
The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

author:Dazzling blackberries

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The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"Hello, my name is Li Ming. Nice to meet you. His voice was like the warm sun of spring, warm and moving. Since then, we have started a wonderful relationship.

Everything is good in married life. He is a hard-working and self-motivated person who works hard and is considerate of his family. Every morning, he would personally cook me a nutritious breakfast and tell me to be careful on my way to work. After work, he would find time to walk and chat with me. Sometimes we do sports together to keep our bodies healthy. On weekends, he would take me out to enjoy the beauty of nature.

His meticulous care for me made me feel happier than ever. We have walked through the important moments of our lives hand in hand, and witnessed each other's growth and transformation. When we were young and energetic and we were still pursuing career development, he always supported me silently behind the scenes. And when we entered middle age, he became my most solid support. I have thanked God countless times in my heart for allowing me to meet such a good man.

How loving and sweet we were at that time! I never imagined that this seemingly eternal marriage would come to an end.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

However, marriage is like a puddle of churned water, which is quiet at first, but as time goes on, it begins to ripple.

The pressure of work made him start to become irritable and irritable, and he got angry with me over small things. Once, when I forgot to iron his favorite shirt, he yelled at me and threw his clothes on the floor.

"Do you really care about housework? I work so hard to earn money to support my family, you can't even do this little thing!"

Seeing his angry face, I was too scared to squeak, and tears couldn't stop flowing. How could he have become like this when he was so gentle and considerate in the past? There seems to be an invisible chasm between us, and we will never be able to return to the days of love in the past.

Sometimes he would criticize my work, thinking that I was not ambitious enough and unmotivated. Although I am just an ordinary office worker, I also contribute to the financial situation of my family. But he always turned a blind eye to my efforts, thinking that I should work as hard as he did and climb the peak of my life and career.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"That's all you have to offer, even your sister is better than you!" Every time he said that, I was embarrassed and my self-esteem was greatly hurt.

Our contradictions are getting deeper and deeper, and family life is plunged into a cold winter. In the end, after a heated argument, I made up my mind and chose to separate from him.

It was a rainy day, and I dragged my suitcase out of the home where we had lived together for more than a decade. He stood in the doorway, watching me leave with a blank face, without the slightest intention of holding back.

The days after separation were lonely and lonely, and I often lay alone in bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about our old days. I'm starting to regret my reckless decision, maybe we just need to communicate well and not separate outright. But it was too late.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

After my divorce, I felt more lonely than I had ever been. That home used to be warm and happy, but now I'm the only one left. Every day when I come back to my empty room from work, I can't help but shed tears. I'm starting to regret my decision, and if I could do it all over again, I would definitely cherish this marriage even more.

But everything is irretrievable. I had to bite the bullet and face the second half of my life alone.

"Yunyun, have you been a little depressed lately?" Once, my best friend Xiaoli asked me out for tea, and she asked me with concern.

Xiaoli's words woke me up. Yes, I shouldn't always live in the shadows of the past, but be brave enough to look forward. Maybe there will be a new dawn in life.

Deep down, I still miss my happy life, but I've learned to be relieved. I began to look forward to the future life, looking forward to the day when I could meet the one who really belonged to me again.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

After the divorce, my ex-husband quickly got back to taking care of his life. He renovated his apartment, bought a lot of new furniture and appliances, and lived a new single life.

Sometimes unintentionally, I see his dynamics on social media. He often travels with his friends and seems to be quite chic and happy. As I watched their swaying figures, I couldn't help but feel a trace of sourness and jealousy in my heart. In the past, we used to be such a loving couple, and we often went on outings on weekends. But now, we are two people, and we can never go back to the past.

A friend of mine happened to meet him once and said that he looked pretty good right now. "People say that divorced men tend to live more chicly, and that seems to be the case. My friend said to me with a smile.

