
Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

author:Chen Ai smiled at the little fairy

The diversity of beauty

In today's society, people often use body shape as a criterion for judging beauty, and think that thinness is beauty. However, this notion is gradually being broken. Jia Ling and Du Haitao, two public figures, are the best proof of this, and they use their own examples to show us that beauty is not limited to one form, and everyone has a unique charm.

Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

Jia Ling – The power of self-confidence

As a female comedian, Jia Ling's figure does not conform to the traditional sense of "slender beauty", but her confidence and talent make her shine on stage. Her sense of humor and unique perspective on life have earned her the love of countless audiences. Jia Ling's success teaches us that self-confidence and talent are an important part of beauty, not just appearance.

Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

Du Haitao - the charm of personality

Du Haitao, as a host and actor, also has a strong physique. His wit and wit make him unique in the entertainment industry. Although his appearance does not meet the traditional standard of "handsome", his personality and talent have made him an idol in the hearts of audiences. Du Haitao's example illustrates how personality and talent can be a source of attraction for a person.

Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

The pluralistic definition of beauty

The story of Jia Ling and Du Haitao tells us that there should not be only one criterion for beauty. Each one has its own characteristics and strengths, and these unique qualities make up their respective beauty. Society should be more open and inclusive, recognizing that beauty can come in many forms.

Health is key

Whether it is Jia Ling or Du Haitao, they all show a healthy state. Although their physique is not "thin" in the traditional sense, they are in good health. This reminds us that it's more important to maintain good health than to pursue a single body type.

Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

The importance of self-acceptance

Another thing these two public figures have in common is that they have a positive attitude towards their bodies. They accept their appearance and maintain their health through exercise and a sensible diet. This attitude of self-acceptance is essential for an individual's mental health.

Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

Everyone is unique

The stories of Jia Ling and Du Haitao encourage us to rethink the definition of beauty. They show us with their own examples that everyone is unique and has their own beauty. We should learn to appreciate the uniqueness of each person, rather than blindly chasing external standards. True beauty comes from a person's overall temperament, self-confidence, health, and how they treat themselves and others.

Not all fat people look good when they lose weight, just look at Jia Ling and Du Haitao

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