
The content of business strategy, strategic management of business


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What is Strategic Management in Business

Enterprise strategic management, also known as business policy, is an emerging discipline that studies the regularity of strategic management activities. As a summary of the practical experience of strategic management, the research object of enterprise strategic management is the strategic management activities of enterprises, and its purpose is to reveal the regularity of the process of this activity and the content of enterprise business strategy, and to provide guidance for enterprises to do a good job in operation and management and improve the long-term economic benefits of enterprises. Strategic management is the process by which managers establish the long-term direction of the enterprise, set specific performance goals, formulate strategies to achieve the goals according to the relevant internal and external environment, and implement the selected action plan. Among them, strategy is the content of the business strategy of the enterprise to achieve its goals, which specifically indicates the business direction of the enterprise and the actions and measures to be taken in the fields of innovation, competition and functional departments to achieve its goals.


Characteristics of corporate strategy

Compared with other branches of business management, strategic management has the following characteristics:

(1) It is comprehensive, it absorbs the theories of marketing, financial management, organizational behavior and corporate culture. In addition, its research objects involve all fields such as production, organization, and finance of the enterprise, and it is an organic synthesis of all fields of the enterprise.

(2) Theory and practice are closely linked. On the one hand, its theory is directly derived from the experience of large companies, and on the other hand, the development of its theory has promoted the development of strategic management practice. In short, business strategy is a comprehensive applied economic management discipline.

The content of business strategy, strategic management of business


The main content of corporate strategy research

The main contents of corporate strategy research include:

(1) Basic activities of strategic management. This course mainly explores the theories and methods of setting corporate direction and strategic goals. Among them, the establishment of enterprise direction includes the establishment of products, technologies and markets. Scholars who have contributed to this field are mainly P. Drucker, D. Abel and P. Laurench.

(2) The formulation of strategy, focusing on the study of the method of formulating strategy, the technique of strategic analysis, and the common strategies. Among them, the methods of formulating strategies mainly include the strategy master method, the authorization method, the cooperation method, and the competition method; there are various techniques of strategic analysis, mainly including industry competition analysis and competitive analysis techniques; common strategies can be divided into the strategy of a single-business enterprise and the strategy of a multi-business enterprise; and so on; the best strategy is the strategy that fits the internal and external environment of the enterprise. This field is at the heart of strategic management research, and scholars such as P. Selznick, M. Porter, and others have contributed to it.

(3) Strategy implementation, mainly studying the methods of strategy implementation and the theories and methods of fitting with organizational structure, corporate culture and support system. Among them, in terms of the relationship between strategy and structure, strategy determines structure, and structure has a counterproductive effect on strategy. Contributions were made by A. Chandler, T. Peters, and others.


Development of corporate strategy

Enterprise strategic management is a new discipline that emerged in the 60s, which was born to meet the needs of capitalist enterprise management. Its development process is roughly divided into two stages: the first stage: the founding period (60~70s), after World War II, the rapid technological and economic development of capitalist countries, and the complex and changeable external environment faced by enterprises, which promoted the development of strategic management practice activities. With the accumulation of practical experience, bourgeois scholars began to discuss their theories, and in the mid-60s, their theoretical system was initially formed, but their theories, methods and techniques were still imperfect. The main exponents are A. Chandler (Strategy and Structure, 1962), H. Asov (Corporate Strategy, 1965), etc. The second stage: the development and maturity period (since the 80s), this period, with the further accumulation of strategic management experience and the deepening of theoretical research, especially the emergence of competitive advantage theory and the development of related disciplines, the development and improvement of the discipline have been promoted. Its representatives are: M. Porter ("Competitive Advantage" (1980, "Competitive Strategy" (1985) and so on.

In China, the study of enterprise strategic management started late, starting in the early 80s of this century, and has achieved certain results so far, and some monographs have been published, but the mainland's enterprise strategic management is still in its infancy, and its theory and methodology need to be further developed.

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What are the graduation thesis literature of enterprise strategy information resources, enterprise strategy consistency, enterprise strategic management and human resources

This article is a compilation of 10 graduation theses related to the topic of enterprise strategic management and human resources, including 5 journal papers and 5 dissertations, to provide reference for those related to the topic of corporate strategic management and human resources to write their graduation theses.

