
If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

author:Aijia Bari 6V0p

Topic: The story of the active girl who makes the boy's heart move

My name is Li Chen, and I am an ordinary college student. My family background is not wealthy, and my parents are ordinary working-class people, but they have always given me endless love and support, which has allowed me to grow strong in the face of adversity.

If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

When I was in college, I wasn't the type that was particularly popular with girls, and my ordinary appearance and ordinary grades made me not stand out enough among many boys. Although I longed for a partner who could understand and support each other, I never had the courage to take the first step.

Until one day, I met her - a girl who made my heart flutter, and her initiative made me feel warmer than ever.

If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

It was a sunny afternoon, and I was walking around campus alone. Suddenly, a girl walked past me and inadvertently bumped into me. I quickly reached out to hold her and asked if she was hurt.

The girl raised her head, smiled, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm in too much of a hurry to pay attention." ”

If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

Her smile shook my heart, as if the whole world had lit up. I couldn't help but want to look at her more, but she was already hurrying away.

From that day on, I would often meet that girl on campus, and she always took the initiative to greet me and chat with me. Gradually, I found myself developing a special crush on her, and every time I saw her, my heart raced.

If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

One day, she suddenly asked me to go to the library to review with me, and I nodded in surprise, secretly glad in my heart. In the library, we borrowed books from each other, discussed with each other, and I was fascinated by her thirst and enthusiasm for knowledge.

Gradually, our relationship became more and more intimate, and I began to feel that my feelings for her were not just good feelings, but a strong attraction and dependence. However, I didn't know how to express my heart to her, because I was afraid that she would reject me or think I was too presumptuous.

If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

Just as I was hesitating, she suddenly confessed to me. She said that she had always had a crush on me, but because I had not shown my heart, she had been waiting.

I was speechless with shock, and my heart was filled with gratitude and joy. I never thought that she had the same feelings for me. I immediately took her hand and told her that I liked her too, that I liked her initiative, that she was gentle and kind.

If girls take the initiative, are boys really easy to be tempted? Netizens shared, causing tens of thousands of resonances!

From that day on, our relationship took a step further and we became each other's closest partners. Her initiative made me feel unprecedented happiness and satisfaction, and I loved her deeply and was willing to give everything for her.

Later, we went through the college years together, and experienced all kinds of ups and downs, but we always held hands with each other. On the day of the graduation ceremony, I proposed to her, and she readily agreed, and we decided to enter the palace of marriage together and build our own happy family together.

Now, whenever I recall that beautiful old days, I am filled with emotion. If it weren't for her initiative, I might never have discovered my love for her. Her initiative not only moved me, but also allowed me to find the direction and meaning of life.

Therefore, I would like to say to all the boys that it is not terrible for girls to take the initiative, and their courage and sincerity are worthy of our cherishing and response. Because only when we open our hearts and accept each other's love can we find our own happiness.