
My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

author:Sakura Snow Castle 100

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My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

"Hey, Xiaopeng, it's Dad. My father's voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding anxious.

"What's wrong, Dad, what's going on?" I asked, puzzled.

"Come back soon! Today, our family is going to kill the New Year's pig, so we are waiting for you to come back. Father said eagerly.

"But it's just over the Spring Festival now, why are you killing New Year's pigs so early?" I think it's strange because our family has always killed pigs on Chinese New Year's Eve.

"There's no time to explain, you should come back quickly. The father's tone was serious, "This matter is very important. "

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

At that time, I was a little boy, and the whole family would get together and slaughter the big pig that weighed hundreds of pounds with their own hands. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and the ground was littered with pig hair and stains. My father would skillfully slaughter pigs with a large knife that shimmered with cold light, while my brother and I were assigned to the work of eviscerating the meats. My mother was busy preparing pots and bowls and ingredients.

Although the process of killing the pig was very cruel and bloody, the whole family was happy, and it was only at this time of the year that they could be reunited. I remember that after slaughtering the pig, everyone will partner to make fresh pork into a variety of delicious dishes, and then the family will have a big meal.

I can't help but feel a lot of emotion, time flies, now my parents are old, and I have entered the prime of life. What was once a little boy is now a 29-year-old middle-aged man.

I got up and started to pack my bags, packing all the necessary clothes and household items. When I opened the wardrobe and saw the suit hanging neatly inside, I realized that I hadn't been back to my hometown for a long time.

I finally took a look around the long-lost abode, and with a slight sense of strangeness, I carried my suitcase and set out on the journey home.

When I finally got home, my mother greeted me warmly. "Xiaopeng, it's back. How's it going?"

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

"It's ok, everything is going well. I said perfunctorily, but what I was thinking about killing pigs was, "By the way, Mom, why did Dad suddenly remember to kill the pigs? "

Mother smiled and said, "Isn't it your father who worries that you can't eat well outside?" He said that he would personally kill a pig for you to replenish your body. "

"Ah, you guys. I shook my head helplessly, but I also felt a little heartwarming.

At that moment, my father came over on crutches. "Why, unhappy? I did it with good intentions. He said earnestly.

"Of course I'm happy. I quickly explained, "I just think you're too worried." However, since you are so concerned, then I will take off my baggage and enjoy it. "

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

My father nodded in satisfaction and patted me on the shoulder. "Alright, then hurry up and start preparing to kill the pig!"

Looking at my parents, I suddenly realized that they are like two trees, and the annual rings are condensed with decades of companionship.

Looking back, my father worked hard to support the family, while my mother took care of the housework and worked hard to raise our children. Although the days were poor at that time, they never gave up on each other. Today, the parents are gray-haired, but the simple love between them is still hot.

I can't help but sigh at how lucky a couple is to be able to grow old together. The love in the world that can achieve positive results is really rare. I secretly resolved that in the future, I would be like my parents, and I would be with my wife forever.

Soon, the family began to prepare for the work of killing pigs. The water on the stove was boiling, and the steam was rising. The father took out the family heirloom pig-killing knife and began to sharpen it on the whetstone next to it, making a piercing "squeak" sound.

My mother and I were busy preparing pots and pans, waiting for the hot fresh pork. While my mother was busy working, she shared with me her ancestral recipes and tips for killing pigs.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

"Put more wine and ginger in it so that the pork doesn't smell too fishy. She said solemnly.

"Haha, look at you like that!" When my father saw my embarrassment, he leaned back and smiled.

"You weren't so clumsy when you were a kid. Mother laughed too.

I scratched my head a little embarrassed, but then I was infected by the joy and laughed.

For dinner, we made a table of delicious dishes with fresh pork. As I ate the fragrant pork, my father suddenly asked me, "How is your recent job?"

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

I was a little hesitant for a moment, and I didn't know how to answer. Seeing this, the mother hurriedly said, "If you have someone you like, hurry up and seize the opportunity, don't delay." "

My parents' words made me think deeply. Indeed, I am over 25 years old, and I can be described as a man of the prime of life. However, over the years, my focus has always been on my career and I have rarely taken care of my emotional life.