1. [Journal Papers] Incentive Mechanism, Corporate Strategy and Human Resource Management

Journal: Cooperative Economy and Science and Technology | Issue 008, 2017

Abstract:As an important strategic resource of enterprises, human resources directly affect the survival and development of enterprises.This paper studies the linkage between incentive mechanism, enterprise strategy and human resource management, explores the influence path of incentive mechanism and enterprise strategy on human resource management, and puts forward ideas and suggestions for the development of enterprise human resource management.

Keywords: incentive mechanism, corporate strategy, human resource management


2. [Journal Paper] The matching relationship between enterprise strategy and human resource management strategy

Journal: Human Resource Management | Issue 010, 2016

Abstract:At present, the mainland is in a critical period of economic transformation, and the human resource strategy should constantly adapt to the changes of enterprise strategy, and promote the realization of enterprise strategy through the establishment and implementation of human resource strategy. This paper will analyze from two aspects, through the discussion of the matching relationship between enterprise strategy and human resource strategy, reasonably optimize the formulation and implementation of the future development strategy of the enterprise, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

Keywords: corporate strategy, human resource strategy, matching relationship, discussion


3. [Journal Papers] Corporate Strategy and Human Resource Management

Journal: Science & Technology Information | Issue 007, 2011

Abstract:The human resource management of coal enterprises needs to adapt to the long-term development strategy of the enterprise and implement the strategic human resource management.

Keywords: corporate strategy, human resources, management


4. [Journal Paper] On Enterprise Strategic Planning and Human Resource Management

Journal: Economic and Technological Cooperation Information | Issue 033, 2010

Abstract: First, enterprise strategic planning and human resource management is advancing with the times, and then has been given new functions, a small development of enterprise enterprise strategic consistency, enterprise strategic consistency, its human resource management is often followed by step by step growth and maturity. The human resource management of an enterprise often goes through four stages: administrative management, personnel management, human resource management and strategic human resource management. At the beginning of the company's establishment, the administrative department is also responsible for the management of the files and benefits of the employees, and this stage can be called the administrative management stage. With the continuous increase in the number of employees in enterprises, independent personnel management departments have emerged.

Keywords: strategic human resource management, corporate strategic planning, administrative management, personnel management, keeping pace with the times, administrative department, welfare management, employees


5. [Journal Article] Analysis of the Consistency Effect of Corporate Strategy, Corporate Culture and Human Resource Management: A Case Study of Southwest Airlines

Journal: Modern Management Science | Issue 010, 2007

Taking Southwest Airlines as an example, this paper analyzes the secrets of Southwest Airlines that are difficult to imitate from the characteristics and consistency of corporate strategy, corporate culture and human resource management, and provides a useful reference for the successful operation of mainland enterprises.

Keywords: Southwest Airlines, corporate culture, competitive strategy, human resource management


6. [Dissertation] External Environment, Internal Resources and Strategic Choice of Human Resource Service Enterprises: A Case Study of Listed Enterprises on the New Third Board


 1 绪论
 1.1 研究背景与目标
 1.1.1 研究背景
 1.1.2 研究目标
 1.2 研究意义
 1.2.1 理论意义
 1.2.2 实践意义
 1.3 研究内容
 1.4 研究方法与技术路线
 1.4.1 研究方法
 1.4.2 技术路线
 1.5 研究的重难点和创新点
 1.6 本章小结
 2.1 理论基础
 2.1.1 权变理论
 2.1.2 资源基础理论
 2.1.3 战略管理理论
 2.2 文献综述
 2.2.1 外部环境与内部资源的关系研究
 2.2.2 外部环境与战略选择的关系研究
 2.2.3 内部资源与战略选择的关系研究
 2.3 研究评述
 2.4 本章小结
  3.1 研究方法的选择
 3.2 研究对象的选择
 3.3 数据收集和分类
 3.4 核心概念探索与界定
 3.4.1 外部环境维度探索与界定
 3.4.2 内部资源维度探索与界定
 3.4.3 企业战略选择维度探索与界定
 3.5 数据编码
 3.5.1 开放式编码与主轴编码
 3.5.2 选择性编码
 3.6 信度效度保证
 3.7 案例研究框架
 3.8 本章小结
 4 案例分析
 4.1 案例企业外部环境、内部资源维度匹配
 4.2 案例企业的企业战略选择
 4.3 案例企业战略选择、内部资源、外部环境关系分析
 4.4 案例结果
 4.5 本章小结
 5 案例讨论
 5.1 案例企业战略选择的模型框架
 5.1.1 外部环境对人力资源服务企业战略选择的影响
  5.1.2 内部资源对人力资源服务公司战略选择的影响
 5.2 案例企业战略行为的模型框架
 5.2.1 能动型战略的组织行为
 5.2.2 嵌入型战略的组织行为
 5.3 本章小结
 6 结论与展望
 6.1 主要研究结论
 6.2 理论贡献与实践启示
 6.3 研究局限与未来展望

