

author:Grass and rice

Qingming holiday, traffic jams, overtime overtime.

The holiday in the circle of friends, 996 of 996.

The scenic spot is crowded with people, the price of hotel air tickets has increased several times, and even the high-speed free has become "free suffering".

Is this scene familiar?

That's right, every year.


Qingming ancestor worship, May Day Golden Week, Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, National Day tourism, it seems that we are always busy with the festival.

No, to be precise, we seem to be busy all the time, from life to death, we never stopped.

The life of Chinese seems to be for several things: the high school entrance examination, the college entrance examination, junior college, undergraduate, public examination, and graduate school entrance examination.

During the short Spring Festival, he waved goodbye when he returned home.

Holidays full of anticipation, two days off after a week of tired work.


And that countdown before the end of work every day.

From a child to a so-called adult, to have a child to make a so-called adult, and then repeat the path we have traveled and go through the various exams we have experienced.

I thought it would be easy after the college entrance examination, I thought it would be easy after graduation, I thought it would be easy when my job was stable, I thought it would be easy after I got married and had a baby, and I thought it would be easy when my children grew up.

But it seems that we are always busy for the result.

So, what is we doing in this life?

We are busy traveling, busy taking holidays, busy living, and busy dying.


Every day is busy, but no one can explain why they are so busy.

Is it for the house and car tickets, or is it overwhelmed by other people's expectations and your own inertia?

Wanting too much and having too little time may be a portrayal of contemporary Chinese.

We are carried forward by the torrent of the times, but we often get lost in our busyness.

Everyone is running, but not everyone knows where they are going.

Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that the meaning of life is not there.

Life is short, but it's enough to have a good love, work hard, play hard, and do a few things you really love.


Busy, not terrible.

The terrible thing is that we lose ourselves in one goal after another, forgetting the preciousness of life.

Perhaps, once in a while, we can slow down and try not to live for the result.

As Ernest Hemingway said, "Man is not born to defeat fate, but to live." "

Don't keep yourself busy so much that you don't even have time to dream, my dear.

When you're done with this, give yourself a long vacation.

Do something you've always wanted to do but never tried, and fulfill those little wishes that were once put on hold.

Don't let life down.