
Nicholas Tse's stepmother, abandoned by her adulterer in her second marriage, died of illness at the age of 59

author:Sheep and sheep entertainment

Lin Cui is a famous beauty in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, her first husband promoted Xie Xian, Nicholas Tse's father, her brother Zeng Jiang played Huang Yaoshi in the 83 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and her daughter Wang Xinping is the singer of "Don't Ask Me Who I Am", Lin Cui announced the day after her husband's death that she was pregnant with a new child.

She was born in 1936 in a wealthy family in Shanghai, formerly known as Zeng Yi, and later fled to Hong Kong with her family to escape civil strife, due to the fall of her family, forced to step into the entertainment industry, Lin Cui's stage name came from the role in her first film "Cuicui", this coincidental choice not only allowed her to use the popularity of the movie star of the same name Lin Dai, but also made a good start to her own star career.

Lin Cui, who has just entered the film industry, quickly emerged with her debut film "Daughter's Heart", and then participated in a number of far-reaching works, such as "The Love of the Coachman", "Night Fragrance", etc., each of which has made her acting skills recognized by the industry and loved by the audience.

Nicholas Tse's stepmother, abandoned by her adulterer in her second marriage, died of illness at the age of 59

However, Lin Cui's personal life has not been as smooth sailing as her career. Her first husband Qin Jian, was her early director and mentor, the two met seems to be fate, Qin Jian himself is a character with a rich story, and his poor family background prompted him to take on the burden of the family early, and through his talent and hard work, he gained a place in the film and television industry.

Unfortunately, Qin Jian's gambling habits eventually led to the breakdown of their marriage, and while Qin Jian was addicted to gambling and his family was in trouble, Lin Cui also met Wang Yu, a man who was very different from Qin Jian.

Wang Yu's appearance brought a new turn for Lin Cui's life, Wang Yu, a man with strong martial arts and a successful career, not only has his own place in the film industry, but also the comfort of Lin Cui's soul, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, which eventually led to Qin Jian's tragic death.

Nicholas Tse's stepmother, abandoned by her adulterer in her second marriage, died of illness at the age of 59

Although Qin Jian's departure caused Lin Cui to face huge public pressure and public opinion accusations, she did not sink there, and by disclosing the news of her pregnancy and showing the bills that had helped Qin Jian repay his gambling debts, Lin Cui tried to clear her name.

The marriage with Wang Yu gave Lin Cui a short period of happiness, and the combination of the two gave birth to three daughters, the most famous of which is the eldest daughter Wang Xinping, who inherited her mother's artistic talent and also had a good performance in the entertainment industry, however, the good times did not last long, Lin Cui and Wang Yu's marriage finally came to an end, and the two ended their marriage because of the differences in personality and lifestyle, as well as Wang Yu's complex background and personal problems.

Lin Cui chose to divorce and ended this marriage that only lasted six years, and after the divorce, Lin Cui did not sink because of this, but focused more on her career and the growth of her daughters.

Nicholas Tse's stepmother, abandoned by her adulterer in her second marriage, died of illness at the age of 59

She went to the United States, started a new life, founded her own film and television company, and successfully transformed from an actress to a successful female director and entrepreneur. Not only has she achieved success in the film industry, but she has also ventured into the F&B and real estate industries, demonstrating her unique insight and perseverance as a woman in the business world.

Lin Cui's life change also set an example for her daughters, the eldest daughter Wang Xinping, under the influence of Lin Cui, successfully entered the entertainment industry, and became a famous singer with a song "Don't Ask Me Who I Am".

Lin Cui's life, although she has experienced countless twists and turns and challenges, she has never given up, she uses her own experience to tell people that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they have determination and courage, they can always find a way out.

Nicholas Tse's stepmother, abandoned by her adulterer in her second marriage, died of illness at the age of 59

Lin Cui's story is not only a legend about the entertainment industry, but also a story about women's self-realization, in that male-dominated society, Lin Cui has not only achieved professional success with her talent and hard work, but also showed her tenacity and independence as a mother and a woman in her personal life.

Her life, although full of ups and downs, but she has never been defeated by life, but every time she can stand up strongly, in her own way, write her own legendary story, Lin Cui's experience is not only her personal victory, but also the victory of all women who pursue their dreams and live independently.

Lin Cui's life is a legendary epic, she is not only a superstar in the fifties and sixties of the last century, but also a woman who has experienced twists and turns in her personal life but has always been resilient and independent.

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