
You know, which lyrical style is better?

author:Mobao calendula

#直接抒情和间接抒情哪种好? #

You know, which lyrical style is better?

In literary writing, lyricism is an important means of expression, adding a rich emotional color to the work. In lyrical expression, direct lyricism and indirect lyricism are two common techniques, each of which has its own unique advantages and applicable scenarios. So, which is better lyrical?

Direct lyricism, as the name suggests, is when the author directly expresses his or her own emotions, thoughts, and feelings through words. This method is straightforward and straightforward, and can quickly direct the reader's emotions into the emotional atmosphere set by the author. In literary genres such as poetry and prose, direct lyricism is often used to express strong emotions, sing praises of beautiful things, or express inner anguish. For example, in poetry, a poet can express his love for his homeland, his yearning for love, or his praise of nature in strong words. This direct lyrical approach allows readers to directly feel the author's emotional fluctuations and resonate.

Let's talk about the limitations of direct lyricism. Expressions that are too straightforward can sometimes seem monotonous and lack artistry and depth. At the same time, direct lyricism is also easy to fall into the quagmire of emotional catharsis, which makes the work appear too emotional, lacking rational thinking and objective analysis. In addition, direct lyricism also has high requirements for the reader's receptivity and aesthetic level, and if the reader cannot resonate with the author's emotions, then this lyrical method is difficult to play its due role.

You know, which lyrical style is better?

In this poem, Du Mu directly expressed his nostalgia for Huangshan, and directly showed his deep attachment to Huangshan and his inner sorrow through words such as "crazy heart" and "infatuated with the world".

In contrast, indirect lyricism is more subtle and euphemistic. It indirectly expresses the author's emotions and thoughts by depicting scenes, narrating stories, portraying characters, etc. This method is more artistic, can leave more room for imagination for readers, and arouse readers' deep thinking and understanding. In literary genres such as novels, dramas, etc., indirect lyricism is often used to set the mood, portray characters, or move the plot forward. For example, in a novel, the author can indirectly express the emotions and inner world of the characters through the description of the environment, the dialogue of the characters, and the narration of their actions. This indirect lyrical approach not only maintains the objectivity of the work, but also allows the reader to gradually comprehend the author's emotions and intentions during the reading process.

Without exception, indirect lyricism also has its shortcomings. Due to the implicit nature of the expression, it can sometimes make it difficult for the reader to accurately understand the true intention of the author, leading to misunderstandings or ambiguities. At the same time, indirect lyricism requires the author to have a high level of literary literacy and writing skills, otherwise it is difficult to achieve the desired effect. In addition, for the fast-paced, high-pressure modern life, the subtlety of indirect lyricism may feel dull and boring for some readers.

You know, which lyrical style is better?

In this poem, Motoshu indirectly conveys the sorrow of parting and the expectation of the future by depicting the autumn scenery and the activities of the characters. He does not directly state his emotions, but through the depiction of the scenery and the behavior of the characters, the reader can feel his emotions.

You know, which lyrical style is better?

Bian Zhilin's "Broken Chapter" is also a model of indirect lyricism. In this poem, the poet indirectly expresses the subtle relationship between people and the interweaving of emotions by depicting the activities of the characters and the relationship between the scenery.

Whether direct or indirect lyrical, they are an important means of expressing emotions in literary works. Direct lyricism is straightforward and can quickly touch the reader's heart, while indirect lyricism is more subtle and euphemistic, leaving more room for the reader's imagination. In literary creation, according to the theme and emotional needs of the work, the author can flexibly use these two lyrical methods to achieve the best expression effect.

Personally, I still prefer indirect lyricism, just like what used to be very popular: "If you want to write about the wind, you can't just write about the wind, you have to write about the wicker gently and gently floating into your heart, the bamboo raft gently drifting, and the lake is phosphorescent on the surface."

What do you think?

You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?
You know, which lyrical style is better?