
What is the happiest thing about human life?

What is the happiest thing about human life?

What is the happiest thing about a person's life? Why do some old people die at the age of 70, and what is going on here? I analyze the following four main reasons, if you understand, you will live a long and healthy life!

What is the happiest thing about human life?

The first reason is that as the old saying goes: people live for 70 years, and many people have accepted this statement. This creates a perception in people's minds that people are very old when they reach the age of 70. In fact, modern people are not really old when they reach the age of 70, and many people in their 80s do not feel that they are old. Of course, from the age of 70, from the perspective of physical condition, it cannot be compared with people in their 60s, and various physical functions have decreased significantly. When some people are in their 60s, they still travel around vigorously, and they have no worries about leaving, but as soon as they enter their 70s, they feel that many things are beyond their power. I often hear people say that once you reach the age of 70, your body will be worse day by day, you will be tired from walking too much, and you will be flustered when you do a little work.

What is the happiest thing about human life?

According to relevant surveys, the stage from 70 to 75 years old is a turning point in the changes of the human body, and many people have obvious changes in their bodies after the age of 70. I often feel that I can't do anything, and I feel that I am not getting worse day by day. In fact, this is all caused by psychological aging, thinking that they are really old, and the current social development is changing so fast, many people can not keep up with the times. If you are not used to some new things, and there is a generation gap with your children, you will be in a bad mood all day long, and your health will be worse after a long time, and your bad mood will accelerate aging.

What is the happiest thing about human life?

The second reason is that my heart is unbalanced, and there is a sense of disparity and inferiority. A friend of mine said that she once went back to the unit to do business, and as soon as she entered the door, she greeted herself affectionately, and she didn't raise her head, and her tears of embarrassment almost fell out. Because she used to be a leader, at that time she was hugged from front to back, and there were many people who slipped around and patted horses, and she said that although people were walking to tea and cool, now it is not what it used to be, and this gap is too big! She said that she was uncomfortable for several days and was determined not to return to the unit in the future! In fact, not only the unit, but also the children feel that you are old. This will make you pessimistic and disappointed, so it creates a knot in your heart, which is also an unfavorable psychological factor!

What is the happiest thing about human life?

The third reason is that I feel that my status in the family is gone, I used to be the head of the family, and I made my own decisions about many things, and I have the final say. Not now, I have to discuss it with my children when I do something. Sometimes you have to be cautious when you make a suggestion, looking at your children's faces, because you are old and your views are no longer applicable. In fact, many times, it is clear that what you said is right, but it is not recognized, which is also the most popular, this sense of loss is the most inferiority complex and helplessness for the elderly!

What is the happiest thing about human life?

The fourth reason is that I feel that I have been eliminated, and in the past, it was often said that the elderly should exert their residual heat, but now? The only thing that the elderly can use is the residual heat of taking care of their grandchildren and serving their children. Especially for the elderly after the age of 70, everyone thinks that you are old, and there are some things that you have not done yet, and they have been denied, on the grounds that you don't have to work anymore. This will make people feel that there is a feeling of abandonment, others think that this is for your good, but in fact this is depriving the elderly of their right to participate, which will psychologically bring a kind of useless pressure to the elderly.

What is the happiest thing about human life?

The old couple are still alive, if there is only one person left, then this loneliness will accelerate aging, at this time the old man will be cranky, nothing to do, if the family does not understand, the old man's mood will get worse and worse. I have seen several elderly people, sitting alone in the community during the day basking in the sun, ignoring no one, sullen, and not long after, which is caused by depression. Therefore, the happiest thing in life is to forget about troubles, have fun in old age, and throw away all the things in the past, because it is all in the past, and it is good to treat it as a memory.

What is the happiest thing about human life?

The most important thing at the moment is to exercise more, develop good living habits, look down on everything, do not care about things, do not get entangled, do what you want to do, and care what others think? As long as you are happy, if you think about it like this, if you do it like this, can you not be happy in your old age? Can your body be unhealthy? Are you right? See you next time!