
Microsoft forces users to agree to cross-border data transfer, how to solve the overlord clause?

author:The third brother of digital life

Recently, many netizens have found that their own win11 system computer,Win11 forced pop-up window appeared when it was turned on,Prompt"Your data will be processed outside your country or region",This text is actually to tell you,All your behaviors and data on the computer,Will be transferred abroad。

Microsoft forces users to agree to cross-border data transfer, how to solve the overlord clause?

Since Microsoft is a U.S. company, no matter where "offshore" it refers to, the data will eventually be taken to the U.S. for analysis and processing, which is also required by the U.S., and wants to get what they want from the data.

The most important thing is that it is not possible to use it without clicking "Next", and there is no option to "cancel", otherwise you will not be able to enter the system desktop.

Although important organizations do not use Microsoft's operating system, many ordinary people and all kinds of large and small companies use Microsoft, and if the United States keeps analyzing our data behind the scenes, they can get a huge amount of valuable business information.

Although, Microsoft had already stated in advance on its official website, but this approach is still too rogue.

Microsoft forces users to agree to cross-border data transfer, how to solve the overlord clause?

Many Windows computer users are worried that the data on their computers will be uploaded abroad, and there is a risk of privacy data leakage.

Microsoft forces users to agree to cross-border data transfer, how to solve the overlord clause?

Because Microsoft serves the world, it has servers all over the world, and when the local server is not enough, in order to avoid line congestion, it will mobilize servers in other places, which has happened in the past.

So what can be done to solve this overlord clause, hooliganism?

First of all, the easiest and most direct way is to reinstall the system, install the computer system back to win10 or win7, and say goodbye to rogue clauses.

The second way is to uninstall the system security patch.

1. Click on the Start menu, then click on "Settings".

Microsoft forces users to agree to cross-border data transfer, how to solve the overlord clause?

2. In the settings window, select "Windows Update" on the left, click "Update History" on the right, and then scroll down to find "Uninstall Update".

Microsoft forces users to agree to cross-border data transfer, how to solve the overlord clause?

3. Finally, uninstall KB5028166 patch here, and you can solve the pop-up window.