I remember a few years ago, I also had a girlfriend or two. But in the end, they broke up because of incompatible values. Now working alone, although life is free, I often feel lonely and lonely.

Perhaps, it's time to seriously consider marriage. After all, I am not young anymore, and I will pass on the incense at home for my parents in the future.

After dinner, the three of us sat in the courtyard to cool off. My father held a dry tobacco pouch in his mouth and took two puffs from time to time. My mother took turns fanning the three of us with a puff fan.

I leaned against the trunk of the tree and looked up at the bright moon above me. Occasionally, a few wisps of cool breeze blew away the smoke from my father's mouth.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

The father coughed a few times and put the cigarette pouch down. He walked slowly up to me on crutches and reached out and patted me on the shoulder. I looked up at him and saw that he had a solemn expression, as if he had something to say.

The father was silent for a long time before he spoke: "Xiaopeng, in fact, I asked you to come back today to kill the pig, and there is another secret. "

"What's hidden?" I asked, puzzled.

"What?" I was taken aback, I never expected to hear this.

"So, I want to kill a pig for you again in my lifetime to replenish your body. As his father spoke, his eyes began to redden, "My old bones won't last long." "

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

I was so choked up that I couldn't speak, and my mother was already in tears.

It turned out that my father's wish before his death was to kill a pig for me with his own hands. Such a simple wish, but full of how much fatherly affection.

When I was a child, my father often worked like this, just to keep us children well fed and clothed. He came and went, worked hard outside, but never complained about anything to our family.

Now, in his old age, he is still doing his best to love us. In the face of the threat of death, he just wanted to replenish my body.

I could no longer restrain the sadness in my heart, and tears welled up in my eyes. My father's words hit me like a hammer on my heart. I haven't felt the guilt of being a son in years.

After his father finished speaking, he lowered his head and remained silent. The mother covered her face and sobbed with her shoulders shrugged. I stepped forward and hugged my father tightly.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

My father's body was so thin, like a handful of dry bones that were about to fall apart. I almost had him in my arms.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I've rarely done my filial piety over the years. I choked up and said, "Don't worry, with me, you will live a long and safe life." "

My father stretched out his big rough hands and patted me on the back, as if to comfort me. And my tears have already soaked the placket of his clothes.

"Don't talk about Dad!" I interrupted him, fearing that if I listened any further, I would break down completely.

That night, the three of us had nothing to say but hugged each other and slept together. I tossed and turned in the dark, but I couldn't sleep anyway.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

The next morning, I got up and went downstairs, only to see that my parents were already busy. My mother was cooking breakfast on the fire in the kitchen, while my father was sitting on a sun lounger in the courtyard, looking out at the morning light.

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Well, don't worry too much. Father barely pulled out a smile, "It's all my old foolishness, I scared you last night." "

"That's not going to work, your body is a very important thing. I sat down next to him, "You can rest assured, we will take care of you in the future, and you don't have to worry about anything." "

The father nodded, and said nothing more.

Looking at my father's kind face, I had mixed feelings. As an only child, I should be filial to my parents and help them solve their problems. But over the years, I have always put my work first and rarely cared about my parents' lives.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

Now, when my father was old and frail, I realized my mistake. Children will grow up and leave home one day, but no matter where we go, we should never forget the kindness of our parents.

They have dragged us up and worked hard for half our lives just so that we can have a better life in the future. As children, we rarely have the opportunity to be filial to them.

I secretly resolved that no matter what, I must let my parents live a happy and healthy old age in their lifetime. Even if it is to exhaust all the efforts of my life, I will not hesitate to do it.

Mother quickly prepared breakfast, and hot steamed buns and side dishes filled the table. The three of us sat down facing each other, but none of us had any appetite.

My father drank several mouthfuls of porridge in a row, and his face looked a little pale. The mother kept her head down and pulled the dishes in the bowl, her eyes glazed. I took a piece of steamed bun, but I couldn't put it in my mouth.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

"Don't sit still, eat some. Father finally broke the silence, "My old bones haven't left you so soon." "

"Don't say that. The mother said with red eyes, "If there is any good news, tell us quickly, don't scare people." "

Father looked at us, sighed, and said nothing more.

And just like that, the three of us finished breakfast without saying a word. After the meal, my father got up and walked out of the yard with staggering steps. My mother and I looked at each other, overwhelmed.

