
On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

author:Sunshine Kan emotional


30 years have passed, and "Focus Interview", which was once in the limelight, is now facing a dilemma that is not worthy of its name. Is this leader of the best being drowned out by the tide of the times, or is it waiting for a re-emergence? A little-known behind-the-scenes story is about to be broken down as this article unfolds......

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

1. The 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview".

30 years with China's take-off

The year 1994 was a critical period of reform and opening up. At that time, China's society, economy, people's livelihood and other aspects underwent earth-shaking changes. At this time, "Focus Interview" also came into being, becoming an important window to witness this era.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

In its first few years, the show was in the limelight. It is known for its in-depth reporting and outspoken public opinion supervision function, which not only ranks among the top three in CCTV ratings, but also becomes an important channel for the public to understand social hotspots and pay attention to people's livelihood topics. Whether it's tracking and reporting on current affairs, news background analysis, or a big perspective on social hotspots, "Focus Interview" has done an excellent job.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

However, at that time, 30 years have passed, and "Focus Interview" seems to have lost its name.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Not worthy of the name, the quality has declined

Today's "Focus Interview" has basically lost its former influence. The topic selection tends to be conservative, and most of the reports are "good news but not bad news", and rarely pay attention to social hot spots, grassroots well-being and people's livelihood topics. The farther and farther away from the lives of ordinary people, it feels like it has lost its original "focus" and "interview" essence.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Such a change disappointed many viewers. They complained on the Internet, bluntly saying that the show "has neither focus nor interviews". Some netizens jokingly said, "How can there be a media in the world that only reports good things but not problems?" Another person said, "It's no longer a program that exposes violations of the law or is angry for the people, and the topics are all to cater to the market." "

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

The reason for this is undoubtedly the change in the general environment. With more choices for audiences, and the state-run media always being conservative and wise, it's hard for "Focus Interview" to be as eye-catching as it once was. However, this status quo is undoubtedly regrettable. After all, this once benchmark show has left people with too many good memories.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Hope to regain the glory of the past

Now, Hou Feng, the host of "Focus Interview", has specially recorded a short video to solicit news clues from the whole network, which has aroused a positive response from netizens. Everyone has great expectations, hoping that this show can regain its former glory.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

But that's not the case. A year has passed, and the topic selection of "Focus Interview" has not changed much from before, and it is still mainly based on positive content. Netizens' complaints not only did not decrease, but more and more, and the tone became more and more straightforward.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

This makes people wonder whether "Focus Interview" can regain its former glory, where should it go in this transition period, and whether it will continue to maintain the status quo or make radical changes? These are all worthy of our attention and consideration.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

2. The glorious status of "Focus Interview".

The scenery of the past is the same

Looking back at the history of "Focus Interview", it can be said that it has been advancing all the way with China's take-off. On April 1, 1994, this program was officially launched, which was a critical period of reform and opening up. In the past 30 years, it has witnessed great changes in Chinese society and has become an important window of this era.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

In the first few years, "Focus Interview" was in the limelight. It is known for its in-depth reporting and outspoken public opinion supervision function, which not only ranks among the top three in CCTV ratings, but also becomes an important channel for the public to understand social hotspots and pay attention to people's livelihood topics. Whether it is tracking and reporting current affairs, analyzing news background, or taking a big perspective on social hot spots, it has done an excellent job and has attracted widespread attention.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

To some extent, the show used to be a mirror of China's television news industry, reflecting the real state of society. It not only pays attention to major current political events, but also goes deep into the grassroots, pays attention to the living conditions of ordinary people, dares to face social problems head-on, and becomes an important force in public opinion supervision. It is this unique positioning that has won the love of the audience.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

In-depth reporting and public opinion supervision

When it comes to the influence of "Focus Interview", we have to mention its two major features: in-depth reporting and outspoken public opinion supervision function.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

When it comes to in-depth reporting, this show is always able to get to the bottom of things and dig into the deeper reasons behind the news. It is not satisfied with simple factual reports, but combines a large amount of data and expert interpretation to give the audience a comprehensive and thorough understanding. For example, its in-depth reports on hot issues such as medical reform and food safety left a deep impression on people.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

In terms of public opinion supervision, "Focus Interview" dares to face the dark side of society and is not afraid of offending power. It always pays attention to the interests of the people, adheres to principles, boldly questions and exposes various problems, and speaks out for social fairness and justice. This spirit, which may have been controversial in the past, is now becoming more and more precious.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

It is precisely because of these characteristics that "Focus Interview" has been unique in the past years, and its influence has also widely penetrated all aspects of Chinese society. It is not only an important news column of CCTV, but also a high-profile public opinion guiding force.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Third, the status quo: not worthy of the name, the quality is declining

Not worthy of the name, the quality has deteriorated

However, time flies, 30 years have passed, and "Focus Interview" seems to be no longer worthy of its name. This once beautiful show is now much worse than it used to be.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

First of all, the tone of the topic has changed. In the past, "Focus Interview" dared to report on social issues, supervise power, and speak for the people. But now, it has shifted to the route of "reporting good news but not bad news", and most of the reports are singing praises of virtue, and rarely paying attention to social hot spots and people's livelihood topics.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Second, it has lost its former "focus" and "interview" essence. Once upon a time, the show was known for its in-depth reporting and biting commentary, which always felt refreshing. But these days, it lacks that sharp perspective and insight, and rarely conducts truly in-depth interviews. The show as a whole presents a lackluster state.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

What's even more disappointing is that "Focus Interview" is getting farther and farther away from the lives of ordinary people. It rarely pays attention to the well-being of the grassroots, and rarely speaks up for the people. In this way, it loses its original positioning and value, and makes people feel that it has been detached from reality.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

The audience didn't buy it

Such a change naturally caused dissatisfaction among the audience. They complained online and expressed their disappointment at the declining quality of "Focus Interviews".

