
China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

author:Lao Xie chatted about things
China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

When it comes to quintuplets, perhaps everyone will not be surprised, after all, with the continuous development of medical technology in mainland China in recent years, multiple births are not uncommon in the mainland.

But 22 years ago, the first case of quintuplets appeared in the mainland.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

The first quintuplets in mainland China were born in an ordinary family in rural Hebei, and their mother, Wang Cuiying, naturally conceived quintuplets at the age of 35.

In 2008, due to a coincidence, it was during the National Olympic Games.

The quintuplets were specially invited by the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee at that time to be the spokespersons of the "Olympic Five Fuwa" and appeared at the Olympic torch relay ceremony.

However, after many years, the father of the quintuplets died due to overwork, and the mother grew up alone. How have they fared in the past 22 years?

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

1. Five blessings from the sky

Time pushed back 23 years ago, Wang Cuiying, a peasant woman in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, was found to be pregnant in the hospital, and Wang Cuiying and his wife had a daughter at that time.

After the examination of the doctors of the county hospital at that time, it was found that Wang Cuiying had four small lives in her body.

This frightened Wang Cuiying and his wife, who already had a child at home, and how could they get four more.

At the doctor's suggestion, Wang Cuiying and his wife came to a big hospital in Beijing to see if they could do fetal reduction surgery.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

Even more surprising things happened, it turned out that Wang Cuiying was not pregnant with quadruplets, but quintuplets!

Prior to this, there were no real cases of successful birth of quintuplets in China. The situation also surprised doctors in Beijing.

However, after relevant examinations, it was found that because Wang Cuiying had ovarian surgery before, and the fetus was already large, she could no longer have fetal reduction surgery.

After careful consideration by her husband Zhu Cunbao and Wang Cuiying, she decided to give it a try, after all, the doctor said that there is no successful case of giving birth to quintuplets in China, and it is likely to have a spontaneous miscarriage in the later stage.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

The journey of quintuplets pregnancy is extremely difficult, and when Wang Cuiying is six months pregnant, her belly is much larger than that of an ordinary pregnant woman.

This also caused her to be almost unable to get out of bed and walk around in the later stage, and could only lie in bed to give birth.

And due to the large number and large volume of fetuses in the womb, the uterus compresses the stomach, and Wang Cuiying's physical function has also been damaged to a certain extent.

I feel nauseous and uncomfortable every day, and I vomit and vomit after eating food.

Time flickered, until Wang Cuiying was seven months pregnant, and there was no miscarriage. At this time, Wang Cuiying's body was exhausted and she could only have an emergency caesarean section.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

With the joint efforts of more than 20 doctors, all the quintuplets were finally delivered.

The five babies are all healthy, three girls and two boys, which is also the first case of the successful birth of quintuplets in the mainland!

The difficulties along the way to pregnancy, at the moment when the baby was born safely, all melted into tears and dissipated.

Wang Cuiying and Cunbao named the five children with the word "Fu". In the dark, it also laid the groundwork for these five children to become the spokespersons of the Olympic Games in the future.

Second, raising children is more difficult than giving birth

For Wang Cuiying and his wife, perhaps the moment when only five children were born was joyful. What awaits them next is endless toil.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

Within a few days of the birth of the quintuplets, the second child was found to have a congenital disease and needed surgery. Coupled with the milk powder money and birth expenses of the other four children, in 2002, Wang Cuiying and Zhucunbao spent 300,000 yuan in one month.

This is undoubtedly worse for Wang Cuiying and his wife, and this high debt makes the two who were originally farmers almost out of breath.

Fortunately, after media reports and publicity at that time, some social fundraising was obtained, which relieved some of the pressure on the two of them.

But the growth of five children needs a certain amount of financial support, not to mention that there is a daughter in the family, and after the five children are full moon, her husband chooses to work in other places.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

and his wife, Wang Cuiying, stayed at home alone to take care of several children.

Later, I was fortunate to be sponsored by well-wishers, and the five children were given the opportunity to go to Beijing to study in kindergarten, and Wang Cuiying immediately went to Beijing to do odd jobs.

Although Wang Cuiying and her husband and wife work day and night, the money they earn is only enough to maintain basic expenses.

Wang Cuiying later recalled those days, saying that the happiest moment of the day for the children was in the kindergarten, because the food in the kindergarten was much better than at home.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

Until the eve of 2008, the mainland won the Olympics, and the mascot of the Olympics happened to be Wufuwa.

Zhu Cunbao thought that his five children also had the word "Fu" in their names and were related to the Olympics, so he discussed with his wife to submit an application to the Olympic Committee and let the quintuplets be real "Fuwa".

