
How often does the router have to be turned off? Thanks to the warning of the broadband master, it is no wonder that the network speed has become "turtle speed".

author:Lao Yang is growing

Fast and stable networks have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Imagine how maddening it would be when you're immersed in a movie or a stressful online meeting when the internet suddenly slows down! And all this may just be because a little guy we often overlook, the router, doesn't get the rest it deserves. That's right, just as people need sleep, routers need to "take a nap" regularly and reorganize themselves to get back to work in the best possible condition. A router that runs for a long time will have all kinds of problems like overworked workers: heating, overflowing cache, and slowdown...... Not only does this affect our network experience, but it can also shorten the life of the router. Giving the router a well-timed break to keep it in the best shape of the busy is a small detail that each of us should pay attention to. Next, let's learn how to "charge" the router scientifically to ensure that our online life is smoother.

How often does the router have to be turned off? Thanks to the warning of the broadband master, it is no wonder that the network speed has become "turtle speed".

If you want the network to not lag, the router has to take a breath first. This little thing, usually unknown, once strikes, it is really a headache. Have you noticed that sometimes the network speed is as slow as a snail, and the reason may be because the router is not given time to rest? Yes, you heard it right, routers also need to be shut down and rested regularly.

How often does the router have to be turned off? Thanks to the warning of the broadband master, it is no wonder that the network speed has become "turtle speed".

So, when to give it a break? Actually, the answer is simpler than you think. When you go to bed at night, the whole family is resting, and at this time turn off the router as well, killing two birds with one stone. Isn't it good to not only ensure the next day's use experience, but also to rejuvenate this little thing?

For a corporate office environment, the strategy can be slightly different. On weekends or during non-working hours, when the office is empty, it is also excellent to give the router a long vacation. Don't underestimate this action, it's very informative. The router is resting, and the efficiency of coming back to work is naturally leveraged.

Also, don't forget the magic of a router reboot. This operation is like a big resurrection for the router, so that it can change its mind and be a new person. After restarting, it can clean up all kinds of "heart knots" - that is, caches, small bugs, etc. In this way, not only the network speed can be improved, but also the network stability will be improved.

How often does the router have to be turned off? Thanks to the warning of the broadband master, it is no wonder that the network speed has become "turtle speed".

Plus, you may not know that restarting your router regularly can also add points to your network. Yes, every reboot is equivalent to taking a small bath in the network, washing away all the potential security risks. It's not high-tech, but over time, it's going a long way toward protecting our cybersecurity.

Here's a tip, don't wait until something goes wrong with your network before you think about restarting your router. It's like it's better to fix your car when it's broken down than to have regular maintenance, right? So, make a schedule for your router to rest and restart, and it's a good idea to put it on your agenda.

How often does the router have to be turned off? Thanks to the warning of the broadband master, it is no wonder that the network speed has become "turtle speed".

You see, these small changes are actually not a hassle, but they can greatly improve our online experience. It's like giving a health regimen to the small things in life, and it is we who benefit in the end. So, the next time you're enjoying high-speed web surfing, don't forget that there's probably a freshly rested, energetic router behind it.

The router is also a living guy, give it a proper rest, and it will reward you with a more powerful performance. The habit of turning off the computer at night, or taking a long vacation on the weekend, slowly develops, and you will find that the Internet is no longer the maddening existence. Remember, it's not just about shutting down, but also rebooting, it's like pressing a reset button on your router to make everything start over. If you get all this, the high-speed and stable network environment is waiting for you to enjoy.

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