
The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

author:Rong Rong said something

Recently, a video of a young boy in class vowing to become the president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China caused an uproar on the Internet. In the video, the child innocently says that his dream is to inherit his father's position, because his grandfather was the president of the bank and his mother is the vice president.


As the incident fermented, the photos of the child's parents were exposed, confirming that his father was indeed the president of a certain branch. This incident not only aroused widespread public attention, but also triggered a profound discussion on the impact of family background on children's dreams, the employment system of state-owned enterprises and institutions, and social equity.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

From the perspective of family background, the child's words are undoubtedly influenced by the family environment. Growing up in a family with a banking atmosphere, children have a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the work and positions of the bank. This understanding allowed him to express his dreams in a clear way about the positions of the family members and even the name of the bank.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

However, this does not mean that the child's dreams are forced or induced by the family. Every child has their own dreams and pursuits, and these dreams are often influenced by family, school, society, and other aspects. Therefore, we cannot simply reduce a child's dreams to the product of family background.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

On the other hand, this incident has also triggered a discussion on the employment system of state-owned enterprises and institutions. In traditional Chinese beliefs, "son inherits father's business" as a natural way of inheritance. However, in modern society, whether this method of inheritance is still applicable and whether it conforms to the principles of fairness and justice is worthy of our deep consideration.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

As an important part of the country, state-owned enterprises and institutions should follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness in their employment system, rather than simply following the way of family inheritance. Therefore, in view of this incident, we should reflect on whether the employment system of state-owned enterprises and institutions needs to be reformed and improved, so as to ensure that more outstanding talents can have the opportunity to enter these units and contribute to the development of the country.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

In addition, this incident has also raised questions about social equity. In today's society, factors such as family background and social relationships often have an important impact on an individual's development. Some people are able to easily obtain better education and job opportunities because of their superior family background, while others face more difficulties and challenges because of their poor family background.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

This unfair phenomenon not only violates the principle of social justice, but also hinders social progress and development. Therefore, we should strive to eliminate this inequity and provide equal opportunities and conditions for everyone to realize their dreams with their efforts and talents.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

Of course, we can't ignore the power of online public opinion. In this era of information explosion, online public opinion can often have an important impact on the development of events. There are both positive and negative sides to online public opinion about this incident. On the positive side, online public opinion has promoted the fermentation and attention of the incident, making more people pay attention to the impact of family background on children's dreams, the employment system of state-owned enterprises and institutions, and social fairness.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

The negative side is that some irresponsible remarks and speculations can cause unnecessary distress and harm to children and their families. Therefore, we should remain rational and objective when expressing our views and opinions, and avoid excessive interpretation and speculation.


Although this incident may seem like a simple matter of passing on family dreams, we recognize that each child is an individual with their own dreams and pursuits. Whether it is family, school or society, we should all take responsibility for nurturing the next generation. We should create a good environment for them to grow up, so that they can grow up healthy and happy.

The boy inherited the president's follow-up: the parents' photos were exposed, and the father was the president! The teacher slapped him in the face

Although this incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion, it also provides us with an opportunity for reflection and reflection. At the same time, we should also pay attention to their dreams and pursuits, and give them the necessary support and help, so that they can bravely pursue their dreams and realize their life values.

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