
Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the 4 bad habits of diligence to get rid of, the more diligent the more likely it is to get sick and affect health

author:Medical JIA

Uncle Zhang has always been known for his diligence. After retiring, he devoted more time to household chores and gardening activities, wiping his home spotless every day and leaving every leaf in the garden free of dust. However, just last month, Uncle Zhang suddenly fainted, and after being sent to the hospital, he was diagnosed with severe skin allergies and decreased immune function. Upon inquiry, the doctor found out that it was a prolonged period of overexposure to detergents and pollen, as well as a lack of necessary rest, that caused all this. This story reminds us that even with good intentions, excessive "diligence" can have adverse health effects.

Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the 4 bad habits of diligence to get rid of, the more diligent the more likely it is to get sick and affect health

Excessive cleaning: a "sterile" misconception in the home environment

In the context of the current health awareness, many middle-aged and elderly people strive for the ultimate cleanliness of the home environment, believing that this can avoid the invasion of diseases. However, scientific data show that some degree of exposure to bacteria and microorganisms is beneficial to the human body, especially for the development and maintenance of the immune system. A study in the journal Environmental Health and Disease Prevention pointed out that middle-aged and elderly people living in over-disinfected environments have relatively high rates of skin sensitivity and allergic diseases.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people arrange the frequency of household cleaning reasonably, such as deep cleaning once a week, and daily maintenance can be reduced to necessary cleaning. Use gentle, low-irritation cleaners and open windows for ventilation to reduce chemical build-up and potential health risks.

Excessive exercise: the golden bell jar or cumbersome of exercise?

Exercise is an important way to stay healthy, but overdoing it can be counterproductive. Middle-aged and elderly people are not as tolerant as they were when they were young due to the gradual deterioration of their physical functions. A study in adults over the age of 50 found that those who participated in high-intensity, uninterrupted exercise had a significantly higher risk of heart attack and joint damage.

Middle-aged and elderly people should choose exercises that are suitable for their conditions, such as walking, tai chi or yoga, which can effectively improve physical fitness and reduce the risk of injury. What's more, scheduling adequate rest and recovery time in your exercise program gives your body a chance to recover and adapt to the stress that comes with exercise. In this way, exercise can truly become a guarantee of health, rather than a burden.

Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the 4 bad habits of diligence to get rid of, the more diligent the more likely it is to get sick and affect health

Excessive dieting: the dangers of extreme eating habits

Extreme eating habits, especially long-term strict dieting, can pose a serious threat to the health of middle-aged and elderly people. The metabolism of middle-aged and elderly people is already slowed down by age, and the demand for nutrients is still high, but too little intake can lead to malnutrition. For example, an unbalanced diet can lead to deficiencies in protein, vitamin D, and calcium in the body, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and sarcopenia. According to nutritional guidance, middle-aged and elderly people should moderate their intake of whole grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits and vegetables to maintain the normal functioning of various body systems.

In addition, extreme eating habits such as intermittent fasting may exacerbate the risk of chronic disease. Long-term nutritional deficiencies may lead to endocrine disorders, affect blood sugar stability, and then aggravate the condition of abnormal glucose metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people follow the principles of a nutritionally balanced diet, avoid long-term fasting, and ensure a stable supply of energy and nutrients.

Lack of rest: the hidden danger of prolonged exertion

Constant exertion and lack of rest can seriously affect the health of middle-aged and elderly people. Proper rest is key to restoring strength, maintaining immune function, and mental health. Long-term lack of rest can lead to a chronic stress response, a state of stress that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and can lead to cognitive decline.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people get enough sleep every day, and 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep is essential to maintain physical and mental health. In addition, taking short breaks or naps during the day can also improve quality of life and enhance daily vitality. Appropriate relaxation activities, such as light walks or breathing exercises, can also help reduce stress and increase life satisfaction.

Free yourself from the trap of diligence

Excessive diligence, whether in housework, exercise or dieting, can become a health obstacle for middle-aged and elderly people. Understanding and adapting these habits is essential to maintaining and improving quality of life. By changing unreasonable habits of cleaning, exercise, diet and rest, middle-aged and elderly people can avoid many health problems and improve their sense of well-being.

We encourage middle-aged and elderly friends to make a reasonable daily life plan based on their personal health conditions. Simple changes such as proper sleep schedule, moderate exercise and avoiding extreme eating habits can have positive health benefits. Listening to your body is not only responsible for yourself, but also for your family. Let's start now, adjust our lifestyle habits wisely, and enjoy a healthy old age.

Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the 4 bad habits of diligence to get rid of, the more diligent the more likely it is to get sick and affect health