However, I know I am not in a position to criticize him for any of his actions. After all, we are already two strangers, and each of them should start a new life. It's just that, to be honest, seeing his current appearance, my heart is still full of mixed emotions.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

Perhaps, divorce is really just a legitimate excuse for two people to completely leave their former love behind. From then on, they were two strangers, and there was no longer any bondage. This cruel reality made my heart feel as if it had been torn apart, and it hurt my heart.

For a few years after the divorce, I lived a rather lonely life. Although there has been a new improvement in work, in the final analysis, there is still a lack of the warmth of a home.

One night, I was sitting alone in my living room and suddenly felt lonely like never before. The bits and pieces of being with my ex-husband in the past flashed in my mind like a marquee. I couldn't help crying, my heart filled with infinite regret and regret.

If we had been more tolerant and understanding, wouldn't it have fallen apart? I began to regret my reckless decision, and if I could do it all over again, I would definitely cherish this marriage even more.

That night, I suddenly made up my mind to make a last-ditch effort to see if there was any chance of remarriage.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"What do you do?" When he opened the door, he saw that it was me, and his face was full of surprise.

"Brother Ming, I have something very important to discuss with you. I plucked up the courage to say.

He frowned, but let me in anyway.

We sat side by side on the couch, my hand clutching the bouquet of flowers, a little nervous.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

After saying this, I squeezed the flowers in my hand tightly, for fear that they would fall to the ground. My heart was beating violently, waiting for his answer.

"Yunyun, I appreciate the dedication you have given me. However, we have been divorced for many years, and my life is starting anew. I was really surprised by your arrival. "

The ex-husband's face was full of helplessness, he took a deep breath, and said slowly: "For the matter of remarriage, I think I must refuse."

"During the years of our divorce, I had a pretty hard time. You are the person I love the most in my life, and our relationship has also gone through the baptism of years. However, you chose to leave me, and I was devastated. "

His eyes darkened, as if he was caught in a whirlpool of memories. "In those years, I lived an unusually decadent life every day. My work has also been sluggish, and I can't get up to the top of my life. Sometimes I even cry alone in front of an empty room. "

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"It wasn't until later that I realized I had to start a new life. So, I started working hard and putting all my energy into my career. It was also from that time that I gradually came out of the haze and regained the courage to live. "

"In the past few years, my career has finally made a breakthrough. I bought this brand new apartment and lived the long-awaited life of freedom. You see, I'm doing pretty well right now. He gestured to the décor around him, a confident look on his face that bloomed again.

After saying this, his eyes were firm and decisive, and he seemed to have made a lot of determination. I clutched the flowers in my hand, tears welling up in my eyes again.

"But I really love you so much! Over the years, I've regretted my decision all the time. Brother Ming, why don't we start all over again and start over?" I choked up and spoke incoherently.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"I'm sorry, Yunyun. My decision is resolute. He got up, helped me up, and walked to the door.

"Yunyun, have you recently begun to immerse yourself in the shadows of the past again?" Once, my best friend Xiaoli asked me out for afternoon tea, and when she saw my listless appearance, she couldn't help but feel very worried.

Xiaoli's words were like a slap in the face, which made me wake up. yes, I've wasted too much time and been feeling sorry for myself. Now, it's time for me to be brave enough to look forward, start anew, and start a new life.

Just as I was going all out to get into my new life, something unexpected happened.

One day, I was working overtime on a document when my phone rang suddenly. The caller ID was my ex-husband's number, and I was taken aback and thought I had accidentally pressed the wrong number.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"Yunyun, it's me. "

"How are you doing? I see your social dynamics, you seem to be living a wonderful life. His tone sounded unnatural.

"Yunyun, I've been thinking a lot about our past lately. I'm really happy to see how positive you're now. However, for some reason, my heart ached faintly, and I still seemed to be a little reluctant. "

"What do you mean by that?" My heart was beating violently, and an inexplicable anticipation was rising in my heart.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"Okay, no problem. I readily agreed, and the joy in my heart was churning uncontrollably.

