
Twenty-three years of perseverance, ordinary casting extraordinary

author:The mouth of the National Gate

A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission Price Certification Center carried out the 2021-2022 advanced price certification institutions and excellent price certification personnel selection and promotion activities in the whole system. It is reported that only 5 comrades in the province won this honor.

Twenty-three years of perseverance, ordinary casting extraordinary

Yue Haisong at work

Yue Haisong, male, born in 1976, joined the work in 1996, and has been working in the Price Regulation Management and Monitoring Section of the Development and Reform Bureau of Hekou County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province since 2000, and has been engaged in price identification for 23 years.

It is my responsibility and mission to do ordinary things to a high standard

At nine o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, Yue Haisong came to Fuxin Supermarket as usual to start the price collection of important livelihood commodities that day.

Twenty-three years of perseverance, ordinary casting extraordinary

Yue Haisong carried out the price collection of important livelihood commodities in supermarkets

Aquatic product area, meat and egg area, grain and oil area, fruit and vegetable area...... Yue Haisong walked through each partition in turn, recorded the price information of the monitored commodities in real time, and marked the commodities with large fluctuations. And a registration form, a pen, and a mobile phone are all Yue Haisong's equipment.

"The price of aquatic products in the estuary has basically not changed much, the price of pork fluctuates a lot, but it is cyclical, and from the data, the recent hog price is running in a relatively ideal price range. Talking about the price dynamics of important livelihood commodities in the county, Yue Haisong is like a few treasures, he introduced, while skillfully walking towards the condiment vegetable area, "In the past few weeks, the focus of our monitoring is garlic prices, because combined with the year-on-year increase and month-on-month growth, the recent garlic price has a trend of 'garlic you ruthless', and I will go to the market to understand the retail price and wholesale price in a while." ”

Twenty-three years of perseverance, ordinary casting extraordinary

Yue Haisong carried out the price collection of important livelihood commodities in supermarkets

After completing the price collection work in the supermarket, Yue Haisong went to the two larger local vegetable markets, "The price of fruits and vegetables in the supermarket generally does not change too much, and many vegetables are special drainage, and the reference is low. Yue Haisong said that as a qualified price monitoring staff, it is not only necessary to record data and information, but also to predict the trend of price changes based on previous data and years of work experience. Once there is an abnormal price change, it is necessary to find out the root cause, find out the reason, and report it truthfully.

Twenty-three years of perseverance, ordinary casting extraordinary

Yue Haisong carried out the price collection of important livelihood commodities in the vegetable market

After collecting the price data that morning, Yue Haisong drove back to the unit to sort out the day's important livelihood commodity price monitoring report, this work process, Yue Haisong has been repeated for 23 years, whether it is windy or rainy or holidays, this work has not stopped. "Price monitoring is a very basic work, but the price monitoring index is the 'barometer' of economic development, and also provides data support and decision-making reference for the government to implement macroeconomic control policies. ”

It is necessary to turn every case of price determination into an ironclad case

In addition to price monitoring, Yue Haisong also has rich work experience and profound professional skills in price determination. Hekou County is located on the border of Yunnan Province, and the price determination work is complex and difficult.

Twenty-three years of perseverance, ordinary casting extraordinary

Yue Haisong certified the price of the items involved in the case

Since engaging in price certification work, Yue Haisong has always adhered to the concept of "making every price determination case an iron case", insisting on on-site inspection, photographing, inventory and other inquest records for each case that needs to be identified, striving for clear facts and conclusive and sufficient evidence, and at the same time strictly controlling the price and conclusion of the inquiry, and adopting a combination of market investigation and online inquiry to ensure that the conclusion is objective, scientific, accurate and fair.

Even though he is already the oldest price recognition worker in Hekou County, Yue Haisong has never relaxed his work requirements and has never stopped learning. On his desk, in addition to the neatly stacked files of price determination cases, there are also reference materials such as "National Price Determination and Appraisal Regulations, Policies and Selections" and "Price Determination Work Manual". Yue Haisong said, "The price determination work in the new era is facing many challenges and opportunities. With the in-depth development of the market economy, the price determination work must not only ensure accuracy and fairness, but also adapt to the rapidly changing market environment, so as long as I am on the job for one day, I must not slack off!"

Photo/text: Li Yanwei

Correspondent: Yu Zhouqing, County Development and Reform Bureau