
Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China

author:Sister said education

We are too good to others and too bad to our own people! This may be what we call the national spirit! As a result, Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, but foreign students enjoy treatment in China that surpasses that of nationals!

Wu Ling strongly suggested: Abolish the transcendent national treatment for international students, which has been supported by many netizens!

Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China

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Revoke their preferential eligibility for admission.

Nowadays, many foreign students come to the mainland to go to university, not only do they not have to go through the cruel college entrance examination, but they can even easily enter the 985 and 211 universities that we dream of. And Chinese college students who can be admitted to universities are all selected after ten years of hard study, thousands of troops and thousands of horses through the cruel college entrance examination. Are you fair, you say?



Why do we want to allow foreign students to show off their military power in China, and to treat them equally with domestic students is to give them preferential treatment, and who do you want to build your motherland?

Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China

It is even more difficult to imagine that international students studying at a good university in China need to provide three escorts, and these personnel have to clean up, work, and provide various subsidies for them, treating them like their ancestors, and conniving at a series of bad habits, what qualifications do they have?

This is extreme inferiority,

Extreme lack of self-confidence,

A concrete manifestation of extreme insecurity!


It is necessary to immediately abolish scholarships for international students and go beyond national treatment!

The bonus of 10,000 or 20,000 yuan a year for Chinese students is already very high. But foreign students, regardless of their grades, can easily get 80,000 or 90,000 yuan a year, do they have any special contributions?

Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China

What is even more infuriating is that they are treated preferentially, not to respect us, but to gain an inch, a sense of superiority, in a word, I am a foreigner, I can turn big things into small things, is this reasonable? Why should we give him preferential treatment everywhere?

It's all the other way around, foreign universities only charge tuition fees for foreign students, and the fees are high, invigorating the economy, and domestic students are free!

Each country will definitely have more students from its own country than students from foreign countries, and students from foreign countries will be treated the same as their own country.

Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China


Strengthen discipline and restraint for foreign students.

Foreigners who come to study in China must not be accustomed to them, except that they must pay the same tuition fees as Chinese people. If there is any violation of laws and disciplines, you must accept the punishment of Chinese law!

I saw a video of a black student bullying 1,000 Chinese female classmates in China for three years, and the school gave him a scholarship and told him to bully our Chinese female classmates, what an insult. There are many people who do not change their servility!

We respect people, and others step on you!

According to a recent report by the Washington Post, more and more Chinese students and visiting scholars are being interrogated by U.S. border control officials on their way to the United States, even for hours, which has aroused doubts and disillusionment about the value of studying in the United States.

Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China

In recent years, Chinese students have faced an increasing number of discrimination in foreign countries, ranging from verbal abuse to physical harm. This kind of discrimination not only affects the study and life of international students, but also seriously hurts their self-esteem and dignity.

Write the words from your heart:

The author believes that the mainland should treat foreign students in China the same way, or charge them highly, why do Chinese students ask for money to study abroad, and why do we still pay money for foreign students to come to China? We must adopt a tough attitude.

Chinese students are discriminated against abroad, and foreign students enjoy super-national treatment in China

Looking at the bad habits of foreigners being connived at in China, they are arrogant and domineering, and even have female students to accompany them, which is disrespectful to Chinese education. International students have come to the mainland to study, and they have benefited from this place, so they must treat their own people better, obey and obey, and think about all the arrangements that our country has made for them!

Why do you let foreigners fly high in your own country? I really don't understand, is it that I can't stand up after kneeling for a long time?

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