My father slowly walked to the courtyard under the towering tree and sat down in the shade. When I saw this, I followed him and sat down beside him.

"Dad, is there anything you haven't told us?" I asked tentatively.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

"Listen to me. My father took my hand and looked firm, "I've lived this old bone for most of my life, and I've never seen any big winds and waves? "

I nodded, and my father continued: "It's just that I'm getting older, and sooner or later I'm going to leave you. Therefore, I want to take advantage of the fact that my body is still strong now, and do my best to be filial to your mother and son. "

"Silly boy, you can rest assured. The father said gently, "When you have a child of your own, you will appreciate my current mood." As a parent, you want your children to be better off than you are in the future. "

Listening to my father's words, my heart was extremely complicated. As his son, I certainly want him to be healthy and live a long life. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature after all, and no one can live forever.

Although my father is old, his words reveal a tenacious vitality. Despite the threat of death, he is still optimistic and hopes to be filial to our mother and son in his own way.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

I realized that our parents' love for us was far greater than we could have imagined. They have loved us all their lives, and even at the end of their lives, they are still doing their best to love their children.

Yes, when I have my own children, I will definitely do my best to take care of them like my father. Because this love is like a torch that will never be extinguished, which will be passed on from generation to generation.

After his father finished speaking, he closed his eyes and seemed to be taking a nap. I sat on the sidelines, looked at his serene face, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice that although my father was old, his spirit had not declined at all.

At this moment, a breeze blew and blew the leaves on the treetops, making a rustling sound. A few fallen leaves fell in the wind and landed on my father's lap in a swirling motion.

He slowly opened his eyes, picked up the withered yellow fallen leaf, stared at it, and did not speak for a long time. We sat silently, letting the time slip by between our fingers.

"Xiaopeng. After a long time, my father spoke, his voice a little hoarse, "No matter what happens in the future, you have to pass on the incense in the family for me." "

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

"I will, Dad. I nodded vigorously, my eyes moistening again, "I'll be sure to put you at ease." "

The father nodded, seeming satisfied. He took a deep breath before slowly standing up.

"Let's go, let's go back to the house and rest. He beckoned to me and staggered into the house.

I looked at my father's thin back and secretly resolved that no matter what, I must let him live a healthy and happy old age in his lifetime.

From that day on, I decided to take a break from my work and focus on being at home with my parents. My mother gave my father medicine and exercised on time every day, while I was responsible for housework and cooking.

One day, my mother suddenly said to me, "Your father has been very withdrawn lately, as if he has something on his mind. Can you talk to him?"

"Okay Mom, I'll go now. "I should come down and go into the courtyard to find my father.

I saw my father sitting alone in the shade of a tree, bowing his head and pondering. I walked over and sat down beside him.

"Dad, do you have anything on your mind lately? Would you like to talk to me?" I asked with concern.

"Don't say that, Dad!" I hurriedly interrupted him, "You are in such good health now, how can something happen? Besides, even if there is a day, you have already done your duty as a father." "

"You're right. Father nodded, his eyes gloomy, "However, I still hope to live a little longer and spend more time with your mother and son." "

I reached out and hugged my father's thin body, and said earnestly, "Dad, you can rest assured." No matter what happens in the future, I will always keep your teachings in mind and pass on the incense. "

My father nodded and hugged me as well. We hugged each other for a long time, speechless.

Embracing my father, I had mixed feelings in my heart. On the one hand, I want my father to live a long life and always be by our side. But on the other hand, I also know that birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, and one day I will lose him.

Perhaps, my father's greatest wish at this moment is to do his best to be filial to our mother and son in his lifetime. And as a son, I should also cherish the bits and pieces I get along with him.

Yes, our parents' love for us is eternal. They have pulled us up and loved us with all their lives. When I have my own children, I will definitely take care of them with everything I have, just like my father.

Because this love is like a torch that will never be extinguished, which will be passed down from generation to generation and will never be extinguished.

We hugged each other for a long, long time, until it was dark. Finally, my father patted me on the back and motioned for us to go back to the house.

My father, who is in his 70s, made more than 10 calls today to ask me to come home at the age of 26 because the family killed New Year's pigs

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