
61 points 50 points!2nd in team history!From Ta as a substitute to the new king of New York, he can sign a salary of 156 million

author:Daily picks

From Doncic's bench to the new king of New York, to the possible signing of a 156 million contract with a maximum salary, the story of this second-round show's counterattack is simply more exciting than the movie script! Today, let's talk about how Brunson, a dark horse in the basketball world, stepped onto the Walk of Fame step by step.

First of all, when it comes to Brunson, we have to talk about his amazing scoring ability. Imagine scoring 61 points in one game and 50 points in another, what kind of concept does this have to be? It's like hanging on the court! No matter how tight the opponent's defense is, Brunson is like opening his perspective eyes, how to shoot and how to hit. No, he has become the second player in Knicks history after Anthony to score more than 60+ points in a single game. Moreover, the feat of scoring 50+ twice in a single season made him the first person in the Knicks in the past 21 years. Dude, this stat is simply not too shiny!

61 points 50 points!2nd in team history!From Ta as a substitute to the new king of New York, he can sign a salary of 156 million

Let's talk about Brunson's upbringing. Originally, he was Doncic's backup with the Mavericks, but the lad never gave up. Every time I play, I do my best, as the old saying goes, "Opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared." Brunson is a prime example of this. Especially when Doncic was injured that season, Brunson immediately showed his value, averaging 21 points per game, which is simply the savior of the Mavericks. Since then, Brunson's basketball career has skyrocketed.

61 points 50 points!2nd in team history!From Ta as a substitute to the new king of New York, he can sign a salary of 156 million

After the transfer to the Knicks, many people thought that Brunson could only be a support, but he gave everyone a resounding slap in the face with his strength. Not only was it not overshadowed by Randle's aura, but he became the new leader of the team, and the title of the new king was not called in vain. During this time, he continued to break personal and team records, and every appearance was able to surprise the fans.

61 points 50 points!2nd in team history!From Ta as a substitute to the new king of New York, he can sign a salary of 156 million

Speaking of contracts, Brunson's phenomenal performance naturally attracted the attention of the Knicks. In this superstar-studded NBA with explosive salaries, getting a contract with a maximum salary of 156 million is definitely the highest recognition of a player's ability and commercial value. Brunson's contract is not only an affirmation of his past efforts, but also an expectation of his future potential. The current Brunson is no longer the obscure substitute at the beginning, but the hope of the whole New York and the pride of the fans.

61 points 50 points!2nd in team history!From Ta as a substitute to the new king of New York, he can sign a salary of 156 million

When it comes to the current situation of the Knicks, Brunson is undoubtedly the team's brightest presence. Despite the team's injury plague and the absence of key players, the Knicks still achieved good results under Brunson's leadership. Not only can he be on the offensive end, but he is also not slack on the defensive end, and he is completely the anchor of the team. Knicks fans have reason to believe that they will go far under Brunson as the roster runs in further and injuries return.

61 points 50 points!2nd in team history!From Ta as a substitute to the new king of New York, he can sign a salary of 156 million

In conclusion, Brunson's story teaches us that no matter what the starting point is, if you keep working hard, you will one day shine in the league. The current Brunson has gone from Doncic's bench to the king of the entire New York. For the Knicks and Brunson, this is just a new beginning, and the possibilities are endless. Fans, let's wait and see how Brunson continues his saga with the Knicks!

At this point, Brunson's story is far from over, but ushers in a new chapter. From a second-round pick to an All-Star, from a bench to a team leader, Brunson has inspired countless dreamers with his story. On this basketball road, he has left a strong mark, and his future will definitely be even more exciting.