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Someone jokingly said, "How can there be a media in the world that only reports good things but not problems?" Someone else bluntly said, "It's no longer a program that exposes violations of the law or is angry for the people, and the topics are all to cater to the market." These words seem to have hit the hearts of many audiences.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

The reason for this is not difficult to find that it is the change in the general environment that has led to the transformation of "Focus Interview". As audiences have more choices, and the official media has always been conservative and wise, this once benchmark program will inevitably face new challenges. But this kind of transformation is obviously not what the audience wants to see.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Fourth, the audience's response and reason analysis

Netizens complained more than once criticized the show for losing its original intention

Many netizens bluntly criticized that "Focus Interview" has lost its original intention and positioning. Someone jokingly said, "How can there be a media in the world that only reports good things but not problems?" Someone else bluntly said, "It's no longer a program that exposes violations of the law or is angry for the people, and the topics are all to cater to the market." These words seem to have hit the hearts of many audiences.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Viewers were clearly disappointed by the decline in the quality of Focus Interviews. They watched this once benchmark program, from in-depth reporting and outspoken public opinion supervision functions, to today's "reporting good news but not bad news". This transformation undoubtedly deviated from the original intention of the show and made the audience feel angry and disappointed.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Reason: The audience has many choices, and the official media is conservative

Behind this kind of audience response, it actually reflects the changes in the overall environment.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

First of all, today's audience has more choices. Unlike in the past, the advent of the Internet era has allowed people to obtain news and information through various channels, no longer limited to traditional media. This has undoubtedly intensified the competition between the shows, and it has also made it difficult for "Focus Interview" to maintain its former dominant position.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Second, there is a general tendency in the state media to be "conservative and wise." Compared with non-governmental self-media, which dare to face social problems, official media are usually more inclined to "report good news but not bad news" and avoid touching on sensitive topics. This attitude also affected the topic orientation of "Focus Interview", which gradually moved away from its original positioning.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Change is not easy

In the face of the audience's doubts, "Focus Interview" seems to have made some moves. The host Hou Feng once specially recorded a short video to solicit news clues from the whole network, which triggered a positive response from netizens.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

But regrettably, a year has passed, and the topic selection of "Focus Interview" has not changed much from before, and it is still mainly based on positive content. Netizens' complaints have not decreased, but have become more and more, and their attitudes have become more and more straightforward.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

This undoubtedly shows that it is not easy for "Focus Interview" to make a real difference. The changes in the general environment, coupled with the characteristics of the official media itself, make it difficult for this show to regain its former style as desired. If you want to really attract the audience and reshape the influence of public opinion, I am afraid that you need to pay a lot of price and effort.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Fifth, the change of the host

It's hard to replace

Unlike the brilliance of Jing Yidan and Bai Yansong, today's "Focus Interview" host can be said to be mediocre.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Among the current hosts, only Lao Chunyan may be familiar with it, but she joined at a time when the TV industry was declining, and the audience's attention was relatively low. As for Hou Feng, Zhang Quanling, Li Xiaomeng and others, although they are all senior hosts, it is often difficult to arouse strong attention and resonance from the audience.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Although these hosts do not have much problem in terms of professionalism, they seem insignificant compared to those classic characters before. The audience still misses the hosts who dared to speak out and lead the way, but it is difficult to find such a "focus" in today's "Focus Interview".

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

Hope to regain the style of the past

In the face of the audience's increasingly indifferent attitude towards the host, "Focus Interview" seems to be looking for a breakthrough. But unfortunately, both the topic and the host seem to be difficult to regain the glory of the past.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

The reason for this is that the general environment has changed. Under the impact of many new media, it is difficult for traditional TV programs to maintain their previous dominant position. Reinventing influence requires a huge price and effort.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

But we still believe that "Focus Interview", as one of the most important news programs in the history of Chinese television, will always have a day to regain its strength. As long as the program team can regain its original intention and adhere to the pursuit of truth and justice, it will once again become the focus of people's attention.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!


We believe that with the continuous progress of Chinese society, "Focus Interview" will also be able to ride the wind and waves and reshape its glory. As long as they unswervingly stick to their original intentions, have the courage to face the dark side of society, and use sincere reports and in-depth analysis to re-become the focus of people's attention and lead the trend of the times.

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!

This once beautiful show will surely reappear in front of the audience with a new look. Let's look forward to the years to come, "Focus Interview" can continue to shoulder the heavy responsibility of public opinion supervision, speak out for social justice, and let the power of truth shine forever!

On the 30th anniversary of the launch of "Focus Interview", netizens complained: There is neither focus, nor interview, nor facts!