Perhaps, the relationship between us has not completely faded. Perhaps, our fate did not end here. I prayed secretly, but I didn't dare to expect too much, for fear that it was just a vain dream.

A week later, my ex-husband and I met up at a café. I dressed up to make a good impression on him.

"Yunyun, you seem to be in good spirits. He looked at me with an approving look on his face.

"Yunyun, I've been reflecting on our relationship lately. The ex-husband's tone was a little hesitant, as if he was still thinking about how to speak.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"You are the love of my life, and we have so many wonderful memories between us. Although we had to choose to break up later because of some contradictions and disagreements, that relationship was forever imprinted on my heart. "

"Over the years, I've been trying to get back on my new life, but deep down there's always a void that I can't fill. It wasn't until I saw your recent changes that I suddenly realized that I had been unconsciously thinking about you. "

My eyes couldn't help but moisten, and the bits and pieces of the past came to my mind one by one. I know that I will never forget the happiness that this man once gave me.

A relieved smile finally bloomed on his face, as if he had lifted the burden of his heart. It was at this time that I realized that the relationship between us was never really broken. It had only been forgotten for a while, and now, it had finally rekindled its flames.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

Since then, we've come to understand the efforts of the Happy Knot. In the beginning, we would meet regularly to communicate with each other. Gradually, we all let go of the mustard of the past and re-experienced the taste of love back then.

"Yunyun, I really regret being cold and ruthless to you back then. If I could do it all over again, I would definitely be more considerate of your feelings. "Once, he said to me affectionately.

"It's okay, let the past pass. The most important thing now is that we should cherish the fate we have now. I took his hand and said firmly.

In this way, in the mutual understanding and tolerance bit by bit, the rift between us finally began to heal slowly. The scars of the past don't seem to be so deep.

Half a year later, on a summer morning, he got down on one knee and solemnly proposed to me. I was deeply moved by this romantic scene and burst into tears.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!

"Yunyun, are you willing to remarry me and start a new married life with me?" He held my hand tightly, his eyes full of anticipation.

"I do!" I didn't hesitate to say yes.

In this way, we once again entered the palace of marriage. This time, we have all made up our minds to cherish this fate and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

On the wedding night, we lay side by side in bed, talking and laughing about the past.

"How loving we used to be, but we were too young and vigorous, and we were always resting on our laurels. He said with some self-deprecation.

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is that we found each other in the end. "I leaned into his arms, smelled the familiar breath of him, and my heart was filled with a sense of happiness that I had never experienced before.

Yes, marriage is like a spiritual practice. It requires constant communication, understanding and tolerance from both sides in order to become happier and more happy. And we have finally found the key to happiness.

When we get married again, our lives are wonderful.

He would personally cook me a nutritious breakfast every morning and tell me to be careful on my way to work. After work, he would find time to walk and chat with me, and do exercises together to keep me healthy. On weekends, we go out together and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Sometimes, I am touched by his thoughtfulness. For example, one time, when I came home late from overtime, I found that he had left me a plate of hot dinner. I had mixed feelings and my eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"How stupid I was before, I almost lost such a good man. I thought to myself.

Yes, marriage is like a dojo that requires constant cultivation by both parties. Only by giving sincerity and understanding to each other can we achieve true happiness. And we have finally found this path to happiness.

In this way, in tolerance and understanding, our newlywed life was smooth sailing. There were occasional minor stumbles, but we all learned to be considerate of each other and thus resolved our differences.

"Yunyun, we must give our children a complete family and cherish the current happiness. He said to me from the bottom of his heart.

I nodded, tears of happiness oozing from the corners of my eyes. The fate between us is so difficult, and we have paid too much price in exchange for today's beautiful life.

Yes, marriage is like a practice over and over again. Only by constantly learning and tolerating each other can we achieve true happiness. And we have finally found this path to happiness.

The 40-year-old wife has been divorced for eight years and regrets wanting to remarry, and her ex-husband would rather be naked than agree!