
When I was invigilating the exam, I opened the test paper and at first glance, I saw that there were too many Japanese elements!

author:Brother Guo said things

When invigilating the exam, when I opened the test paper, I saw that it was full of questions related to Japan, and there were too many Japanese elements! The exam paper was inseparable from it? What the hell is going on? I can't help but sigh that the Japanese culture around me has penetrated so much, so much. Could it be that the discovery of netizens before is true? I really haven't paid much attention to it!

When I was invigilating the exam, I opened the test paper and at first glance, I saw that there were too many Japanese elements!
When I was invigilating the exam, I opened the test paper and at first glance, I saw that there were too many Japanese elements!
When I was invigilating the exam, I opened the test paper and at first glance, I saw that there were too many Japanese elements!
When I was invigilating the exam, I opened the test paper and at first glance, I saw that there were too many Japanese elements!
When I was invigilating the exam, I opened the test paper and at first glance, I saw that there were too many Japanese elements!

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