
The study found that eating like this can really effectively combat the pressure of life!

author:Happy Nutrition Elf
The study found that eating like this can really effectively combat the pressure of life!

For 9-to-5 office workers, learning to decompress is a very necessary thing.

此前,伯明翰大学的一项研究对饮食的减压效果进行了探索。 这项名为"Fat intake impairs the recovery of endothelial function following mental stress in young healthy adults"的研究揭示了饮食方式对身体和心理反应的影响。

The study found that eating like this can really effectively combat the pressure of life!

First, let's take a look at how stress affects physical and mental health.

When we are faced with stress, the body produces a series of physiological responses, including an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, etc., which is the body's natural response to external challenges.

Short-term stress is normal, however, long-term mental stress can lead to serious physical health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and anxiety.

The study found that eating like this can really effectively combat the pressure of life!

Studies have also found that people tend to be more inclined to choose high-fat foods when faced with stress. This may be because high-fat foods can bring a short-term sense of pleasure, or because of the urgency of time, convenience foods are chosen in passing.

However, this choice can lead to both physical and emotional negative effects.

A high-fat diet can exacerbate the effects of stress on blood vessel function. After experiencing a stressful event, participants who consumed high-fat foods experienced a significant decrease in vascular function and took a longer time to return to normal.

This condition of impaired vascular function may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and can also affect mood and cognitive function.

The study found that eating like this can really effectively combat the pressure of life!

Conversely, choosing low-fat foods, especially those rich in polyphenols (such as berries, apples, and other fruits, vegetables, etc.), can help us cope better with stress.

Because these foods are rich in antioxidants, which help protect blood vessel function and can also improve mood and cognitive function.

It can be seen that developing healthy eating habits can not only improve our physical condition, but also help us reduce stress.


Doi: 10.3390 / nu15183969

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