Bibliographic Items

Discipline: Business Management

Degrees awarded: Master's

Year: 2018

Language: Chinese

CLC:Enterprise Economy;Underground Construction


7. [Dissertation] Research on Strategic Human Resource Management of Private Construction Enterprises: A Case Study of EP Company


 第一章 绪 论
 1.1 研究背景
 1.2 研究目的和意义
 1.3 国内外研究现状
 1.4 研究思路与方法
 第二章 相关理论及其应用
 2.2 战略人力资源理论的应用
 第三章 民营建筑企业人力资源管理现状、存在问题与解决思路
 3.1 建筑业发展现状
 3.2 民营建筑企业发展现状和发展趋势
 3.3 民营建筑企业人力资源管理现状及其分析
 3.4 优化民营建筑企业人力资源管理一般思路
 第四章 EP 公司战略人力资源管理系统应用
 4.1 公司概况
 4.2 EP公司战略人力资源管理现状分析
 4.3 EP公司战略人力资源管理目标的确立
 4.4 建立EP公司战略人力资源管理系统
 4.5 战略人力资源管理实施过程可能遇到的阻力和解决办法
 第五章 结 语

Bibliographic Items

Discipline: Business Administration

Degrees awarded: Master's

Year: 2017

Language: Chinese


8. [Dissertation] Performance Evaluation of Strategic Human Resource Management of Innovative Enterprises in Fujian Province


 第一章 绪 论 
 第二章 相关理论基础 
 2.1 人力资源计分卡理论 
 第三章 福建省创新型企业战略性人力资源管理的现状分析 
 第四章 福建省创新型企业战略性人力资源计分卡构建 
 第五章 实证研究 
 第六章 提高福建省创新型企业人力资源管理水平的建议 
 第七章 总结与展望 
 附录1 福建创新型企业战略性人力资源计分卡指标权重的调查问卷 
 附录2 员工满意度调查问卷 
 附录3 客户满意度调查问卷 
 附录4 实证研究对象企业名单 
 附录5 实证研究原始数据 

Bibliographic Items

Discipline: Business Administration

Degrees awarded: Master's

The content of business strategy, strategic management of business


Language: Chinese

CLC: Personnel Management


9. [Dissertation] Strategic Human Resource Management of State-owned Enterprises: A Case Study of China Telecom W Branch