After the Chinese Olympic Games received the application of Wang Cuiying and his wife, after discussion, the identity of the five children "Wufuwa" was officially recognized, and the five children were allowed to carry the torch.

This behavior made the quintuplets quickly popular, and the story of their family was widely disseminated, and also won donations from many business owners and caring people.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

Not only did it support their expenses from elementary school to junior high school, but it also sent these five children to learn martial arts and other interest classes.

Perhaps the "Five Fuwa" are really lucky, and with the help of people in the society, their family's life can barely be supported.

But the family still has to work hard for the family, and the children do not have the opportunity to see their father several times a year since they were born.

However, after the child entered junior high school, with the dissipation of the popularity of the "Olympic Five Fuwa", many enterprises and caring people gradually stopped funding.

At this time, the children were about to enter high school, and at the time when the academic expenses were the most intense, Wang Cuiying still chose to take the children back to Hebei.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

In 2016, Wang Cuiying took her children to participate in the large-scale variety show "Mamma Mia".

In the program, several children expressed their gratitude to their mother, and said that they missed their father very much, and hoped to reunite with their father and live happily together as a family.

The program team also invited Cunbao, and on stage, the family was finally reunited.

He said frankly that although the family gathers less and leaves more, and the couple's education level is not high, the five children have not let them worry about it.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

The sky is not beautiful, just a year after the five children made a wish on the show that they "hope to see their father often".

Their father, Depository Treasure, passed away due to overwork, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to this already stressed family.

Since then, the burden of the family has all fallen on her mother, Wang Cuiying.

Fortunately, at this time, the five children were able to live independently, and the five children would also use the holidays to work and study, and the days were barely supported.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

It was not until 2020 that the five children finally ushered in the college entrance examination, and at this time, it was during the epidemic, and the college entrance examination was also postponed for a month, and most of the time the children could only study online at home.

And the five children are still very competitive, and four of them are undergraduates.

Wang Cuiying also sighed: "In fact, the second child is the one who studies hard, but he is the only one who has not been admitted to the undergraduate." ”

3. After 18 years of ups and downs, is everything worth it?

Life is only a few decades, and having children occupies the best eighteen years.

When the five children grew up and successfully entered college, someone interviewed Wang Cuiying about her views over the years.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

Just when everyone thought that Wang Cuiying should be full of hope at this time, she replied, "If I do it all over again, I don't want to have a child."

This answer seems unexpected, but it is also true, and this sentence is enough to contain all the sadness and pain in the past eighteen years.

It is a mother's nature and responsibility to choose to go through all the hardships to raise her children, but in addition to the identity of a mother, she is just an ordinary person.

These five children have "Fu" in their names, and they are related to the Olympic Fuwa, and it is true that because of their own halo, the original ordinary family continues to appear in the public eye.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

But have the five children really brought blessings to the family, maybe after these five children finish college and work, they will repay their mother's nurturing grace and make their mother happy.

But in the first eighteen years, the family had not been blessed much.

Perhaps at the moment when Mr. and Mrs. Cuiying decided to give birth to quintuplets, they did not really think that it would be so difficult to raise them in the future.

Over the years, Wang Cuiying and his wife have been separated for a long time, and her husband has passed away due to fatigue.

Although the five children were successfully admitted to university, they also have an eldest daughter, who is even more pitiful than the quintuplets.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

Although the quintuplets did not live well, they were always by their mother's side, while the eldest daughter was left alone in her hometown to be cared for by relatives.

The quintuplets have also received social attention because of their aura, and have also gained some opportunities and benefits. And these, the sisters of the same father and mother do not have.

In the matter of raising quintuplets, her mother Wang Cuiying has done perfectly, and she has done everything she can. And as the mother of the eldest daughter, a wife, why doesn't she fail?

Without these five children, the family would not be wealthy, but they would have lived a stable life.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

At least the husband and wife don't have to separate, the husband may still be alive, and the family of three will stay in the small village of Hebei to enjoy the ordinary happiness.

Maybe this kind of day is what Wang Cuiying is looking forward to.


After reading the story of quintuplets, perhaps everyone will sigh. I believe that the hardships that their family has endured over the years are far more bitter than described in words.

Having children is one of the most important decisions in this life, and we have always celebrated the greatness of motherhood, but some motherhood is based on the pain of mothers.

China's first quintuplets: the father has died of exhaustion, and the mother raises the baby alone, what is happening now?

The hardships of raising a child are far more difficult than we think.

From pregnancy to raising quintuplets, Wang Cuiying has worked hard every moment, and perhaps there is a little sweetness in it.

But she also really lost the happiness and freedom of her peers, and her motherhood overwhelmed her. Every mother should think about herself while thinking about her children!

Well, today's article is shared here, if you still have different views and suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area, thank you for reading, and we'll see you next time.

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