
Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

author:Erudite droplets

Family Background and Biography:

My name is Li Xiufang, and I am an ordinary rural woman. My husband's name is Wang Ming, and he is a hard-working farmer. We have a son named Xiao Ming, who has just started the first grade of primary school this year. Although our family of three lives a simple life, we are very happy and happy.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

Story Text:

We live in a small mountain village, and although our lives are poor, we are also very calm and comfortable. My husband works in the fields every day, while I take care of the housework and the children. Although life is not easy, we have always supported each other to face the challenges of life together.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

However, fate brought us a great change on an ordinary night. That night, the husband suddenly felt unwell and had unbearable abdominal pain. I rushed him to the county hospital, and after an examination, the doctor told me that my husband had acute appendicitis and needed immediate surgery.

When I heard the news, my heart was like a knife. Our family has no extra money, and my husband's sudden illness has undoubtedly made our lives worse. I knew that if the surgery was not carried out soon, my husband's life would be in great danger.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

In the hospital, I anxiously looked around for a solution. I think of our neighbor Lao Li, who has a slightly better condition at home and may be able to borrow some money. So, I hurried to Lao Li's house and borrowed 30,000 yuan from him for my husband's surgery.

Lao Li is a kind person, and he agreed without hesitation after hearing about my predicament. I couldn't thank him enough, and I thanked him again and again. With the money in hand, I quickly rushed back to the hospital and had the doctor start my husband's surgery.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

The operation went well and the husband quickly recovered. I am extremely relieved in my heart, thank Lao Li for his help, and thank fate for favoring us.

However, just when I thought everything was going to be fine, the unexpected struck again. A few days later, my husband's condition suddenly deteriorated, and the doctor told me that he had sepsis and was in critical condition.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

I was so anxious that I rushed to the doctor and asked about my husband's condition. The doctor told me that my husband's condition was very unsatisfactory and that he needed more complicated treatment. I felt a pang of despair, and I didn't know what to do.

Just when I was at a loss, Lao Li suddenly appeared in the hospital. He told me that he had heard about my husband's deteriorating condition and had come from home to visit us. I was moved to tears when I heard his words, and I knew that I was no longer alone and that I had someone by my side to support me.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband


With the help of Lao Li, we carried out a more complex treatment for our husband. After a month of hard work, my husband finally recovered. We were reunited as a family, lamenting the impermanence of fate and thankful for someone who reached out at a critical moment.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband

This experience made me realize the value of human affection and friendship. On the road of life, we may encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges, but as long as we support and help each other, we will be able to overcome everything. I decided to pass on this gratitude and friendship to help more people and fill the world with love and warmth.

Folktale: A widow borrows her husband