 第一章 绪论
 1.1 研究背景
 1.2 研究目标及研究意义
 1.2.1 研究目的
 1.2.2 研究意义
 1.3 关于国有企业人战略力资源管理研究现状
 1.3.1 国外研究现状
 1.3.2 国内研究现状
 1.4 本文的研究方法
 第二章 战略人力资源管理基本理论
 2.1 人力资本概念的提出与其理论体系的完善
 2.2 战略人力资源管理的相关理论
 2.2.1 战略人力资源管理的概念
 2.2.2 战略人力资源管理的内涵
 2.2.3 战略人力资源管理的特征
 2.2.4 企业实施战略人力资源管理的过程
 2.2.5 企业实施战略人力资源管理的目标
 2.2.6 战略人力资源管理与传统人力资源管理区别
 第三章 国有企业战略人力资源管理问题分析
 3.1 人力资源管理理念落后
 3.2 缺乏有效的招聘和用人机制
 3.3 绩效管理机制不科学
 3.4 培训与开发机制不健全
 3.5 企业薪酬管理体系存在问题
 3.6 企业不注重企业文化建设
 第四章 中国电信W分公司战略人力资源管理分析
 4.1 中国电信某市W分公司概况介绍
 4.1.1 中国电信人力资源规划
 4.1.2 中国电信W分公司概况
 4.1.3 中国电信W分公司的环境分析(SWOT)
 4.2 中国电信W分公司战略人力资源管理现状分析
 4.2.1 公司组织结构
 4.2.2 员工基本情况介绍
 4.2.3 企业员工招聘与配置现状
 4.2.4 企业绩效管理现状
 4.2.5 企业培训与开发现状
 4.2.6 薪酬管理与福利现状
 4.2.7 企业文化建设现状
 4.3 本章小结
 第五章 国有企业战略人力资源管理对策
 5.1 转变观念,提高人力资源部门的地位
 5.2 建立有效的招聘机制,合理利用人才
 5.3 合理的绩效管理
 5.4 建立有效的培训机制
 5.5 建立科学合理的薪酬制度,有效激励员工
 5.6 加强企业文化的建设

Bibliographic Items

Subject: Labor Economics

Degrees awarded: Master's

Year: 2015

Language: Chinese

CLC:Enterprise Management


10. [Dissertation] Research on Strategic Human Resource Management of Project-oriented Enterprises: A Case Study of Company K


 第1章 绪论
 第3章 K公司调研及问题分析
 3.1 K公司概述
 第4章 组织结构优化
 4.2 PMO成功实施的关键问题
 第5章 核心员工激励措施
 第6章 实施知识管理和建立信息平台
 第7章 总结与展望
 附录1 调研问题列表

Bibliographic Items

Discipline: Business Administration

Degrees awarded: Master's

Year: 2015

Language: Chinese

CLC: Personnel Management

Principles for developing corporate strategy, seven principles for successful compensation design

1. Strategic Orientation Principle

The principle of strategic orientation emphasizes that enterprises must analyze from the perspective of corporate strategy when designing compensation, and the salary policies and systems formulated must reflect the requirements of enterprise development strategy. Enterprise salary is not only a system, it is also a mechanism, a reasonable salary system to drive and spur the growth and improvement of those factors that are conducive to the development strategy of the enterprise, and at the same time to make those factors that are not conducive to the development strategy of the enterprise to be effectively contained, faded and eliminated. Therefore, when designing compensation, enterprises must analyze which factors are important and which are not important from a strategic point of view, and give certain weight to these factors through certain value standards, and determine their value distribution, that is, salary standards.

2. The principle of economy

The economic principle of salary design emphasizes that enterprises must fully consider the characteristics of their own development and their ability to pay when designing salaries. It includes two meanings, in the short term, the company's sales revenue after deducting various non-labor (human resources) expenses and costs, to be able to pay the remuneration of all employees of the enterprise; in the long run, the enterprise must have a surplus after paying the remuneration of all employees, as well as compensating for the non-labor costs and costs used, so as to support the enterprise to increase and expand investment, and obtain the sustainable development of the enterprise.

3. Embody the principle of employee value

Modern human resource management must solve the three basic contradictions of the enterprise, that is, the contradiction between human resource management and enterprise development strategy, the contradiction between enterprise development and employee development, and the contradiction between employee creation and employee treatment. Therefore, when designing salary, enterprises must be able to fully reflect the value of employees, fully coordinate the development of employees with the development of the enterprise, and maintain the short-term and long-term balance between employee creation and employee treatment (value creation and value distribution).

4. Principle of fairness

The fairness theory has an important impact on the salary design of enterprises, and whether the salary design scheme is fair directly determines the subjective psychological feelings of employees, and thus affects the work attitude and motivation of employees.

1) Internal fairness

The principle of internal fairness should be based on two main points: first, employees should be equal to their own remuneration for their efforts, contributions and achievements, and second, people who perform the same work or have the same ability within the organization should be compensated similarly.

