration to motivate doctors to engage in teaching.

The plight of doctors may be only part of the hard work of the medical profession, but improving their working environment and treatment is crucial to the development of the entire medical industry.

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The seventh major event: the campus molestion incident sparked heated discussions

In a middle school in Shanghai, a male student verbally molested a woman passing by, and was later photographed by a substitute teacher and threatened to call the police. The scene was tense, and the male classmate next to him came forward to dissuade him, and the female teacher angrily said that she would call the police. Naughty students are not uncommon in schools, but how should teachers deal with such situations?

Teachers should respond firmly, showing seriousness to naughty students and making them aware of their disrespectful behavior, while warning other students that respect is a mutual basis. The incident sparked heated discussions among netizens, with some condemning the molestation and emphasizing the unreasonableness of the naughty students, while others disagreed, believing that the students who stood up for the molesters might have something to do with it. In campus management, clear bottom lines and norms should be established, and corresponding measures should be taken against violators to maintain campus order.

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7

The eighth major event: warships of the four countries gathered in the South China Sea to challenge China's sovereignty

The defense ministers of the four countries announced maritime cooperation activities within the Philippines' "exclusive economic zone" aimed at strengthening cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, but it is actually a challenge to China. The exercise, which takes place in disputed waters, will involve warships from the United States, Australia, Japan and the Philippines. This is seen as part of the Quad's confrontation with China, raising regional tensions.

The exercise will conduct training in anti-submarine warfare, ship communications, and formation navigation, demonstrating the willingness of the four countries to cooperate in the maritime military field. China strongly opposes this, believing that the Philippines has violated international law and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea by relying on external forces to provoke the Philippines, and should recognize the danger of provocation.

The China Coast Guard warned and dealt with the illegal activities of the Philippine side, emphasizing that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Spratly Islands and adjacent waters. The provocative actions of the Philippines will only lead to further deterioration of the regional situation, and China will resolutely defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

Eight major social events that took place in China on April 7