Employees will generally first compare their "investment" in the enterprise with the "return" obtained from the enterprise, and are accustomed to comparing their current work effort and the return they have obtained with the previous degree of effort and the return obtained.

In addition to their own vertical comparisons, employees also tend to make horizontal comparisons within the organization, comparing their "return/investment" ratios with those of other colleagues, and if their own ratios are equal to or higher than the principles on which most colleagues develop the company's strategy, they will have a greater sense of fairness.

It should be noted that people always have a tendency to subjectively overestimate their own ability and dedication, so even if the organization's compensation system conforms to the principle of objective fairness, employees may not recognize this fairness and think that their investment is not reciprocated like other employees. Therefore, when it comes to achieving the principle of internal fairness, companies only need to do their best to provide strategic information resources for the enterprise, rather than 100% ensuring that every employee is satisfied.

2) External fairness

Employees are social people first, and then corporate people, so they will unconsciously compare their remuneration with the remuneration of people who do similar work outside the enterprise, and according to the structure of the contrast, they will either have a sense of fairness or unfairness. Therefore, when designing salaries, enterprises should also look outward and refer to the results of salary surveys to formulate the company's salary design plan.

5. Principle of Legality

The remuneration policy must comply with the relevant laws and regulations formulated by the national and local governments. For example, the Labor Law and the Minimum Wage Protection Law promulgated by the mainland, as well as the Labor Contract Regulations and the Labor Employment Regulations in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In terms of employee management, some business owners blindly pursue "I am the master of my territory", or force employees to work overtime on weekends in an unpaid manner, or maliciously default on employees' wages, or do not pay social insurance for employees in accordance with the law, resulting in labor disputes, and employees go to court, affecting the normal operation and management of enterprises.

The content of business strategy, strategic management of business

6. Efficiency first

According to the point of view of incentive theory, the principle of the remuneration paid by the enterprise to the employees to formulate the corporate strategy is not that the more the better, not that the more employees will work harder, not that the more employees will recognize the enterprise, the most intelligent compensation plan is to spend the money on the cutting edge, and the organization has achieved a better rate of return on every penny of cost spent on salary expenditure. For example, some companies pay attention to welfare management, focus on the emotional investment of employees, and actively celebrate the birthday of employees every month. This kind of small benefits full of human touch generally do not require a large amount of capital investment to obtain a higher employee return.

7. The principle of not over-motivating

Some business owners pursue the principle of "money can make the devil grind", in order to encourage employees to work harder, do not hesitate to bet a lot of money, and provide employees with salary and benefits that are far higher than the market average, thinking that this can play the best incentive effect. A private company in Shenzhen hired a professional manager to serve as the general manager through a headhunting company, and this manager had work experience in a foreign company, so the boss of the private company had special trust in the manager and fully authorized the control of others, money and goods. After the arrival of the new general manager, a series of bold reforms were carried out in salary management, generally increasing employee salaries, purchasing social insurance for employees, and purchasing commercial insurance for some key personnel. The company has provided a number of special benefits for employees, and the morale of employees has soared.

However, one year after the reform, the company's human resource costs rose sharply, with a growth rate of more than 40%, while the growth rate of operating performance in the same period was only 10%, resulting in the company's accumulation. In the face of such a situation, the general manager had to reduce everyone's wages and reduce welfare expenditures, as a result, employees felt lost, pessimistic and disappointed about the company's future prospects, and a large number of key talents withdrew at the end of the year.

The increase in wages and benefits should be a gradual process, and only by gradually increasing can we achieve a better incentive effect. The professional manager suddenly raised the employee's salary to a higher level, without predicting the company's business prospects, which led to the "tragedy of salary increase" in the private enterprise in Shenzhen. When formulating a salary reform plan, it is best to refer to the following two principles of salary increase:

First, the growth of the total salary of employees is lower than the growth of operating income in the same period;

Second, the growth of the average salary of employees is lower than the growth of the company's profits in the same period.

This principle is embodied in a well-known adage in Japanese business circles: "You can't bribe your children to do their homework, and you can't bribe your wife to make dinner." Naturally, you also can't bribe your employees to work for the company. ”

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